module Pantograph class SetupIos < Setup # Reference to the iOS project `project.rb` attr_accessor :project # App Identifier of the current app attr_accessor :app_identifier # Scheme of the Xcode project attr_accessor :scheme # If the current setup requires a login, this is where we'll store the team ID attr_accessor :itc_team_id attr_accessor :adp_team_id attr_accessor :app_exists_on_itc attr_accessor :automatic_versioning_enabled def setup_ios require 'spaceship' self.platform = :ios welcome_to_pantograph self.pantfile_content = pantfile_template_content if preferred_setup_method self.send(preferred_setup_method) return end options = { "📸 Automate screenshots" => :ios_screenshots, "👩‍✈️ Automate beta distribution to TestFlight" => :ios_testflight, "🚀 Automate App Store distribution" => :ios_app_store, "🛠 Manual setup - manually setup your project to automate your tasks" => :ios_manual } selected ="What would you like to use pantograph for?", options.keys) @method_to_use = options[selected] begin self.send(@method_to_use) rescue => ex # If it's already manual, and it has failed # we need to re-raise the exception, as something definitely is wrong raise ex if @method_to_use == :ios_manual # If we're here, that means something else failed. We now show the # error message and fallback to `:ios_manual` UI.error("--------------------") UI.error("pantograph init failed") UI.error("--------------------") UI.verbose(ex.backtrace.join("\n")) if ex.kind_of?(Spaceship::Client::BasicPreferredInfoError) || ex.kind_of?(Spaceship::Client::UnexpectedResponse) UI.error(ex.preferred_error_info) else UI.error(ex.to_s) end UI.important("Something failed while running `pantograph init`") UI.important("Tried using Apple ID with email '#{self.user}'") UI.important("You can either retry, or fallback to manual setup which will create a basic Pantfile") if UI.confirm("Would you like to fallback to a manual Pantfile?") self.ios_manual else self.send(@method_to_use) end # the second time, we're just failing, and don't use a `begin` `rescue` block any more end end # Different iOS flows def ios_testflight UI.header("Setting up pantograph for iOS TestFlight distribution") find_and_setup_xcode_project apple_xcode_project_versioning_enabled ask_for_credentials(adp: true, itc: true) verify_app_exists_adp! verify_app_exists_itc! lane = ["desc \"Push a new beta build to TestFlight\"", "lane :beta do", increment_build_number_if_applicable, " build_app(#{project_prefix}scheme: \"#{self.scheme}\")", " upload_to_testflight", "end"] self.append_lane(lane) self.lane_to_mention = "beta" finish_up end def ios_app_store UI.header("Setting up pantograph for iOS App Store distribution") find_and_setup_xcode_project apple_xcode_project_versioning_enabled ask_for_credentials(adp: true, itc: true) verify_app_exists_adp! verify_app_exists_itc! if self.app_exists_on_itc UI.header("Manage app metadata?") UI.message("Would you like to have pantograph manage your app's metadata?") UI.message("If you enable this feature, pantograph will download your existing metadata and screenshots.") UI.message("This way, you'll be able to edit your app's metadata in local `.txt` files.") UI.message("After editing the local `.txt` files, just run pantograph and all changes will be pushed up.") UI.message("If you don't want to use this feature, you can still use pantograph to upload and distribute new builds to the App Store") end lane = ["desc \"Push a new release build to the App Store\"", "lane :release do", increment_build_number_if_applicable, " build_app(#{project_prefix}scheme: \"#{self.scheme}\")"] if include_metadata lane << " upload_to_app_store" else lane << " upload_to_app_store(skip_metadata: true, skip_screenshots: true)" end lane << "end" append_lane(lane) self.lane_to_mention = "release" finish_up end def ios_screenshots UI.header("Setting up pantograph to automate iOS screenshots") UI.message("pantograph uses UI Tests to automate generating localized screenshots of your iOS app") UI.message("pantograph will now create 2 helper files that are needed to get the setup running") UI.message("For more information on how this works and best practices, check out") UI.message("\t".cyan) continue_with_enter begin find_and_setup_xcode_project(ask_for_scheme: false) # to get the bundle identifier rescue => ex # If this fails, it's no big deal, since we really just want the bundle identifier # so instead, we'll