module FaaStRuby module Command module Project require 'faastruby/cli/commands/project/base_command' require 'faastruby/cli/template' require 'faastruby/cli/commands/function/new' DEFAULT_FUNCTIONS = { 'root' => "local:#{FaaStRuby::Template.gem_template_path_for('web-root', runtime: 'ruby')}", 'catch-all' => "local:#{FaaStRuby::Template.gem_template_path_for('web-404', runtime: 'ruby')}", } def self.templates_for(kind) t = { 'root' => "local:#{FaaStRuby::Template.gem_template_path_for("#{kind}-root", runtime: 'ruby')}", 'catch-all' => "local:#{FaaStRuby::Template.gem_template_path_for("#{kind}-404", runtime: 'ruby')}" } return t end class New < ProjectBaseCommand def initialize(args) @args = args help @missing_args = [] FaaStRuby::CLI.error(@missing_args, color: nil) if missing_args.any? @project_name = @args.shift FaaStRuby::CLI.error("The project name must have between 3 and 15 characters, and can only have letters, numbers and dashes.") unless name_valid? @base_dir = "./#{@project_name}" parse_options @options['project_type'] ||= 'web' end def run dir_exists? create_dir create_config install_functions git_init puts "Project '#{@project_name}' initialized." puts "Now run:" puts "$ cd #{@project_name}" puts "$ faastruby local\n\n" puts "Then visit http://localhost:3000" end def "new-project PROJECT_NAME [ARGS]" end def usage puts "Usage: faastruby #{}" puts %( --api # Initialize a project folder using an API template --web # (Default) Initialize a project folder using a WEB template ) end private def create_dir FileUtils.mkdir_p(@base_dir) puts "+ d #{@base_dir}".green end def git_init File.write("#{@base_dir}/.gitignore", "secrets.yml") puts "+ f #{@base_dir}/.gitignore".green puts `git init #{@base_dir}` end def install_functions current_dir = Dir.pwd FileUtils.mkdir_p("#{@base_dir}/functions") Dir.chdir("#{@base_dir}/functions") Project.templates_for(@options['project_type']).each do |name, template| args = [name, '--template', template] "#{@base_dir}/functions", blank_template: true) end Dir.chdir("..") if @options['project_type'] == 'web' copy_public_template else create_public_folder end Dir.chdir(current_dir) end def create_public_folder Dir.mkdir 'public' puts "+ d #{@base_dir}/public".green write_public_config end def copy_public_template template_dir = "#{Gem::Specification.find_by_name("faastruby").gem_dir}/templates/public-#{@options['project_type']}" FileUtils.cp_r(template_dir, "./public") write_public_config end def write_public_config File.write("public/faastruby.yml", default_public_config) puts "+ f #{@base_dir}/public/faastruby.yml".green end def create_config File.write("#{@base_dir}/#{PROJECT_YAML_FILE}", default_project_file) puts "+ f #{@base_dir}/#{PROJECT_YAML_FILE}".green File.write("#{@base_dir}/#{PROJECT_SECRETS_FILE}", default_secrets_file) puts "+ f #{@base_dir}/#{PROJECT_SECRETS_FILE}".green end def default_public_config [ "cli_version: #{FaaStRuby::VERSION}", 'name: public', 'serve_static: true', ].join("\n") end def default_secrets_file %(secrets: # Add secrets here and they will be available inside the function as "event.context" # Example: # prod: # root: # a_secret: bfe76f4557ffc2de901cb24e0f87436f # another/function: # another_secret: 4d1c281e.619a2489c.8b5d.dd945616d324 # 'stage' is the default environment when you start Local # stage: # root: # a_secret: bfe76f4557ffc2de901cb24e0f87436f # another/function: # another_secret: 4d1c281e.619a2489c.8b5d.dd945616d324 ) end def default_project_file %(project: # The project name name: #{@project_name} # The project identifier is used to ensure your workspaces will have unique names. # This is not a secret, but don't lose it! identifier: #{Digest::MD5.hexdigest(} ## The 'public' directory is where you put static files. ## Files will be served from there first, meaning that if ## you have a function at 'functions/product' and a folder ## 'public/product', the public one will take precedence. ## Defaults to 'public'. # public_dir: public ## The name of the folder containing the project's functions. ## Defaults to 'functions'. # functions_dir: functions ## Opal support (experimental) ## You can use Opal to write Ruby code and have it autocompiled to ## Javascript and placed inside the public assets folder. ## If 'opal_dir' is set, folders inside 'opal_dir' that contain ## a file named 'main.rb' will be compiled using opal # opal_dir: opal ## Destination folder for .js files created by Opal. ## Defaults to PUBLIC_DIR/assets/javascripts # opal_js_destination: public/assets/javascripts ## The name of the function that will respond to requests made ## to '/'. Defaults to 'root' # root_to: root ## The setting 'catch_all' allows you to capture requests to ## non-existing functions and send them to another function. ## This is useful for setting custom 404 pages, for example. ## Defaults to 'catch-all'. # catch_all: catch-all ) end def dir_exists? return false unless FaaStRuby::CLI.error("Error: Directory '#{@project_name}' already exists. Aborting.") end def name_valid? return true if @project_name.match(/^#{WORKSPACE_NAME_REGEX}$/) return false end def missing_args if @args.empty? @missing_args << "Missing argument: PROJECT_NAME".red @missing_args << usage end FaaStRuby::CLI.error(["'#{@args.first}' is not a valid project name.".red, usage], color: nil) if @args.first =~ /^-.*/ @missing_args end def parse_options @options = {} while @args.any? option = @args.shift case option when '--tmux' @options['tmux'] = true when '--web', '-w' @options['project_type'] = 'web' when '--api', '-a' @options['project_type'] = 'api' else FaaStRuby::CLI.error("Unknown argument: #{option}") end end end end end end end