Feature: Boostrapping Omnitest uses the [script/bootstrap](http://wynnnetherland.com/linked/2013012801/bootstrapping-consistency) pattern to prepare projects for testing. You can hook into any package manager, compiler, build tool, or any other toolchain to prepare to build and run samples. Scenario: Bootstrapping all projects Given the ruby project And the java project And the python project And the sample omnitest config And the hello_world skeptic config When I run `bundle exec omnitest bootstrap` Then the output should contain "-----> Bootstrapping java" Then the output should contain "-----> Bootstrapping python" Then the output should contain "-----> Bootstrapping ruby" Scenario: Bootstrapping selected projects Given the ruby project And the java project And the python project And the sample omnitest config And the hello_world skeptic config When I run `bundle exec omnitest bootstrap "(java|ruby)"` Then the output should contain "-----> Bootstrapping java" Then the output should not contain "-----> Bootstrapping python" Then the output should contain "-----> Bootstrapping ruby"