require ::File.expand_path('../spec_helper.rb', __FILE__) describe FnordMetric::GaugeModifiers do before(:all) do @now = Time.utc(1992,01,13,5,23,23).to_i @redis = @redis_wrap = @namespace =, :redis_prefix => "fnordmetric") @namespace.ready!(@redis_wrap, @redis) end before(:each) do @redis.keys("fnordmetrics-myns*").each { |k| @redis.del(k) } @redis.keys("fnordmetric-myns*").each { |k| @redis.del(k) } end describe "increment zero-config gauges" do it "should create and increment zero-config gauges" do @namespace.announce( :_type => "_incr", :_eid => 1234, :_time => 1360584960, :value => 42, :gauge => "sales-per-second", :flush_interval => 20 ) @namespace.gauges[:"sales-per-second"].should be_a(Gauge) gauge_key = "fnordmetric-myns_213-gauge-sales-per-second-20" @redis.hget(gauge_key, "1360584960").should == "42" @namespace.announce( :_type => "_incr", :_eid => 1234, :_time => 1360584960, :value => 11, :gauge => "sales-per-second", :flush_interval => 20 ) @redis.hget(gauge_key, "1360584960").should == "53" @namespace.gauges[:"sales-per-second"].value_at(1360584961).should == "53" end it "should create and increment zero-config gauges with the default flush interval" do @namespace.announce( :_type => "_incr", :_eid => 1234, :_time => 1360584960, :value => 42, :gauge => "sales-per-second-default" ) @namespace.gauges[:"sales-per-second-default"].should be_a(Gauge) gauge_key = "fnordmetric-myns_213-gauge-sales-per-second-default-10" @redis.hget(gauge_key, "1360584960").should == "42" end it "should create and set zero-config gauges" do @namespace.announce( :_type => "_set", :_eid => 1234, :_time => 1360584960, :value => 123, :gauge => "sales-per-second-set", :flush_interval => 10 ) @namespace.gauges[:"sales-per-second-set"].should be_a(Gauge) gauge_key = "fnordmetric-myns_213-gauge-sales-per-second-set-10" @redis.hget(gauge_key, "1360584960").should == "123" @namespace.announce( :_type => "_set", :_eid => 1234, :_time => 1360584960, :value => 555, :gauge => "sales-per-second-set", :flush_interval => 10 ) @redis.hget(gauge_key, "1360584960").should == "555" @namespace.gauges[:"sales-per-second-set"].value_at(1360584961).should == "555" end it "should create and increment-average zero-config gauges" do @namespace.announce( :_type => "_avg", :_eid => 1234, :_time => 1360584960, :value => 5, :gauge => "sales-per-second-avg", :flush_interval => 10 ) @namespace.gauges[:"sales-per-second-avg"].should be_a(Gauge) @namespace.gauges[:"sales-per-second-avg"].average?.should be_true gauge_key = "fnordmetric-myns_213-gauge-sales-per-second-avg-10" @redis.hget(gauge_key, "1360584960").should == "5" @namespace.announce( :_type => "_avg", :_eid => 1234, :_time => 1360584960, :value => 10, :gauge => "sales-per-second-avg", :flush_interval => 10 ) @redis.hget(gauge_key, "1360584960").should == "15" @namespace.gauges[:"sales-per-second-avg"].value_at(1360584961).should == 7.5 end end describe "increment enterprise backwards compatibility gauges" do it "should create and increment enterprise comaptibility gauges: delta" do @namespace.announce( :_type => "_enterprise", :_time => 1360584960, :_eid => 1234, :_cmd => "SAMPLE sales-per-second-delta-20 42") @namespace.gauges[:"sales-per-second-delta-20"].should be_a(Gauge) gauge_key = "fnordmetric-myns_213-gauge-sales-per-second-delta-20-20" puts gauge_key @redis.hget(gauge_key, "1360584960").should == "42" @namespace.announce( :_type => "_enterprise", :_time => 1360584960, :_eid => 1234, :_cmd => "SAMPLE sales-per-second-delta-20 11") @redis.hget(gauge_key, "1360584960").should == "53" @namespace.gauges[:"sales-per-second-delta-20"].value_at(1360584961).should == "53" end it "should create and increment enterprise comaptibility gauges: mean" do @namespace.announce( :_type => "_enterprise", :_time => 1360584960, :_eid => 1234, :_cmd => "SAMPLE sales-per-second-mean-10 5") @namespace.gauges[:"sales-per-second-mean-10"].should be_a(Gauge) gauge_key = "fnordmetric-myns_213-gauge-sales-per-second-mean-10-10" @redis.hget(gauge_key, "1360584960").should == "5" @namespace.announce( :_type => "_enterprise", :_time => 1360584960, :_eid => 1234, :_cmd => "SAMPLE sales-per-second-mean-10 10") @redis.hget(gauge_key, "1360584960").should == "15" @namespace.gauges[:"sales-per-second-mean-10"].value_at(1360584961).should == 7.5 end end describe "increment non-progressive gauges" do it "should increment a non-progressive gauge by 1" do gauge_key = "fnordmetrics-myns-gauge-mygauge_234-10" @redis.hset(gauge_key, "695280200", "12") create_gauge_context({ :key => "mygauge_234", :tick => 10, }, proc{ incr(:mygauge_234, 1) }).tap do |context| event = { :_time => @now }, @redis_wrap, @namespace) end @redis.hget(gauge_key, "695280200").should == "13" end it "should increment a non-progressive gauge by 5" do gauge_key = "fnordmetrics-myns-gauge-mygauge_224-10" @redis.hset(gauge_key, "695280200", "18") create_gauge_context({ :key => "mygauge_224", :tick => 10, }, proc{ incr(:mygauge_224, 5) }).tap do |context| event = { :_time => @now }, @redis_wrap, @namespace) end @redis.hget(gauge_key, "695280200").should == "23" end it "should increment a non-progressive gauge by event_value" do gauge_key = "fnordmetrics-myns-gauge-mygauge_253-10" @redis.hset(gauge_key, "695280200", "11") create_gauge_context({ :key => "mygauge_253", :tick => 10, }, proc{ incr(:mygauge_253, data[:myval].to_i) }).tap do |context| event = { :_time => @now, :myval => "25" }, @redis_wrap, @namespace) end @redis.hget(gauge_key, "695280200").should == "36" end end describe "increment progressive gauges" do it "should increment a progressive gauge by 1" do gauge_key = "fnordmetrics-myns-gauge-mygauge_123-10" @redis.hset(gauge_key, "695280200", "23") @redis.set(gauge_key+"-head", "23") create_gauge_context({ :key => "mygauge_123", :tick => 10, :progressive => true }, proc{ incr(:mygauge_123, 1) }).tap do |context| event = { :_time => @now }, @redis_wrap, @namespace) end @redis.hget(gauge_key, "695280200").should == "24" @redis.get(gauge_key+"-head").should == "24" end it "should increment a progressive gauge by 5" do gauge_key = "fnordmetrics-myns-gauge-mygauge_125-10" @redis.hset(gauge_key, "695280200", "22") @redis.set(gauge_key+"-head", "22") create_gauge_context({ :key => "mygauge_125", :tick => 10, :progressive => true }, proc{ incr(:mygauge_125, 5) }).tap do |context| event = { :_time => @now }, @redis_wrap, @namespace) end @redis.hget(gauge_key, "695280200").should == "27" @redis.get(gauge_key+"-head").should == "27" end it "should increment a progressive gauge by 1 and copy head" do gauge_key = "fnordmetrics-myns-gauge-mygauge_128-10" @redis.hdel(gauge_key, "695280200") @redis.set(gauge_key+"-head", "17") create_gauge_context({ :key => "mygauge_128", :tick => 10, :progressive => true }, proc{ incr(:mygauge_128, 3) }).tap do |context| event = { :_time => @now }, @redis_wrap, @namespace) end @redis.hget(gauge_key, "695280200").should == "20" @redis.get(gauge_key+"-head").should == "20" end it "should increment a progressive gauge by 5 and copy head" do gauge_key = "fnordmetrics-myns-gauge-mygauge_121-10" @redis.hdel(gauge_key, "695280200") @redis.set(gauge_key+"-head", "19") create_gauge_context({ :key => "mygauge_121", :tick => 10, :progressive => true }, proc{ incr(:mygauge_121, 6) }).tap do |context| event = { :_time => @now }, @redis_wrap, @namespace) end @redis.hget(gauge_key, "695280200").should == "25" @redis.get(gauge_key+"-head").should == "25" end it "should raise an error if incr is called on a 3d gauge" do pending "fixme" create_gauge_context({ :key => "mygauge_167", :tick => 10, :three_dimensional => true }, proc{ incr(:mygauge_167, 1) }).tap do |context| event = { :_time => @now } lambda{, @redis_wrap, @namespace) }.should raise_error(RuntimeError) end end end describe "increment an average-gauge" do it "should increment_unique a non-progressive gauge" do gauge_key = "fnordmetrics-myns-gauge-mygauge_917-10" @redis.hset(gauge_key, "695280200", "54") @redis.set(gauge_key+"-695280200-value-count", 5) create_gauge_context({ :key => "mygauge_917", :average => true, :tick => 10 }, proc{ incr(:mygauge_917, 30) }).tap do |context| event = { :_time => @now, :_session_key => "mysesskey" }, @redis_wrap, @namespace) end @redis.hget(gauge_key, "695280200").should == "84" @redis.get(gauge_key+"-695280200-value-count").should == "6" end end describe "increment uniquely by session_key" do it "should increment_unique a non-progressive gauge" do gauge_key = "fnordmetrics-myns-gauge-mygauge_963-10" @redis.hset(gauge_key, "695280200", "54") @redis.set(gauge_key+"-695280200-sessions-count", 5) create_gauge_context({ :key => "mygauge_963", :unique => true, :tick => 10 }, proc{ incr(:mygauge_963, 30) }).tap do |context| event = { :_time => @now, :_session_key => "mysesskey" }, @redis_wrap, @namespace) end @redis.hget(gauge_key, "695280200").should == "84" @redis.get(gauge_key+"-695280200-sessions-count").should == "6" @redis.smembers(gauge_key+"-695280200-sessions").should == ["mysesskey"] end it "should not increment_unique a non-progressive gauge if session is known" do gauge_key = "fnordmetrics-myns-gauge-mygauge_966" @redis.hset(gauge_key, "695280200", "54") @redis.set(gauge_key+"-695280200-sessions-count", 5) @redis.sadd(gauge_key+"-695280200-sessions", "mysesskey") create_gauge_context({ :key => "mygauge_966", :unique => true, :tick => 10 }, proc{ incr(:mygauge_966, 30) }).tap do |context| event = { :_time => @now, :_session_key => "mysesskey" }, @redis_wrap, @namespace) end @redis.hget(gauge_key, "695280200").should == "54" @redis.get(gauge_key+"-695280200-sessions-count").should == "5" @redis.smembers(gauge_key+"-695280200-sessions").should == ["mysesskey"] end it "should not increment_unique a non-progressive gauge w/o session" do gauge_key = "fnordmetrics-myns-gauge-mygauge_966" @redis.hset(gauge_key, "695280200", "54") @redis.set(gauge_key+"-695280200-sessions-count", 5) create_gauge_context({ :key => "mygauge_966", :unique => true, :tick => 10 }, proc{ incr(:mygauge_966, 30) }).tap do |context| event = { :_time => @now }, @redis_wrap, @namespace) end @redis.hget(gauge_key, "695280200").should == "54" @redis.get(gauge_key+"-695280200-sessions-count").should == "5" @redis.smembers(gauge_key+"-695280200-sessions").should == [] end it "should increment_unique a non-progressive gauge" do gauge_key = "fnordmetrics-myns-gauge-mygauge_963-10" @redis.hset(gauge_key, "695280200", "54") @redis.set(gauge_key+"-progressive-sessions-count", 5) create_gauge_context({ :key => "mygauge_963", :tick => 10, :unique => true, :progressive => true }, proc{ incr(:mygauge_963, 30) }).tap do |context| event = { :_time => @now, :_session_key => "mysesskey" }, @redis_wrap, @namespace) end @redis.hget(gauge_key, "695280200").should == "84" @redis.get(gauge_key+"-progressive-sessions-count").should == "6" @redis.smembers(gauge_key+"-progressive-sessions").should == ["mysesskey"] end it "should not increment_unique a non-progressive gauge if session is known" do gauge_key = "fnordmetrics-myns-gauge-mygauge_966" @redis.hset(gauge_key, "695280200", "54") @redis.set(gauge_key+"-progressive-sessions-count", 5) @redis.sadd(gauge_key+"-progressive-sessions", "mysesskey") create_gauge_context({ :key => "mygauge_966", :tick => 10, :unique => true, :progressive => true }, proc{ incr(:mygauge_966, 30) }).tap do |context| event = { :_time => @now, :_session_key => "mysesskey" }, @redis_wrap, @namespace) end @redis.hget(gauge_key, "695280200").should == "54" @redis.get(gauge_key+"-progressive-sessions-count").should == "5" @redis.smembers(gauge_key+"-progressive-sessions").should == ["mysesskey"] end end describe "increment three-dimensional gagues" do it "should increment a three-dim gauge by 1" do gauge_key = "fnordmetrics-myns-gauge-mygauge_434-10-695280200" @redis.zadd(gauge_key, 12, "whoopwhoop") create_gauge_context({ :key => "mygauge_434", :three_dimensional => true, :tick => 10, }, proc{ incr_field(:mygauge_434, "whoopwhoop", 1) }).tap do |context| event = { :_time => @now }, @redis_wrap, @namespace) end @redis.zscore(gauge_key, "whoopwhoop").to_f.should == 13.0 @redis.get(gauge_key+"-count").should == "1" end it "should increment a three-dim gauge by 5 on an empty field" do gauge_key = "fnordmetrics-myns-gauge-mygauge_634-10-695280200" @redis.set(gauge_key+"-count", 6) create_gauge_context({ :key => "mygauge_634", :three_dimensional => true, :tick => 10, }, proc{ incr_field(:mygauge_634, "whoopwhoop", 5) }).tap do |context| event = { :_time => @now }, @redis_wrap, @namespace) end @redis.zscore(gauge_key, "whoopwhoop").to_f.should == 5.0 @redis.get(gauge_key+"-count").should == "7" end it "should increment a three-dim gauge by event supplied field" do gauge_key = "fnordmetrics-myns-gauge-mygauge_634-10-695280200" @redis.zadd(gauge_key, 11, "fnordybar") create_gauge_context({ :key => "mygauge_634", :three_dimensional => true, :tick => 10, }, proc{ incr_field(:mygauge_634, data[:myfield], 5) }).tap do |context| event = { :_time => @now, :myfield => "fnordybar" }, @redis_wrap, @namespace) end @redis.zscore(gauge_key, "fnordybar").to_f.should == 16.0 end it "should increment_unique a three-dim gauge" do gauge_key = "fnordmetrics-myns-gauge-mygauge_1263-10-695280200" @redis.zadd(gauge_key, 54, "mykey") @redis.set(gauge_key+"-sessions-count", 5) create_gauge_context({ :key => "mygauge_1263", :tick => 10, :unique => true, :three_dimensional => true }, proc{ incr_field(:mygauge_1263, "mykey", 30) }).tap do |context| event = { :_time => @now, :_session_key => "mysesskey" }, @redis_wrap, @namespace) end @redis.zscore(gauge_key, "mykey").to_f.should == 84.0 @redis.get(gauge_key+"-sessions-count").should == "6" @redis.smembers(gauge_key+"-sessions").should == ["mysesskey"] end it "should not increment_unique a non-progressive gauge if session is known" do gauge_key = "fnordmetrics-myns-gauge-mygauge_1266-695280200" @redis.zadd(gauge_key, 54, "otherkey") @redis.set(gauge_key+"-sessions-count", 5) @redis.sadd(gauge_key+"-sessions", "mysesskey") create_gauge_context({ :key => "mygauge_1266", :tick => 10, :unique => true, :three_dimensional => true }, proc{ incr_field(:mygauge_1266, "otherkey", 30) }).tap do |context| event = { :_time => @now, :_session_key => "mysesskey" }, @redis_wrap, @namespace) end @redis.zscore(gauge_key, "otherkey").to_f.should == 54.0 @redis.get(gauge_key+"-sessions-count").should == "5" @redis.smembers(gauge_key+"-sessions").should == ["mysesskey"] end end describe "set value on two/three-dim gauge" do it "should set a value on a two-dim gauge" do gauge_key = "fnordmetrics-myns-gauge-mygauge_5463-10" @redis.hset(gauge_key, "695280200", "54") @redis.set(gauge_key+"-695280200-sessions-count", 5) @redis.hget(gauge_key, "695280200").should == "54" create_gauge_context({ :key => "mygauge_5463", :tick => 10 }, proc{ set_value(:mygauge_5463, 17) }).tap do |context| event = { :_time => @now, :_session_key => "mysesskey" }, @redis_wrap, @namespace) end @redis.hget(gauge_key, "695280200").should == "17" end it "should set a value on a two-dim gauge" do gauge_key = "fnordmetrics-myns-gauge-mygauge_1463-10-695280200" @redis.zadd(gauge_key, 65, "asdasdkey") @redis.zscore(gauge_key, "asdasdkey").to_f.should == 65.0 create_gauge_context({ :key => "mygauge_1463", :three_dimensional => true, :tick => 10 }, proc{ set_field(:mygauge_1463, "asdasdkey", 23) }).tap do |context| event = { :_time => @now, :_session_key => "mysesskey" }, @redis_wrap, @namespace) end @redis.zscore(gauge_key, "asdasdkey").to_f.should == 23.0 end end it "should raise an error if incr_field is called on a 2d gauge" private def create_gauge_context(opts, block) gauge ={ :key_prefix => "fnordmetrics-myns" }.merge(opts)) @namespace.instance_variable_set(:"@gauges", { opts[:key].intern => gauge }){}, block) end end