require 'action_view' begin require 'rabl' # use rabl gem if it's available rescue LoadError end begin require 'rabl-rails' # use rabl-rails gem if it's available rescue LoadError end class Gon module Rabl class << self def handler(args, global = false) options = parse_options_from args, global if global && !options[:template] raise 'You should provide :template when use rabl with global variables' end data = parse_rabl \ Gon::Base.get_template_path(options, 'rabl'), Gon::Base.get_controller(options), options[:locals] [data, options] end private def parse_rabl(rabl_path, controller, locals) if defined? ::Rabl parse_with_rabl rabl_path, controller, locals elsif defined? ::RablRails parse_with_rabl_rails rabl_path, controller, locals else raise 'rabl or rabl-rails must be required in order to use gon.rabl' end end def parse_with_rabl(rabl_path, controller, locals) locals ||= {} source = include_helpers rabl_engine =, :format => 'json') output = rabl_engine.render(controller, locals) JSON.parse(output) end def parse_with_rabl_rails(rabl_path, controller, locals) locals ||= {} source = original_formats = controller.formats controller.formats = [:json] view_context = controller.view_context locals.each { |k, v| view_context.assigns[k.to_s] = v } output = RablRails::Library.instance.get_rendered_template(source, view_context) controller.formats = original_formats JSON.parse(output) end def parse_options_from(args, global) if old_api? args unless global text = "[DEPRECATION] view_path argument is now optional. " text << "If you need to specify it, " text << "please use gon.rabl(:template => 'path')" warn text end args.extract_options!.merge(:template => args[0]) elsif new_api? args args.first else {} end end def include_helpers unless ::Rabl::Engine.include? ::ActionView::Helpers ::Rabl::Engine.send(:include, ::ActionView::Helpers) end end def old_api?(args) args.first.is_a? String end def new_api?(args) args.first.is_a? Hash end end end end