vocabulary Diplomacy; /* * Value Types */ CountryName is written as String; DiplomatName is written as String; LanguageName is written as String; /* * Entity Types */ Country is identified by its Name; Diplomat is identified by its Name; Diplomat represents one Country; Diplomat serves in one Country; Language is identified by its Name; LanguageUse is where Language is spoken in Country, Country uses at least one Language; Ambassador is a kind of Diplomat; Fluency is where Diplomat speaks at least one Language, Language is spoken by Diplomat; Representation is where Ambassador is from Country(1) to Country(2), Country(1) is represented in Country(2) by one Ambassador; /* * Constraints: */ for each Diplomat, Country at most one of these holds: Diplomat serves in Country, Diplomat represents Country; Ambassador is from Country(1) to Country(2) only if Ambassador is a kind of Diplomat that represents Country(1); Ambassador is from Country(2) to Country(1) only if Ambassador is a kind of Diplomat that serves in Country(1); Diplomat serves in Country only if Diplomat speaks Language that is spoken in Country; each Ambassador occurs at least one time in Ambassador is from Country to Country;