module Cms # @todo Comments need to be cleaned up to get rid of 'uses_paperclip' module Behaviors # Allows one or more files to be attached to content blocks. # # class Book # acts_as_content_block # uses_paperclip # end # # It would probably be nice to do something like: # # class Book # acts_as_content_block :uses_paperclip => true # end # # has_attached_asset and has_many_attached_assets are very similar. # They both define a couple of methods in the content block: # # class Book # uses_paperclip # # has_attached_asset :cover # has_many_attached_assets :drafts # end # # book = # book.cover = nil #is basically calling: book.assets.named(:cover).first # book.drafts = [] #is calling book.assets.named(:drafts) # # Book#cover and Book#drafts both return Asset objects as opposed to what # happens with stand alone Paperclip: # # class Book # has_attached_file :invoice #straight Paperclip # end # # # returns an instance of Paperclip::Attachment # # However, Asset instances respond to most of the same methods # Paperclip::Attachments do (at least the most usefull ones and the ones # that make sense for this implementation). Please see asset.rb for more on # this. # # At the moment, calling has_attached_asset does not enforce that only # one asset is created, it only defines a method that returns the first one # ActiveRecord finds. It would be possible to do if that makes sense. # # In terms of validations, I'm aiming to expose the same 3 class methods # Paperclip exposes, apart from those needed by BCMS itself (like enforcing # unique attachment paths) but this is not ready yet: # # validates_asset_size # validates_asset_presence # validates_asset_content_type # module Attaching def self.included(base) base.extend MacroMethods end module MacroMethods # Adds additional behavior to a model which allows it to have attachments. # Typically, clients will not need to call this directly. Enabling attachments is normally done via: # # acts_as_content_block :allow_attachments => false # ## By default, blocks can have attachments. def allow_attachments extend ClassMethods extend Validations include InstanceMethods # Allows a block to be associated with a list of uploaded attachments (done via AJAX) attr_accessor :attachment_id_list Cms::Attachment.definitions[] = {} has_many :attachments, :as => :attachable, :dependent => :destroy, :class_name => 'Cms::Attachment', :autosave => false accepts_nested_attributes_for :attachments, :allow_destroy => true, # New attachments must have an uploaded file :reject_if => lambda { |a| a[:data].blank? && a[:id].blank? } attr_accessible :attachments_attributes, :attachment_id_list validates_associated :attachments before_validation :initialize_attachments, :check_for_updated_attachments after_validation :filter_generic_attachment_errors before_create :associate_new_attachments before_save :ensure_status_matches_attachable after_save :save_associated_attachments end end #NOTE: Assets should be validated when created individually. module Validations def validates_attachment_size(name, options = {}) min = options[:greater_than] || (options[:in] && options[:in].first) || 0 max = options[:less_than] || (options[:in] && options[:in].last) || (1.0/0) range = (min..max) message = options[:message] || "#{name.to_s.capitalize} file size must be between :min and :max bytes." message = message.gsub(/:min/, min.to_s).gsub(/:max/, max.to_s) #options[:unless] = {|r| r.a.asset_name != name.to_s} validate(options) do |record| record.attachments.each do |attachment| next unless attachment.attachment_name == name.to_s record.errors.add_to_base(message) unless range.include?(attachment.data_file_size) end end end def validates_attachment_presence(name, options = {}) message = options[:message] || "Must provide at least one #{name}" validate(options) do |record| record.errors.add(:attachment, message) unless record.attachments.any? { |a| a.attachment_name == name.to_s } end end def validates_attachment_content_type(name, options = {}) validation_options = options.dup allowed_types = [validation_options[:content_type]].flatten validate(validation_options) do |record| attachments.each do |a| if !allowed_types.any? { |t| t === a.data_content_type } && !(a.data_content_type.nil? || a.data_content_type.blank?) record.add_to_base(options[:message] || "is not one of #{allowed_types.join(', ')}") end end end end # Define at :set_attachment_path if you would like to override the way file_path is set def handle_setting_attachment_path if self.respond_to? :set_attachment_path set_attachment_path else use_default_attachment_path end end end module ClassMethods # Defines an single attachement with a given name. # # @param [Symbol] name The name of the attachment # @param [Hash] options Accepts most Paperclip options for Paperclip::ClassMethods.has_attached_file # @see def has_attachment(name, options = {}) options[:type] = :single options[:index] = Cms::Attachment.definitions[].size Cms::Attachment.definitions[][name] = options define_method name do attachment_named(name) end define_method "#{name}?" do (attachment_named(name) != nil) end end # Allows multiple attachments under a specific name. # # @param [Symbol] name The name of the attachments. # @param [Hash] options Accepts most Paperclip options for Paperclip::ClassMethods.has_attached_file # @see def has_many_attachments(name, options = {}) options[:type] = :multiple Cms::Attachment.definitions[][name] = options define_method name do attachments.named name end define_method "#{name}?" do !attachments.named(name).empty? end end # Find all attachments as of the given version for the specified block. Excludes attachments that were # deleted as of a version. # # @param [Integer] version_number # @param [Attaching] attachable The object with attachments # @return [Array] def attachments_as_of_version(version_number, attachable) found_versions = Cms::Attachment::Version.where(:attachable_id => where(:attachable_type => attachable.attachable_type). where(:attachable_version => version_number). order(:version).all found_attachments = [] found_versions.each do |av| record = av.build_object_from_version found_attachments << record end found_attachments.delete_if { |value| value.deleted? } found_attachments end # Return all definitions for a given class. def definitions_for(name) Cms::Attachment.definitions[][name] end end module InstanceMethods # This ensures that if a change is made to an attachment, that this model is also marked as changed. # Otherwise, if the change isn't detected, this record won't save a new version (since updates are rejected if no changes were made) def check_for_updated_attachments attachments.each do |a| if a.changed? changed_attributes['attachments'] = "Uploaded new files" end end end # Returns a list of all attachments this content type has defined. # @return [Array] Names def attachment_names Cms::Attachment.definitions[].keys end def after_publish attachments.each &:publish end # Locates the attachment with a given name # @param [Symbol] name The name of the attachment def attachment_named(name) { |item| item.attachment_name.to_sym == name }.first end def unassigned_attachments return [] if attachment_id_list.blank? Cms::Attachment.find attachment_id_list.split(',').map(&:to_i) end def all_attachments attachments << unassigned_attachments end def attachable_type end # Versioning Callback - This will result in a new version of attachments being created every time the attachable is updated. # Allows a complete version history to be reconstructed. # @param [Versionable] new_version def after_build_new_version(new_version) attachments.each do |a| a.attachable_version = new_version.version end end # Version Callback - Reconstruct this object exactly as it was as of a particularly version # Called after the object is 'reset' to the specific version in question. def after_as_of_version() @attachments_as_of = self.class.attachments_as_of_version(version, self) # Override #attachments to return the original attachments for the current version. metaclass = class << self; self; end metaclass.send :define_method, :attachments do @attachments_as_of end end # Callback - Ensure attachments get reverted whenver a block does. def after_revert(version) version_number = version.version attachments.each do |a| a.revert_to(version_number, {:attachable_version => self.version+1}) end end # Ensures that attachments exist for form, since it uses attachments.each to iterate over them. # Design Qualm: I don't like that this method has to exist, since its basically obscuring the fact that # individual attachments don't exist when an object is created. def ensure_attachment_exists attachment_names.each do |n| unless attachment_named(n.to_sym) # Can't use because sometimes its an array attachments << => n, :attachable => self) end end end # @return [Array] def multiple_attachments { |a| a.cardinality == Attachment::MULTIPLE } end private # Saves associated attachments if they were updated. (Used in place of :autosave=>true, since the CMS Versioning API seems to break that) # # ActiveRecord Callback def save_associated_attachments attachments.each do |a| if a.changed? end end # Filter - Ensures that the status of all attachments matches the this block def ensure_status_matches_attachable if self.class.archivable? attachments.each do |a| a.archived = self.archived end end if self.class.publishable? attachments.each do |a| a.publish_on_save = self.publish_on_save end end end # Handles assigning attachments that were created via use of # the cms_asset manager. # # Since Attachments are created via AJAX, we need to go back and associate those with this Attaching object. def associate_new_attachments unless attachment_id_list.blank? ids = attachment_id_list.split(',').map(&:to_i) ids.each do |i| begin attachment = Cms::Attachment.find(i) rescue ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound end # Previously saved attachments shouldn't have an attachable_version or attachable_id yet. if attachment attachment.attachable_version = self.version attachments << attachment end end end end # We don't want errors like: Attachments is invalid showing up, since they are duplicates def filter_generic_attachment_errors filter_errors_named([:attachments]) end def initialize_attachments attachments.each { |a| a.attachable_class = } end private def filter_errors_named(filter_list) filtered_errors = self.errors.reject { |err| filter_list.include?(err.first) } # reset the errors collection and repopulate it with the filtered errors. self.errors.clear filtered_errors.each { |err| self.errors.add(*err) } end end end end end