# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # frozen_string_literal: true module Rouge module Lexers class SPARQL < RegexLexer title "SPARQL" desc "Semantic Query Language, for RDF data" tag 'sparql' filenames '*.rq' mimetypes 'application/sparql-query' def self.builtins @builtins = Set.new %w[ ABS AVG BNODE BOUND CEIL COALESCE CONCAT CONTAINS COUNT DATATYPE DAY ENCODE_FOR_URI FLOOR GROUP_CONCAT HOURS IF IRI isBLANK isIRI isLITERAL isNUMERIC isURI LANG LANGMATCHES LCASE MAX MD5 MIN MINUTES MONTH NOW RAND REGEX REPLACE ROUND SAMETERM SAMPLE SECONDS SEPARATOR SHA1 SHA256 SHA384 SHA512 STR STRAFTER STRBEFORE STRDT STRENDS STRLANG STRLEN STRSTARTS STRUUID SUBSTR SUM TIMEZONE TZ UCASE URI UUID YEAR ] end def self.keywords @keywords = Set.new %w[ ADD ALL AS ASC ASK BASE BIND BINDINGS BY CLEAR CONSTRUCT COPY CREATE DATA DEFAULT DELETE DESC DESCRIBE DISTINCT DROP EXISTS FILTER FROM GRAPH GROUP BY HAVING IN INSERT LIMIT LOAD MINUS MOVE NAMED NOT OFFSET OPTIONAL ORDER PREFIX SELECT REDUCED SERVICE SILENT TO UNDEF UNION USING VALUES WHERE WITH ] end state :root do rule %r(\s+)m, Text::Whitespace rule %r(#.*), Comment::Single rule %r("""), Str::Double, :string_double_literal rule %r("), Str::Double, :string_double rule %r('''), Str::Single, :string_single_literal rule %r('), Str::Single, :string_single rule %r([$?]\w+), Name::Variable rule %r((\w*:)(\w+)?) do |m| token Name::Namespace, m[1] token Str::Symbol, m[2] end rule %r(<[^>]*>), Name::Namespace rule %r(true|false)i, Keyword::Constant rule %r/a\b/, Keyword rule %r([A-Z]\w+\b)i do |m| if self.class.builtins.include? m[0].upcase token Name::Builtin elsif self.class.keywords.include? m[0].upcase token Keyword else token Error end end rule %r([+\-]?(?:\d+\.\d*|\.\d+)(?:[e][+\-]?[0-9]+)?)i, Num::Float rule %r([+\-]?\d+), Num::Integer rule %r([\]\[(){}.,;=]), Punctuation rule %r([/?*+=!<>]|&&|\|\||\^\^), Operator end state :string_double_common do mixin :string_escapes rule %r(\\), Str::Double rule %r([^"\\]+), Str::Double end state :string_double do rule %r(") do token Str::Double goto :string_end end mixin :string_double_common end state :string_double_literal do rule %r(""") do token Str::Double goto :string_end end rule %r("), Str::Double mixin :string_double_common end state :string_single_common do mixin :string_escapes rule %r(\\), Str::Single rule %r([^'\\]+), Str::Single end state :string_single do rule %r(') do token Str::Single goto :string_end end mixin :string_single_common end state :string_single_literal do rule %r(''') do token Str::Single goto :string_end end rule %r('), Str::Single mixin :string_single_common end state :string_escapes do rule %r(\\[tbnrf"'\\]), Str::Escape rule %r(\\u\h{4}), Str::Escape rule %r(\\U\h{8}), Str::Escape end state :string_end do rule %r((@)([a-zA-Z]+(?:-[a-zA-Z0-9]+)*)) do groups Operator, Name::Property end rule %r(\^\^), Operator rule(//) { pop! } end end end end