require 'nokogiri' module Gara HTML5_TAGS = [ :a, :abbr, :address, :area, :article, :aside, :audio, :b, :base, :bdi, :bdo, :blockquote, :body, :br, :button, :canvas, :caption, :cite, :code, :col, :colgroup, :data, :datalist, :dd, :del, :details, :dfn, :div, :dl, :dt, :em, :embed, :fieldset, :figcaption, :figure, :footer, :form, :h1, :h2, :h3, :h4, :h5, :h6, :head, :header, :hr, :html, :i, :iframe, :img, :input, :ins, :kbd, :keygen, :label, :legend, :li, :link, :main, :map, :mark, :math, :menu, :menuitem, :meta, :meter, :nav, :noscript, :object, :ol, :optgroup, :option, :output, :p, :param, :pre, :progress, :q, :rp, :rt, :ruby, :s, :samp, :script, :section, :select, :small, :source, :span, :strong, :style, :sub, :sup, :summary, :svg, :table, :tbody, :td, :textarea, :tfoot, :th, :thead, :time, :title, :tr, :track, :u, :ul, :var, :video, :wbr] class Html5Emitter def self.debug(msg) puts msg if ENV['DEBUG'] end def initialize @doc = Nokogiri::HTML::DocumentFragment.parse("") @builder = Nokogiri::HTML::Builder.with(@doc) end def add_methods_to(context) builder = @builder # Open the eigenclass of the passed in context eigenclass_of_context = class << context ; self ; end # add procs as methods for each html5 tag to the context _proc_hash(@builder).each do |method_name, proc| eigenclass_of_context.send(:define_method, method_name, &proc) end # provide a self << on context that delegates to the nokogiri builder # so that we can insert the results of rails helpers eigenclass_of_context.send(:define_method, :<<) do |string| builder << string if string.kind_of?(String) end # override/wrap helper methods that presumably return strings # so that they insert their markup into the nokogiri builder _helper_methods_from(eigenclass_of_context).each do |method| eigenclass_of_context.class_eval do define_method method do |*args, &block_for_helper| result = super(*args, &block_for_helper) if result.kind_of? String # uncomment to see if we are inapproriately wrapping some helper # puts "#{method} returned: #{result}" self << result else result end end end end end def emit nodes = @doc.children if nodes.length.eql?(1) &&"html") # necessary to include doctype - TODO: avoid calling to_html twice Nokogiri::HTML::Document.parse( @doc.to_html ).to_xhtml(indent: 2) else @doc.to_html end end private # we only want to wrap helpers that return strings which should be # inserted as markup into the document so we identify which methods # should NOT be wrapped here and exclude them def _helper_methods_from(eigenclass_of_context) helpers = ((eigenclass_of_context.instance_methods - HTML5_TAGS) - Object.instance_methods) - [:tag, :_layout_for, :path_to_, :form_authenticity_token, :content_tag] helpers.reject do |method| method.to_s.match(/(_\d+_\d+$)|(lookup_context)|(<<)|(_url$)|(_path$)|(compute_.*$)|(asset)|(path_to_.*)/) end end def _proc_hash(nokogiri) proc_hash = HTML5_TAGS.inject({}) do |hash, tag| # nokogiri's builder is now a local binding so we can access it # from inside an instance of Context (procs preserve local bindings) builder = nokogiri hash[tag] = -> (*args, &block) { result = nil begin builder.public_send(tag, *args) do # public send is necessary due to send accessing private method Kernel#p unless block.nil? result = # necessary to make sure block executes in Context not Builder if result.kind_of?(String) self << result # add any string returned to the document so that: p { "works" } yields "


" else result end end end rescue Exception => e binding.pry end } hash end end end end