module Chronicle module Schema module Validation class ContractFactory def self.process_errors(errors) messages = [] errors.each do |key, value| base_path = key == :base ? [] : [key] if value.is_a?(Hash) value.each do |k, v| messages << [base_path + [k], v.first.to_s] end elsif value.is_a?(Array) messages << [base_path, value.first.to_s] else messages << [base_path, value.to_s] end end messages end def self.create(type_id:, properties: []) do type type_id params(Chronicle::Schema::Validation::ContractFactory.create_schema(type_id:, properties:)) properties.each do |property| edge_name = property.id_snakecase if property.many? rule(edge_name).each do |index:| errors = edge_validator.validate(type_id, edge_name, value) error_path = [edge_name, index] messages = Chronicle::Schema::Validation::ContractFactory.process_errors(errors) messages.each do |path, message| key(error_path + path).failure(message) end end else rule(edge_name) do # handle nils. FIXME: this is a hack next unless value errors = edge_validator.validate(type_id, edge_name, value) error_path = [edge_name] messages = Chronicle::Schema::Validation::ContractFactory.process_errors(errors) messages.each do |path, message| key(error_path + path).failure(message) end end end end end end def self.create_schema(type_id:, properties: []) Dry::Schema.JSON do required(:@type).value(:str?).filled(eql?: type_id.to_s) before(:key_coercer) do |result| result.to_h.transform_keys!(&:to_sym) valid_property_ids = valid_property_ids << :@type invalid_properties = result.to_h.keys - valid_property_ids invalid_properties.each do |invalid_property| result.add_error([:unexpected_key, [invalid_property.to_sym, []]]) end end # Attempt to coerce chronicle edges recursively # I tried to use a custom type in the schema and use the constructor # method to do the coercion but it didn't work consistently before(:value_coercer) do |obj| obj.to_h.transform_values do |value| case value when ::Array do |v| Chronicle::Schema::Validation::ContractFactory.coerce_chronicle_edge(v) end when ::Hash Chronicle::Schema::Validation::ContractFactory.coerce_chronicle_edge(value) else value end end end properties.each do |property| property_name = property.id_snakecase type = Chronicle::Schema::Validation::ContractFactory.build_type(property.range_identifiers) outer_macro = property.required? ? :required : :optional if property.many? send(outer_macro, property_name).value(:array).each(type) else send(outer_macro, property_name).value(type) end end end end def self.coerce_chronicle_edge(value) return value unless value.is_a?(Hash) type = (value[:@type] || value['@type']).to_sym contract_klass = Chronicle::Schema::Validation.get_contract(type) return value unless contract_klass result = result.success? ? result.to_h : value end def self.build_type(range) literals = [] literals << :integer if range.include?(:Integer) literals << :float if range.include?(:Float) literals << :string if range.include?(:Text) literals << :string if range.include?(:URL) literals << :time if range.include?(:DateTime) literals << :hash # puts "building type for #{range}. literals: #{literals}" literals.uniq end end end end end