# frozen_string_literal: true require 'date' require 'fileutils' require 'find' require 'open3' require 'pathname' require 'thor' module Zoi ROOT_DIR_NAME = 'zoi' class CLI < Thor desc 'create ', 'Create a new file under zoi root directory.' def create(file_path) return if file_path.nil? puts create_file(file_path) end desc 'open ', 'Execute `create` command and open the file with the editor specified by $EDITOR. For example: `EDITOR=code zoi open foobar.rb`' def open(file_path) return if editor.nil? || file_path.nil? created_file_path = create_file(file_path) puts created_file_path open_file(created_file_path) end desc 'list [-d]', 'List all files under zoi root directory.' option 'd', type: :boolean def list only_directory = options['d'] puts(Find.find(root_path).select { |path| only_directory ? File.directory?(path) : File.file?(path) }) end desc 'memo', "Create today's memo file and open the file with the editor specified by `$EDITOR`." def memo return if editor.nil? created_file_path = create_file("#{Date.today}.md") puts created_file_path open_file(created_file_path) end desc 'root', 'Print zoi root directory.' def root_command puts root_path end # NOTE: Resolve the following error. # `"root" is a Thor reserved word and cannot be defined as command` map 'root' => 'root_command' no_tasks do def editor @editor ||= ENV['EDITOR'] end def create_file(file_path) file_full_path = File.join(root_path, file_path) return file_full_path if File.exist?(file_full_path) dir_path = File.join(root_path, File.dirname(file_path)) FileUtils.mkdir_p(dir_path) FileUtils.touch(file_full_path) file_full_path end def open_file(file_path) system(editor, file_path) end def root_path @root_path ||= Pathname(Dir.home).join(ROOT_DIR_NAME).to_s end end end end