text ==== Renders a string at a given location, width, alignment, font, etc. Unix newlines are interpreted even on Windows (i.e. ``"\n"``). Options ------- .. include:: /args/expansion.rst str default: ``''`` the string to be rendered. Must support ``#to_s``. font default: ``'Arial 36'`` the Font description string, including family, styles, and size. (e.g. ``'Arial bold italic 12'``). For the official documentation, see the `Pango font string docs `_. This `description `_ is also quite good. font_size default: ``nil`` an override of font string description (i.e. ``font``). .. include:: /args/xy.rst markup: default: ``false`` When set to true, various extra styles are allowed. See :ref:`Markup `. width default: ``:auto`` the width of the box the string will be placed in. Stretches to the content by default.. Supports :doc:`/units`. height default: ``:auto`` the height of the box the string will be placed in. Stretches to the content by default. Supports :doc:`/units`. wrap default: ``:word_char`` when ``width`` is set, determines the behavior of how the string wraps. The ``:word_char`` option will break at words, but then fall back to characters when the word cannot fit. Options are ``:none``, ``:word``, ``:char``, ``:word_char``. Also: ``true`` is the same as ``:word_char``, ``false`` is the same as ``:none``. spacing default: ``0`` Adjust the spacing when the text is multiple lines. No effect when the text does not wrap. align default: ``:left`` The alignment of the text. [:left, right, :center] justify default: ``false`` toggles whether or not the text is justified or not. valign default: ``:top`` When width and height are set, align text vertically according to the ink extents of the text. [:top, :middle, :bottom] ellipsize default: ``:end`` When width and height are set, determines the behavior of overflowing text. Also: `true` maps to `:end` and `false` maps to `:none`. Default `:end` [:none, :start, :middle, :end, true, false]. Also, as mentioned in :doc:`/config`, if text is ellipsized a warning is thrown. angle default: ``0`` Rotation of the text in radians. Note that this rotates around the upper-left corner of the text box, making the placement of x-y coordinates slightly tricky. stroke_width default: ``0.0`` the width of the outside stroke. Supports :doc:`/units`, see {file:README.md#Units Units}. stroke_color default: ``:black`` the color with which to stroke the outside of the rectangle. {file:README.md#Specifying_Colors___Gradients Specifying Colors & Gradients} stroke_strategy default: ``:fill_first`` specify whether the stroke is done before (thinner) or after (thicker) filling the shape. [:fill_first, :stroke_first] dash default: ``''`` define a dash pattern for the stroke. Provide a string with space-separated numbers that define the pattern of on-and-off alternating strokes, measured in pixels by defautl. Supports :doc:`/units` (e.g. ``'0.02in 0.02in'``). hint default: ``:nil`` (i.e. no hint) draw a rectangle around the text with the given color. Overrides global hints (see {Deck#hint}). color default: [String] (:black) the color the font will render to. Gradients supported. See {file:README.md#Specifying_Colors___Gradients Specifying Colors} .. include:: /args/draw.rst .. include:: /args/range.rst .. include:: /args/layout.rst .. _text-markup: Markup ------ If you want to do specialized formatting within a given string, Squib has lots of options. By setting ``markup: true``, you enable tons of text processing. This includes: * Pango Markup. This is an HTML-like formatting language that specifies formatting inside your string. Pango Markup essentially supports any formatting option, but on a letter-by-letter basis. Such as: font options, letter spacing, gravity, color, etc. See the `Pango markup docs `_ for details. * Quotes are converted to their curly counterparts where appropriate. * Apostraphes are converted to curly as well. * LaTeX-style quotes are explicitly converted (````like this''``) * Em-dash and en-dash are converted with triple and double-dashes respectively (``--`` is an en-dash, and ``---`` becomes an em-dash.) * Ellipses can be specified with ``...