just ask the user UI.verbose(ex.to_s) end continue_with_enter available_schemes = self.project.schemes ui_testing_scheme ="Which is your UI Testing scheme? If you can't find it in this list, make sure it's marked as `Shared` in the Xcode scheme list", available_schemes) UI.header("Automatically upload to iTC?") UI.message("Would you like pantograph to automatically upload all generated screenshots to App Store Connect") UI.message("after generating them?") UI.message("If you enable this feature you'll need to provide your App Store Connect credentials so pantograph can upload the screenshots to App Store Connect") automatic_upload = UI.confirm("Enable automatic upload of localized screenshots to App Store Connect?") if automatic_upload ask_for_credentials(adp: true, itc: true) verify_app_exists_itc! end lane = ["desc \"Generate new localized screenshots\"", "lane :screenshots do", " capture_screenshots(#{project_prefix}scheme: \"#{ui_testing_scheme}\")"] if automatic_upload lane << " upload_to_app_store(skip_binary_upload: true, skip_metadata: true)" end lane << "end" append_lane(lane) self.lane_to_mention = "screenshots" finish_up end def ios_manual UI.header("Setting up pantograph so you can manually configure it") append_lane(["desc \"Description of what the lane does\"", "lane :custom_lane do", " # add actions here:", "end"]) self.lane_to_mention = "custom_lane" finish_up end # Helpers # Every installation setup that needs an Xcode project should # call this method def find_and_setup_xcode_project(ask_for_scheme: true) UI.message("Parsing your local Xcode project to find the available schemes and the app identifier") config = {} # this is needed as the first method call will store information in there if self.project_path.end_with?("xcworkspace") config[:workspace] = self.project_path else config[:project] = self.project_path end PantographCore::Project.detect_projects(config) self.project = if ask_for_scheme self.scheme = self.project.select_scheme(preferred_to_include: self.project.project_name) end self.app_identifier = self.project.default_app_identifier # These two vars need to be accessed in order to be set if self.app_identifier.to_s.length == 0 ask_for_bundle_identifier end end def ask_for_bundle_identifier loop do return if self.app_identifier.to_s.length > 0 self.app_identifier = UI.input("Bundle identifier of your app: ") end end def ask_for_credentials(itc: true, adp: false) UI.header("Login with your Apple ID") UI.message("To use App Store Connect and Apple Developer Portal features as part of pantograph,") UI.message("we will ask you for your Apple ID username and password") UI.message("This is necessary for certain pantograph features, for example:") UI.message("") UI.message("- Create and manage your provisioning profiles on the Developer Portal") UI.message("- Upload and manage TestFlight and App Store builds on App Store Connect") UI.message("- Manage your App Store Connect app metadata and screenshots") UI.message("") UI.message("Your Apple ID credentials will only be stored in your Keychain, on your local machine") UI.message("For more information, check out") UI.message("\t".cyan) UI.message("") if self.user.to_s.length == 0 UI.important("Please enter your Apple ID developer credentials") self.user = UI.input("Apple ID Username:") end UI.message("Logging in...") # Disable the warning texts and information that's not relevant during onboarding ENV["PANTOGRAPH_HIDE_LOGIN_INFORMATION"] = 1.to_s ENV["PANTOGRAPH_HIDE_TEAM_INFORMATION"] = 1.to_s if itc Spaceship::Tunes.login(self.user) Spaceship::Tunes.select_team self.itc_team_id = Spaceship::Tunes.client.team_id end if adp Spaceship::Portal.login(self.user) Spaceship::Portal.select_team self.adp_team_id = Spaceship::Portal.client.team_id end UI.success("✅ Logging in with your Apple ID was successful") end def apple_xcode_project_versioning_enabled self.automatic_versioning_enabled = false paths = self.project.project_paths return false if paths.count == 0 result ={ project: paths.first, # most of the times, there will only be one project in there hide_error_when_versioning_disabled: true }) if result.kind_of?