module Recurly class Subscription < Resource autoload :AddOns, 'recurly/subscription/add_ons' # @macro [attach] scope # @scope class # @return [Pager] A pager that yields +$1+ subscriptions. scope :active, :state => :active scope :canceled, :state => :canceled scope :expired, :state => :expired scope :future, :state => :future # @return [Pager] A pager that yields subscriptions in # trials. scope :in_trial, :state => :in_trial # @return [Pager] A pager that yields active, canceled, and # future subscriptions. scope :live, :state => :live scope :past_due, :state => :past_due # @return [Account] belongs_to :account # @return [Plan] belongs_to :plan # @return [Invoice] has_one :invoice # @return [Redemption] has_many :redemptions define_attribute_methods %w( uuid state unit_amount_in_cents cost_in_cents currency quantity activated_at canceled_at expires_at current_period_started_at current_period_ends_at trial_started_at trial_ends_at pending_subscription subscription_add_ons coupon_code coupon_codes total_billing_cycles remaining_billing_cycles net_terms collection_method po_number tax_in_cents tax_type tax_region tax_rate bulk bank_account_authorized_at terms_and_conditions customer_notes vat_reverse_charge_notes address ) alias to_param uuid def self.preview(attributes = {}) new(attributes) { |record| record.preview } end def preview clear_errors @response = API.send(:post, "#{path}/preview", to_xml) reload response rescue API::UnprocessableEntity => e apply_errors e end # @return [Subscription] A new subscription. def initialize attributes = {} super({ :currency => Recurly.default_currency }.merge attributes) end # Assign a Plan resource (rather than a plan code). # # @param plan [Plan] def plan= plan self.plan_code = (plan.plan_code if plan.respond_to? :plan_code) attributes[:plan] = plan end def plan_code self[:plan_code] ||= (plan.plan_code if plan.respond_to? :plan_code) end def plan_code= plan_code self[:plan_code] = plan_code end # Assign a Coupon resource (rather than a coupon code). # # @param coupon [Coupon] def coupon= coupon self.coupon_code = ( coupon.coupon_code if coupon.respond_to? :coupon_code ) attributes[:coupon] = coupon end # Assign Coupon resources (rather than coupon codes). # # @param coupons [[Coupons]] def coupons= coupons self.coupon_codes = do |coupon| coupon.coupon_code if coupon.respond_to? :coupon_code end.compact attributes[:coupons] = coupons end # @return [AddOns] def subscription_add_ons self[:subscription_add_ons] ||= self, super end alias add_ons subscription_add_ons # Assign an array of subscription add-ons. def subscription_add_ons= subscription_add_ons super self, subscription_add_ons end alias add_ons= subscription_add_ons= def pending_subscription sub = self[:pending_subscription] sub.tap {|e| e.currency = currency} if sub.is_a? Subscription end # Cancel a subscription so that it will not renew. # # @return [true, false] +true+ when successful, +false+ when unable to # (e.g., the subscription is not active). # @example # account = Account.find account_code # subscription = account.subscriptions.first # subscription.cancel # => true def cancel return false unless link? :cancel reload follow_link :cancel true end # An array of acceptable refund types. REFUND_TYPES = ['none', 'full', 'partial'].freeze # Immediately terminate a subscription (with optional refund). # # @return [true, false] +true+ when successful, +false+ when unable to # (e.g., the subscription is not active). # @param refund_type [:none, :full, :partial] :none terminates the # subscription with no refund (the default), :full refunds the # subscription in full, and :partial refunds the subscription in # part. # @raise [ArgumentError] Invalid +refund_type+. # @example # account = Account.find account_code # subscription = account.subscriptions.first # subscription.terminate(:partial) # => true def terminate refund_type = :none return false unless link? :terminate unless REFUND_TYPES.include? refund_type.to_s raise ArgumentError, "refund must be one of: #{REFUND_TYPES.join ', '}" end reload follow_link(:terminate, :params => { :refund => refund_type }) true end alias destroy terminate # Reactivate a subscription. # # @return [true, false] +true+ when successful, +false+ when unable to # (e.g., the subscription is already active), and may raise an exception # if the reactivation fails. def reactivate return false unless link? :reactivate reload follow_link :reactivate true end # Postpone a subscription's renewal date. # # @return [true, false] +true+ when successful, +false+ when unable to # (e.g., the subscription is not active). # @param next_renewal_date [Time] when the subscription should renew. # @param bulk [boolean] set to true for bulk updates (bypassing 60 second wait). def postpone next_renewal_date, bulk=false return false unless link? :postpone reload follow_link(:postpone, :params => { :next_renewal_date => next_renewal_date, :bulk => bulk } ) true end # Update the notes sections of the subscription # # @return [true, false] +true+ when successful, +false+ when unable to # @params notes [Hash] should be the notes parameters you wish to update def update_notes(notes) return false unless link? :notes self.attributes = notes reload follow_link(:notes, body: to_xml) true end def signable_attributes super.merge :plan_code => plan_code end end end