3.0 tbd_measure 8890787b-8c25-4dc8-8641-b6be1b6c2357 ea7c945a-d074-4893-bc2c-7f48dd7ad740 20220907T200625Z 99772807 TBDMeasure Thermal Bridging and Derating - TBD Derates opaque constructions from major thermal bridges. Check out rd2.github.io/tbd alter_model Alter OpenStudio model (Apply Measures Now) For EnergyPlus simulations, leave CHECKED. For iterative exploration with Apply Measures Now, UNCHECK to preserve original OpenStudio model. Boolean false false true true true false false load_tbd_json Load 'tbd.json' Loads existing 'tbd.json' file (under '/files'), may override 'default thermal bridge' set. Boolean false false false true true false false option Default thermal bridge set e.g. 'poor', 'regular', 'efficient', 'code' (may be overridden by 'tbd.json' file). Choice false false poor (BETBG) poor (BETBG) poor (BETBG) regular (BETBG) regular (BETBG) efficient (BETBG) efficient (BETBG) spandrel (BETBG) spandrel (BETBG) spandrel HP (BETBG) spandrel HP (BETBG) code (Quebec) code (Quebec) uncompliant (Quebec) uncompliant (Quebec) (non thermal bridging) (non thermal bridging) write_tbd_json Write 'tbd.out.json' Write out 'tbd.out.json' file e.g., to customize for subsequent runs (edit, and place under '/files' as 'tbd.json'). Boolean false false false true true false false wall_option Wall construction(s) to 'uprate' Target 1x (or 'ALL') wall construction(s) to 'uprate', to achieve wall Ut target below. Choice false false NONE ALL wall constructions ALL wall constructions NONE NONE roof_option Roof construction(s) to 'uprate' Target 1x (or 'ALL') roof construction(s) to 'uprate', to achieve roof Ut target below. Choice false false NONE ALL roof constructions ALL roof constructions NONE NONE floor_option Floor construction(s) to 'uprate' Target 1x (or 'ALL') floor construction(s) to 'uprate', to achieve floor Ut target below. Choice false false NONE ALL floor constructions ALL floor constructions NONE NONE wall_ut Wall Ut target (W/m2•K) Overall Ut target to meet for wall construction(s). Ignored if previous wall 'uprate' option is set to 'NONE'. Double false false 0.21 roof_ut Roof Ut target (W/m2•K) Overall Ut target to meet for roof construction(s). Ignored if previous roof 'uprate' option is set to 'NONE'. Double false false 0.138 floor_ut Floor Ut target (W/m2•K) Overall Ut target to meet for floor construction(s). Ignored if previous floor 'uprate' option is set to 'NONE'. Double false false 0.162 gen_UA_report Generate UA' report Compare ∑U•A + ∑PSI•L + ∑KHI•n : 'Design' vs UA' reference (see pull-down option below). Boolean false false false true true false false ua_reference UA' reference e.g. 'poor', 'regular', 'efficient', 'code'. Choice true false code (Quebec) poor (BETBG) poor (BETBG) regular (BETBG) regular (BETBG) efficient (BETBG) efficient (BETBG) spandrel (BETBG) spandrel (BETBG) spandrel HP (BETBG) spandrel HP (BETBG) code (Quebec) code (Quebec) uncompliant (Quebec) uncompliant (Quebec) (non thermal bridging) (non thermal bridging) gen_kiva Generate Kiva inputs Generates Kiva settings & objects for surfaces with 'foundation' boundary conditions (not 'ground'). Boolean false false false true true false false gen_kiva_force Force-generate Kiva inputs Overwrites 'ground' boundary conditions as 'foundation' before generating Kiva inputs (recommended). Boolean false false false true true false false Envelope.Opaque Measure Type ModelMeasure string Intended Software Tool Apply Measure Now string Intended Software Tool OpenStudio Application string Intended Software Tool Parametric Analysis Tool string Intended Use Case Model Articulation string Intended Use Case Calibration string Intended Use Case Sensitivity Analysis string Intended Use Case New Construction EE string Intended Use Case Retrofit EE string README.md.erb erb readmeerb 703C9964 tbd_full_PSI.json json test 0AAEA490 transformation.rb rb resource 8EC912F6 .gitkeep gitkeep doc 32D70693 LICENSE.md md license CB393A2B geometry.rb rb resource D80E9AE6 model.rb rb resource 57ED37BF version.rb rb resource 05CC939E oslog.rb rb resource 6F3C0E99 tbd.rb rb resource 3776D81D utils.rb rb resource 54F57409 README.md md readme 36FA11E3 geo.rb rb resource 6E0B27AD OpenStudio 2.9.1 2.9.1 measure.rb rb script 3EE587D6 tbd_tests.rb rb test 6ED9AF88 psi.rb rb resource 655E8232 ua.rb rb resource 2BE6E743