describe HybridPlatformsConductor::ActionsExecutor do context 'checking connector plugin ssh' do context 'checking additional helpers' do # Return the connector to be tested # # Result:: # * Connector: Connector to be tested def test_connector test_actions_executor.connector(:ssh) end # Get the SSH config for a given node. # Don't return comments and empty lines. # # Parameters:: # * *node* (String or nil): The node we look the SSH config for, or nil for the global configuration # * *ssh_config* (String or nil): The SSH config, or nil to get it from the test_actions_executor [default: nil] # * *nodes* (Array or nil): List of nodes to give ssh_config, or nil for none. Used only if ssh_config is nil. [default: nil] # * *ssh_exec* (String or nil): SSH executable, or nil to keep default. Used only if ssh_config is nil. [default: nil] # * *known_hosts_file* (String or nil): Known host file to give. Used only if ssh_config is nil. [default: nil] # Result:: # * String or nil: Corresponding SSH config, or nil if none def ssh_config_for(node, ssh_config: nil, nodes: nil, ssh_exec: nil, known_hosts_file: nil) if ssh_config.nil? params = {} params[:nodes] = nodes unless nodes.nil? params[:ssh_exec] = ssh_exec unless ssh_exec.nil? params[:known_hosts_file] = known_hosts_file unless known_hosts_file.nil? ssh_config = test_connector.ssh_config(**params) end ssh_config_lines = ssh_config.split("\n") begin_marker = node.nil? ? /^Host \*$/ : /^# #{Regexp.escape(node)} - .+$/ start_idx = ssh_config_lines.index { |line| line =~ begin_marker } return nil if start_idx.nil? end_marker = /^# \w+ - .+$/ end_idx = ssh_config_lines[start_idx + 1..-1].index { |line| line =~ end_marker } end_idx = end_idx.nil? ? -1 : start_idx + end_idx ssh_config_lines[start_idx..end_idx].select do |line| stripped_line = line.strip !stripped_line.empty? && stripped_line[0] != '#' end.join("\n") + "\n" end it 'generates a global configuration with user from environment' do with_test_platform do ENV['hpc_ssh_user'] = 'test_user' expect(ssh_config_for(nil)).to eq <<~EOS Host * User test_user ControlPath #{Dir.tmpdir}/hpc_ssh/hpc_actions_executor_mux_%h_%p_%r PubkeyAcceptedKeyTypes +ssh-dss EOS end end it 'generates a global configuration with user from setting' do with_test_platform do test_connector.ssh_user = 'test_user' expect(ssh_config_for(nil)).to eq <<~EOS Host * User test_user ControlPath #{Dir.tmpdir}/hpc_ssh/hpc_actions_executor_mux_%h_%p_%r PubkeyAcceptedKeyTypes +ssh-dss EOS end end it 'generates a global configuration with known hosts file' do with_test_platform do test_connector.ssh_user = 'test_user' expect(ssh_config_for(nil, known_hosts_file: '/path/to/known_hosts')).to eq <<~EOS Host * User test_user ControlPath #{Dir.tmpdir}/hpc_ssh/hpc_actions_executor_mux_%h_%p_%r PubkeyAcceptedKeyTypes +ssh-dss UserKnownHostsFile /path/to/known_hosts EOS end end it 'generates a global configuration without strict host key checking' do with_test_platform do test_connector.ssh_user = 'test_user' test_connector.ssh_strict_host_key_checking = false expect(ssh_config_for(nil)).to eq <<~EOS Host * User test_user ControlPath #{Dir.tmpdir}/hpc_ssh/hpc_actions_executor_mux_%h_%p_%r PubkeyAcceptedKeyTypes +ssh-dss StrictHostKeyChecking no EOS end end it 'includes the gateway definition from environment' do with_test_platform({}, false, 'gateway :gateway1, \'Host my_gateway\'') do ENV['hpc_ssh_gateways_conf'] = 'gateway1' expect(test_connector.ssh_config).to match /^Host my_gateway$/ end end it 'includes the gateway definition from setting' do with_test_platform({}, false, 'gateway :gateway1, \'Host my_gateway\'') do test_connector.ssh_gateways_conf = :gateway1 expect(test_connector.ssh_config).to match /^Host my_gateway$/ end end it 'includes the gateway definition with a different ssh executable' do with_test_platform({}, false, 'gateway :gateway1, \'Host my_gateway_<%= @ssh_exec %>\'') do test_connector.ssh_gateways_conf = :gateway1 expect(test_connector.ssh_config(ssh_exec: 'new_ssh')).to match /^Host my_gateway_new_ssh$/ end end it 'does not include the gateway definition if it is not selected' do with_test_platform({}, false, 'gateway :gateway2, \'Host my_gateway\'') do test_connector.ssh_gateways_conf = :gateway1 expect(test_connector.ssh_config).not_to match /^Host my_gateway$/ end end it 'generates a simple config for a node with host_ip' do with_test_platform(nodes: { 'node' => { meta: { host_ip: '' } } }) do expect(ssh_config_for('node')).to eq <<~EOS Host hpc.node Hostname EOS end end it 'generates a simple config for several nodes' do with_test_platform(nodes: { 'node1' => { meta: { host_ip: '' } }, 'node2' => { meta: { host_ip: '' } }, 'node3' => { meta: { host_ip: '' } } }) do expect(ssh_config_for('node1')).to eq <<~EOS Host hpc.node1 Hostname EOS expect(ssh_config_for('node2')).to eq <<~EOS Host hpc.node2 Hostname EOS expect(ssh_config_for('node3')).to eq <<~EOS Host hpc.node3 Hostname EOS end end it 'selects nodes when generating the config' do with_test_platform(nodes: { 'node1' => { meta: { host_ip: '' } }, 'node2' => { meta: { host_ip: '' } }, 'node3' => { meta: { host_ip: '' } } }) do expect(ssh_config_for('node1', nodes: %w[node1 node3])).to eq <<~EOS Host hpc.node1 Hostname EOS expect(ssh_config_for('node2', nodes: %w[node1 node3])).to eq nil end end it 'fails if a node can\'t be connected to' do with_test_platform(nodes: { 'node' => {} }) do expect { ssh_config_for('node') }.to raise_error(/No connection possible to node/) end end it 'generates an alias if the node has a hostname' do with_test_platform(nodes: { 'node' => { meta: { host_ip: '', hostname: 'my_hostname.my_domain' } } }) do expect(ssh_config_for('node')).to eq <<~EOS Host hpc.node my_hostname.my_domain Hostname EOS end end it 'generates aliases if the node has private ips' do with_test_platform(nodes: { 'node' => { meta: { host_ip: '', private_ips: ['', ''] } } }) do expect(ssh_config_for('node')).to eq <<~EOS Host hpc.node hpc. hpc. Hostname EOS end end it 'generates a simple config for a node with hostname' do with_test_platform(nodes: { 'node' => { meta: { hostname: 'my_hostname.my_domain' } } }) do expect(ssh_config_for('node')).to eq <<~EOS Host hpc.node my_hostname.my_domain Hostname my_hostname.my_domain EOS end end it 'generates a simple config for a node with private_ips' do with_test_platform(nodes: { 'node' => { meta: { private_ips: ['', ''] } } }) do expect(ssh_config_for('node')).to eq <<~EOS Host hpc.node hpc. hpc. Hostname EOS end end it 'uses node forced gateway information' do with_test_platform(nodes: { 'node' => { meta: { host_ip: '', gateway: 'test_gateway', gateway_user: 'test_gateway_user' } } }) do expect(ssh_config_for('node')).to eq <<~EOS Host hpc.node Hostname ProxyCommand ssh -q -W %h:%p test_gateway_user@test_gateway EOS end end it 'uses node default gateway information and user from environment' do with_test_platform(nodes: { 'node' => { meta: { host_ip: '', gateway: 'test_gateway' } } }) do ENV['hpc_ssh_gateway_user'] = 'test_gateway_user' expect(ssh_config_for('node')).to eq <<~EOS Host hpc.node Hostname ProxyCommand ssh -q -W %h:%p test_gateway_user@test_gateway EOS end end it 'uses node default gateway information and user from setting' do with_test_platform(nodes: { 'node' => { meta: { host_ip: '', gateway: 'test_gateway' } } }) do test_connector.ssh_gateway_user = 'test_gateway_user' expect(ssh_config_for('node')).to eq <<~EOS Host hpc.node Hostname ProxyCommand ssh -q -W %h:%p test_gateway_user@test_gateway EOS end end it 'uses node forced gateway information with a different ssh executable' do with_test_platform(nodes: { 'node' => { meta: { host_ip: '', gateway: 'test_gateway', gateway_user: 'test_gateway_user' } } }) do expect(ssh_config_for('node', ssh_exec: 'new_ssh')).to eq <<~EOS Host hpc.node Hostname ProxyCommand new_ssh -q -W %h:%p test_gateway_user@test_gateway EOS end end it 'uses node default gateway information with a different ssh executable' do with_test_platform(nodes: { 'node' => { meta: { host_ip: '', gateway: 'test_gateway' } } }) do test_connector.ssh_gateway_user = 'test_gateway_user' expect(ssh_config_for('node', ssh_exec: 'new_ssh')).to eq <<~EOS Host hpc.node Hostname ProxyCommand new_ssh -q -W %h:%p test_gateway_user@test_gateway EOS end end it 'generates a config compatible for passwords authentication' do with_test_platform(nodes: { 'node' => { meta: { host_ip: '' } } }) do test_connector.passwords['node'] = 'PaSsWoRd' expect(ssh_config_for('node')).to eq <<~EOS Host hpc.node Hostname PreferredAuthentications password PubkeyAuthentication no EOS end end it 'generates a config compatible for passwords authentication only for marked nodes' do with_test_platform(nodes: { 'node1' => { meta: { host_ip: '' } }, 'node2' => { meta: { host_ip: '' } }, 'node3' => { meta: { host_ip: '' } }, 'node4' => { meta: { host_ip: '' } } }) do test_connector.passwords['node1'] = 'PaSsWoRd1' test_connector.passwords['node3'] = 'PaSsWoRd3' expect(ssh_config_for('node1')).to eq <<~EOS Host hpc.node1 Hostname PreferredAuthentications password PubkeyAuthentication no EOS expect(ssh_config_for('node2')).to eq <<~EOS Host hpc.node2 Hostname EOS expect(ssh_config_for('node3')).to eq <<~EOS Host hpc.node3 Hostname PreferredAuthentications password PubkeyAuthentication no EOS expect(ssh_config_for('node4')).to eq <<~EOS Host hpc.node4 Hostname EOS end end end end end