(String) && result.to_f > 0 self.automatic_versioning_enabled = true end return self.automatic_versioning_enabled end def show_information_about_version_bumps UI.important("It looks like your project isn't set up to do automatic version incrementing") UI.important("To enable pantograph to handle automatic version incrementing for you, please follow this guide:") UI.message("\t".cyan) UI.important("Afterwards check out the pantograph docs on how to set up automatic build increments") UI.message("\t".cyan) end def verify_app_exists_adp! UI.user_error!("No app identifier provided") if self.app_identifier.to_s.length == 0 UI.message("Checking if the app '#{self.app_identifier}' exists in your Apple Developer Portal...") app = Spaceship::Portal::App.find(self.app_identifier) if app.nil? UI.error("It looks like the app '#{self.app_identifier}' isn't available on the #{'Apple Developer Portal'.bold.underline}") UI.error("for the team ID '#{self.adp_team_id}' on Apple ID '#{self.user}'") if UI.confirm("Do you want pantograph to create the App ID for you on the Apple Developer Portal?") create_app_online!(mode: :adp) else UI.important("Alright, we won't create the app for you. Be aware, the build is probably going to fail when you try it") end else UI.success("✅ Your app '#{self.app_identifier}' is available in your Apple Developer Portal") end end def verify_app_exists_itc! UI.user_error!("No app identifier provided") if self.app_identifier.to_s.length == 0 UI.message("Checking if the app '#{self.app_identifier}' exists on App Store Connect...") app = Spaceship::Tunes::Application.find(self.app_identifier) if app.nil? UI.error("Looks like the app '#{self.app_identifier}' isn't available on #{'App Store Connect'.bold.underline}") UI.error("for the team ID '#{self.itc_team_id}' on Apple ID '#{self.user}'") if UI.confirm("Would you like pantograph to create the App on App Store Connect for you?") create_app_online!(mode: :itc) self.app_exists_on_itc = true else UI.important("Alright, we won't create the app for you. Be aware, the build is probably going to fail when you try it") end else UI.success("✅ Your app '#{self.app_identifier}' is available on App Store Connect") self.app_exists_on_itc = true end end def finish_up # iOS specific things first if !self.automatic_versioning_enabled && @method_to_use != :ios_manual self.show_information_about_version_bumps end super end # Returns the `workspace` or `project` key/value pair for # gym, but only if necessary # (when there are multiple projects in the current directory) # it's a prefix, and not a suffix, as Swift cares about the order of parameters def project_prefix return "" unless self.had_multiple_projects_to_choose_from if self.project_path.end_with?(".xcworkspace") return "workspace: \"#{self.project_path}\", " else return "project: \"#{self.project_path}\", " end end def increment_build_number_if_applicable return nil unless self.automatic_versioning_enabled return nil if self.project.project_paths.first.to_s.length == 0 project_path = self.project.project_paths.first # Convert the absolute path to a relative path project_path_name = current_path_name =".")) relative_project_path = project_path_name.relative_path_from(current_path_name) return " increment_build_number(xcodeproj: \"#{relative_project_path}\")" end def create_app_online!(mode: nil) # mode is either :adp or :itc require 'produce' produce_options = { username: self.user, team_id: self.adp_team_id, itc_team_id: self.itc_team_id, platform: "ios", app_identifier: self.app_identifier } if mode == :adp produce_options[:skip_itc] = true else produce_options[:skip_devcenter] = true end # The retrying system allows people to correct invalid inputs # e.g. the app's name is already taken loop do # Creating config in the loop so user will be reprompted # for app name if app name is taken or too long Produce.config = PantographCore::Configuration.create( Produce::Options.available_options, produce_options ) begin Produce::Manager.start_producing UI.success("✅ Successfully created app") return # success rescue => ex # show the user facing error, and inform them of what went wrong if ex.kind_of?(Spaceship::Client::BasicPreferredInfoError) || ex.kind_of?(Spaceship::Client::UnexpectedResponse) UI.error(ex.preferred_error_info) else UI.error(ex.to_s) end UI.error(ex.backtrace.join("\n")) if PantographCore::Globals.verbose? UI.important("It looks like something went wrong when we tried to create your app on the Apple Developer Portal") unless UI.confirm("Would you like to try again (y)? If you enter (n), pantograph will fall back to the manual setup") raise ex end end end end end # rubocop:enable Metrics/ClassLength end