--- title: MobileDevicesApi --- ## PureCloud::MobileDevicesApi All URIs are relative to *https://api.mypurecloud.com* Method | Description ------------- | ------------- | ------------- [**delete_mobiledevice**](MobileDevicesApi.html#delete_mobiledevice) | Delete device [**get_mobiledevice**](MobileDevicesApi.html#get_mobiledevice) | Get device [**get_mobiledevices**](MobileDevicesApi.html#get_mobiledevices) | Get a list of all devices. [**post_mobiledevices**](MobileDevicesApi.html#post_mobiledevices) | Create User device [**put_mobiledevice**](MobileDevicesApi.html#put_mobiledevice) | Update device {: class="table table-striped"} <a name="delete_mobiledevice"></a> ## - delete_mobiledevice(device_id) Delete device Wraps DELETE /api/v2/mobiledevices/{deviceId} Requires NO permissions: ### Example ~~~ruby # load the gem require 'purecloudplatformclientv2' # setup authorization @secret = ENV['PURECLOUD_SECRET'] @id = ENV['PURECLOUD_CLIENT_ID'] environment = "mypurecloud.com" @authToken = PureCloud.authenticate_with_client_credentials @id, @secret, environment PureCloud.configure do |config| config.access_token = @authToken end api_instance = PureCloud::MobileDevicesApi.new device_id = "device_id_example" # String | Device ID begin #Delete device api_instance.delete_mobiledevice(device_id) rescue PureCloud::ApiError => e puts "Exception when calling MobileDevicesApi->delete_mobiledevice: #{e}" end ~~~ ### Parameters Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **device_id** | **String**| Device ID | | {: class="table table-striped"} ### Return type nil (empty response body) ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: application/json - **Accept**: application/json <a name="get_mobiledevice"></a> ## -[**UserDevice**](UserDevice.html) get_mobiledevice(device_id) Get device Wraps GET /api/v2/mobiledevices/{deviceId} Requires NO permissions: ### Example ~~~ruby # load the gem require 'purecloudplatformclientv2' # setup authorization @secret = ENV['PURECLOUD_SECRET'] @id = ENV['PURECLOUD_CLIENT_ID'] environment = "mypurecloud.com" @authToken = PureCloud.authenticate_with_client_credentials @id, @secret, environment PureCloud.configure do |config| config.access_token = @authToken end api_instance = PureCloud::MobileDevicesApi.new device_id = "device_id_example" # String | Device ID begin #Get device result = api_instance.get_mobiledevice(device_id) p result rescue PureCloud::ApiError => e puts "Exception when calling MobileDevicesApi->get_mobiledevice: #{e}" end ~~~ ### Parameters Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **device_id** | **String**| Device ID | | {: class="table table-striped"} ### Return type [**UserDevice**](UserDevice.html) ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: application/json - **Accept**: application/json <a name="get_mobiledevices"></a> ## -[**DirectoryUserDevicesListing**](DirectoryUserDevicesListing.html) get_mobiledevices(opts) Get a list of all devices. Wraps GET /api/v2/mobiledevices Requires NO permissions: ### Example ~~~ruby # load the gem require 'purecloudplatformclientv2' # setup authorization @secret = ENV['PURECLOUD_SECRET'] @id = ENV['PURECLOUD_CLIENT_ID'] environment = "mypurecloud.com" @authToken = PureCloud.authenticate_with_client_credentials @id, @secret, environment PureCloud.configure do |config| config.access_token = @authToken end api_instance = PureCloud::MobileDevicesApi.new opts = { page_size: 25, # Integer | Page size page_number: 1, # Integer | Page number sort_order: "ascending" # String | Ascending or descending sort order } begin #Get a list of all devices. result = api_instance.get_mobiledevices(opts) p result rescue PureCloud::ApiError => e puts "Exception when calling MobileDevicesApi->get_mobiledevices: #{e}" end ~~~ ### Parameters Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **page_size** | **Integer**| Page size | [optional] [default to 25] | **page_number** | **Integer**| Page number | [optional] [default to 1] | **sort_order** | **String**| Ascending or descending sort order | [optional] [default to ascending]<br />**Values**: ascending, descending | {: class="table table-striped"} ### Return type [**DirectoryUserDevicesListing**](DirectoryUserDevicesListing.html) ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: application/json - **Accept**: application/json <a name="post_mobiledevices"></a> ## -[**UserDevice**](UserDevice.html) post_mobiledevices(body) Create User device Wraps POST /api/v2/mobiledevices Requires NO permissions: ### Example ~~~ruby # load the gem require 'purecloudplatformclientv2' # setup authorization @secret = ENV['PURECLOUD_SECRET'] @id = ENV['PURECLOUD_CLIENT_ID'] environment = "mypurecloud.com" @authToken = PureCloud.authenticate_with_client_credentials @id, @secret, environment PureCloud.configure do |config| config.access_token = @authToken end api_instance = PureCloud::MobileDevicesApi.new body = PureCloud::UserDevice.new # UserDevice | Device begin #Create User device result = api_instance.post_mobiledevices(body) p result rescue PureCloud::ApiError => e puts "Exception when calling MobileDevicesApi->post_mobiledevices: #{e}" end ~~~ ### Parameters Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **body** | [**UserDevice**](UserDevice.html)| Device | | {: class="table table-striped"} ### Return type [**UserDevice**](UserDevice.html) ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: application/json - **Accept**: application/json <a name="put_mobiledevice"></a> ## -[**UserDevice**](UserDevice.html) put_mobiledevice(device_id, opts) Update device Wraps PUT /api/v2/mobiledevices/{deviceId} Requires NO permissions: ### Example ~~~ruby # load the gem require 'purecloudplatformclientv2' # setup authorization @secret = ENV['PURECLOUD_SECRET'] @id = ENV['PURECLOUD_CLIENT_ID'] environment = "mypurecloud.com" @authToken = PureCloud.authenticate_with_client_credentials @id, @secret, environment PureCloud.configure do |config| config.access_token = @authToken end api_instance = PureCloud::MobileDevicesApi.new device_id = "device_id_example" # String | Device ID opts = { body: PureCloud::UserDevice.new # UserDevice | Device } begin #Update device result = api_instance.put_mobiledevice(device_id, opts) p result rescue PureCloud::ApiError => e puts "Exception when calling MobileDevicesApi->put_mobiledevice: #{e}" end ~~~ ### Parameters Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **device_id** | **String**| Device ID | | **body** | [**UserDevice**](UserDevice.html)| Device | [optional] | {: class="table table-striped"} ### Return type [**UserDevice**](UserDevice.html) ### HTTP request headers - **Content-Type**: application/json - **Accept**: application/json