RSpec.describe 'ROM::SQL::Schema::PostgresInferrer', :postgres do include_context 'database setup' before do inferrable_relations.concat %i(test_inferrence) end colors = %w(red orange yellow green blue purple) before do conn.extension :pg_enum conn.execute('create extension if not exists hstore') conn.drop_table?(:test_inferrence) conn.drop_enum(:rainbow, if_exists: true) conn.create_enum(:rainbow, colors) conn.create_table :test_inferrence do primary_key :id, :uuid bigint :big Json :json_data Jsonb :jsonb_data Decimal :money, null: false column :tags, "text[]" column :tag_ids, "bigint[]" column :ip, "inet" column :subnet, "cidr" column :hw_address, "macaddr" rainbow :color point :center xml :page hstore :mapping line :line circle :circle box :box lseg :lseg polygon :polygon path :path timestamp :created_at column :datetime, "timestamp(0) without time zone" column :datetime_tz, "timestamp(0) with time zone" boolean :flag, null: false end end let(:schema) { container.relations[:test_inferrence].schema } let(:source) { container.relations[:test_inferrence].name } context 'inferring db-specific attributes' do before do conf.relation(:test_inferrence) do schema(infer: true) end end it 'can infer attributes for dataset' do expect(schema.to_h). to eql( id: ROM::SQL::Types::PG::UUID.meta(name: :id, source: source, primary_key: true), big: ROM::SQL::Types::Int.optional.meta(name: :big, source: source), json_data: ROM::SQL::Types::PG::JSON.optional.meta(name: :json_data, source: source), jsonb_data: ROM::SQL::Types::PG::JSONB.optional.meta(name: :jsonb_data, source: source), money: ROM::SQL::Types::Decimal.meta(name: :money, source: source), tags: ROM::SQL::Types::PG::Array('text').optional.meta(name: :tags, source: source), tag_ids: ROM::SQL::Types::PG::Array('biging').optional.meta(name: :tag_ids, source: source), color: ROM::SQL::Types::String.enum(*colors).optional.meta(name: :color, source: source), ip: ROM::SQL::Types::PG::IPAddress.optional.meta( name: :ip, source: source, read: ROM::SQL::Types::PG::IPAddressR.optional ), subnet: ROM::SQL::Types::PG::IPAddress.optional.meta( name: :subnet, source: source, read: ROM::SQL::Types::PG::IPAddressR.optional ), hw_address: ROM::SQL::Types::String.optional.meta(name: :hw_address, source: source), center: ROM::SQL::Types::PG::PointT.optional.meta( name: :center, source: source, read: ROM::SQL::Types::PG::PointTR.optional ), page: ROM::SQL::Types::String.optional.meta(name: :page, source: source), mapping: ROM::SQL::Types::PG::HStore.optional.meta( name: :mapping, source: source, read: ROM::SQL::Types::PG::HStoreR.optional ), line: ROM::SQL::Types::PG::LineT.optional.meta( name: :line, source: source, read: ROM::SQL::Types::PG::LineTR.optional ), circle: ROM::SQL::Types::PG::CircleT.optional.meta( name: :circle, source: source, read: ROM::SQL::Types::PG::CircleTR.optional ), box: ROM::SQL::Types::PG::BoxT.optional.meta( name: :box, source: source, read: ROM::SQL::Types::PG::BoxTR.optional ), lseg: ROM::SQL::Types::PG::LineSegmentT.optional.meta( name: :lseg, source: source, read: ROM::SQL::Types::PG::LineSegmentTR.optional ), polygon: ROM::SQL::Types::PG::PolygonT.optional.meta( name: :polygon, source: source, read: ROM::SQL::Types::PG::PolygonTR.optional ), path: ROM::SQL::Types::PG::PathT.optional.meta( name: :path, source: source, read: ROM::SQL::Types::PG::PathTR.optional ), created_at: ROM::SQL::Types::Time.optional.meta(name: :created_at, source: source), datetime: ROM::SQL::Types::Time.optional.meta(name: :datetime, source: source), datetime_tz: ROM::SQL::Types::Time.optional.meta(name: :datetime_tz, source: source), flag: ROM::SQL::Types::Bool.meta(name: :flag, source: source) ) end end context 'with a table without columns' do before do conn.create_table(:dummy) unless conn.table_exists?(:dummy) conf.relation(:dummy) { schema(infer: true) } end it 'does not fail with a weird error when a relation does not have attributes' do expect(container.relations[:dummy].schema).to be_empty end end context 'with a column with bi-directional mapping' do before do conn.execute('create extension if not exists hstore') conn.create_table(:test_bidirectional) do primary_key :id inet :ip point :center hstore :mapping line :line circle :circle box :box lseg :lseg polygon :polygon path :closed_path path :open_path end conf.relation(:test_bidirectional) { schema(infer: true) } conf.commands(:test_bidirectional) do define(:create) do result :one end end end let(:point) {, 30.5) } let(:point_2) {, 35.5) } let(:line) {, 4.9, 3.1415) } let(:dns) {'') } let(:mapping) { Hash['hot' => 'cold'] } let(:circle) {, 1.0) } let(:lseg) {, point_2) } let(:box_corrected) {, point) } let(:box) do upper_left =, point_2.y) lower_right =, point.y), lower_right) end let(:polygon) { ROM::SQL::Types::PG::Polygon[[point, point_2]] } let(:closed_path) {[point, point_2], :closed) } let(:open_path) {[point, point_2], :open) } let(:relation) { container.relations[:test_bidirectional] } let(:create) { commands[:test_bidirectional].create } it 'writes and reads data & corrects data' do # Box coordinates are reordered if necessary inserted = id: 1, center: point, ip: dns, mapping: mapping, line: line, circle: circle, lseg: lseg, box: box, polygon: polygon, closed_path: closed_path, open_path: open_path ) expect(inserted). to eql( id: 1, center: point, ip: dns, mapping: mapping, line: line, circle: circle, lseg: lseg, box: box_corrected, polygon: polygon, closed_path: closed_path, open_path: open_path ) expect(relation.to_a).to eql([inserted]) end end end