# no Gemfile.lock on git # there are two references for different DM versions * ~> 1.1.0 * ~> 1.0.0 with a simple symbolic link you can switch between these two profiles. `$ ln -s Gemfile.lock.1.1.0 Gemfile.lock` for that reason Gemfile.lock in not on github, so the script run-all.sh # run specs # `$ bundle exec spec spec` or for some jruby versions (which needs jruby and ruby-maven gem) `$ rmvn test` `$ rmvn test --Djruby.versions=1.5.6,1.6.2 -Djruby.18and19 # build gem for the ruby platform `$ gem build dm-ldap-adapter.gemspec` or for java platform (needs jruby and ruby-maven gem) `$ rmvn package` gem will be inside target/dm-ldap-adapter directory.