`` (three periods). Note that this is entirely different from the ``ellipsize`` option (which determines what to do with overflowing text). A few notes: * Smart quoting assumes the UTF-8 character set by default. If you are in a different character set and want to change how it behaves * Pango markup uses an XML/HTML-ish processor. Some characters require HTML-entity escaping (e.g. ``&`` for ``&``) You can also disable the auto-quoting mechanism by setting ``smart_quotes: false`` in your config. Explicit replacements will still be performed. See :doc:`/config` Embedded Icons -------------- The ``text`` method will also respond to a block. The object that gets passed to this block allows for embedding images into the flow of your text. The following methods are supported:: text(str: 'Take 1 :tool: and gain 2 :health:') do |embed| embed.svg key: ':tool:', file: 'tool.svg' embed.png key: ':health:', file: 'health.png' end embed.svg ^^^^^^^^^ .. include:: /args/expansion.rst key default: ``'*'`` the string to replace with the graphic. Can be multiple letters, e.g. ``':tool:'`` file default: ``''`` file(s) to read in, relative to the root directory or ``img_dir`` if set in the config. id default: ``nil`` if set, then only render the SVG element with the given id. Prefix '#' is optional. Note: the x-y coordinates are still relative to the SVG document's page. force_id default: ``false`` if set, then this svg will not be rendered at all if the id is empty or nil. If not set, the entire SVG is rendered. layout default: ``nil`` entry in the layout to use as defaults for this command. See :doc:`/layouts` width default: ``:native`` the width of the image rendered. Does not support ``:scale`` (`yet `_) height default: ``:native`` the height the height of the image rendered. Does not support ``:scale`` (`yet `_) dx default: ``0`` "delta x", or adjust the icon horizontally by x pixels dy default: ``0`` "delta y", or adjust the icon vertically by y pixels flip_horiztonal default: ``false`` Flip this image about its center horizontally (i.e. left becomes right and vice versa). flip_vertical default: ``false`` Flip this image about its center verticall (i.e. top becomes bottom and vice versa). alpha default: ``1.0`` the alpha-transparency percentage used to blend this image. angle default: ``0`` rotation of the in radians. Note that this rotates around the upper-left corner, making the placement of x-y coordinates slightly tricky. embed.png ^^^^^^^^^ .. include:: /args/expansion.rst key default: ``'*'`` the string to replace with the graphic. Can be multiple letters, e.g. ``':tool:'`` file default: ``''`` file(s) to read in, relative to the root directory or ``img_dir`` if set in the config. layout default: ``nil`` entry in the layout to use as defaults for this command. See :doc:`/layouts` width default: ``:native`` the width of the image rendered. height default: ``:native`` the height the height of the image rendered. dx default: ``0`` "delta x", or adjust the icon horizontally by x pixels dy default: ``0`` "delta y", or adjust the icon vertically by y pixels flip_horiztonal default: ``false`` Flip this image about its center horizontally (i.e. left becomes right and vice versa). flip_vertical default: ``false`` Flip this image about its center verticall (i.e. top becomes bottom and vice versa). alpha default: ``1.0`` the alpha-transparency percentage used to blend this image. blend default: ``:none`` the composite blend operator used when applying this image. See Blend Modes at http://cairographics.org/operators. The possibilties include :none, :multiply, :screen, :overlay, :darken, :lighten, :color_dodge, :color_burn, :hard_light, :soft_light, :difference, :exclusion, :hsl_hue, :hsl_saturation, :hsl_color, :hsl_luminosity. String versions of these options are accepted too. mask default: ``nil`` Accepts a color (see :doc:`/colors`). If specified, the image will be used as a mask for the given color/gradient. Transparent pixels are ignored, opaque pixels are the given color. Note: the origin for gradient coordinates is at the given x,y, not at 0,0 as it is most other places. angle default: ``0`` rotation of the in radians. Note that this rotates around the upper-left corner, making the placement of x-y coordinates slightly tricky. Examples -------- See :doc:`/text_feature`.