Salsify/RailsApplicationSerializer: Description: 'Serializers must subclass ApplicationSerializer.' Enabled: false Salsify/RailsApplicationMailer: Description: 'Mailers must subclass ApplicationMailer.' Enabled: false Salsify/RailsApplicationRecord: Description: 'Models must subclass ApplicationRecord.' Enabled: false Salsify/RspecDocString: Description: 'Check that RSpec doc strings use the correct quoting.' Enabled: true EnforcedStyle: double_quotes SupportedStyles: - single_quotes - double_quotes Include: - 'spec/**/*' Salsify/RspecDotNotSelfDot: Description: 'Enforce ".<class method>" instead of "self.<class method>" for example group description.' Enabled: true Include: - 'spec/**/*' Salsify/RspecStringLiterals: Description: 'Enforce consistent quote style for non-doc strings in RSpec tests.' Enabled: true EnforcedStyle: single_quotes SupportedStyles: - single_quotes - double_quotes Include: - 'spec/**/*' Salsify/StyleDig: Description: 'Recommend `dig` for deeply nested access.' Enabled: true AutoCorrect: false