# RailsScript RailsScript is a Rails-centric, object oriented, featherweight framework for writing CoffeeScript. It is optimized for the [Rails Asset Pipeline](http://guides.rubyonrails.org/asset_pipeline.html) and is compatible with [TurboLinks](https://github.com/rails/turbolinks). Using Rails controller names and actions to call JavaScript, it has never been easier to write clean, concise, and maintainable page specific JavaScript. ## Upgrading to V2 To migrate from version 0.x to 1.x, please see the wiki; https://github.com/gemgento/rails_script/wiki/v2-Migration ## Installation Add this line to your application's Gemfile: gem 'rails_script', '~> 2.0' And then execute: $ bundle After bundling you need to run the initial installation generator: $ rails g rails_script:install After the generator finishes, you will be prompted to add helper call to your application layout. The generated code is responsible for initializing and calling the action specific JavaScript. This helper should be called before the closing body tag. ``` <%= include_rails_script %> ``` NOTE: Your JS files needed have been included before `include_rails_script`. In other words, you still need `<%= javascript_include_tag "application" %>` in your application layout. After including the view helper in your application layout, you will need to require the RailsScript javascript library inside your application.js or application.coffee file before the `require_tree .` line. if using javascript (app/assets/javascripts/application.js): ``` // * other app specific js require lines //= require rails_script //= require_tree . ``` if using coffeescript (app/assets/javascripts/application.coffee): ``` # * other app specific js require lines #= require rails_script #= require_tree . ``` ## Usage ### Page (Action) Specific JavaScript Your JavaScript class is named after your Controller and there is a method for each Controller action. Whenever you generate a Controller, the CoffeeScript file that is generated will define the new JavaScript class and the basic REST actions. The example below would print 'users#show' in the console for the ```Users#show``` action. ```coffeescript # app/assets/javascripts/users.js.coffee class App.Users extends App.Base show: => console.log 'users#show' ``` ### Controller Specific JavaScript Executing some JavaScript to run on all controller actions is just a matter of adding it to the ```beforeAction``` or ```afterAction``` function. ```beforeAction``` is run before all controller action functions and ```afterAction``` is run after all controller action functions. The before and after action functions have an optional argument ```action``` which is a string containing the current action name. The example below would print 'before ACTION action' and 'after ACTION action' for each ```Users``` controller action. ```coffeescript # app/assets/javascripts/users.js.coffee class App.Users extends App.Base beforeAction: (action) => console.log "before #{action} action" afterAction: (action) => console.log "after #{action} action" ``` ### Application Wide JavaScript Running some JavaScript on every page of an Application is a common need. For example, we may want to create a site credit rollover in the footer of every page. ```coffeescript # app/assets/javascripts/base.js.coffee ... class App.Base constructor: -> @footerRollover() return this footerRollover: -> $(".site-credit a").hoverIntent( over: -> $(".site-credit a").html("
") out: -> $(".site-credit a").html("SITE CREDIT") ) ... ``` In this example we extracted the rollover action into a new function. Doing so will make the class cleaner and easier to maintain as the application grows. Once again note the ```return this``` in the constructor. ### Global Functions Any functions that need to be accessible in the global scope should be defined in ```global.js.coffee``` using the ```App``` namespace. Below is an example of one of our favorite functions that we use to submit a form using AJAX as a JSON request. ```coffeescript # app/assets/javascripts/global.js.coffee App.remoteSubmission = ($form) -> return $.ajax url: $form.attr('action') type: $form.attr('method') data: $form.serialize() dataType: 'json' ``` Now you can access this function from anywhere in the application by just calling ```App.remoteSubmission($('#myForm'))``` ### Utilities A ```Utility``` is a class that will be used to create similar functionality in many areas of the application. A good example of this is a Modal, which could appear multiple times on the same page. So, let's encapsulate this functionality in a highly reusable class. First, generate the ```Utility``` $ rails g rails_script:utility Modal This will create the following in ```/app/assets/javascripts/utilities/modal.js.coffee```: ```coffeescript # /app/assets/javascripts/utilities/modal.js.coffee class Utility.Modal constructor: -> return this ``` Let's add some basic functionality: ```coffeescript # /app/assets/javascripts/utilities/modal.js.coffee class Utility.Modal isOpen: false constructor: ($element, $trigger) -> @element = $element @trigger = $trigger @trigger.on 'click', @toggle return this toggle: (event) => event.preventDefault() if @isOpen then @close() else @open() open: => @isOpen = true @element.show() close: => @isOpen = false @element.fadeOut('fast') ``` Now, here's how we use the utility from ```users#show``` ```coffeescript # app/assets/javascripts/users.js.coffee class App.Users extends App.Base show: -> @galleryModal = new Utility.Modal($('#user-gallery-modal-wrapper'), $('user-gallery-modal-toggle-button')) ``` ### Elements An ```Element``` is a class that describes the functionality of a one off element in the application. A Main Menu is a good example of this since there is usually only a single Main Menu. First generate the ```Element``` $ rails g rails_script:element MainMenu This will create the following in ```/app/assets/javascripts/elements/main_menu.js.coffee``` ```coffeescript # /app/assets/javascripts/elements/main_menu.js.coffee``` class Element.MainMenu constructor: -> return this ``` We can now add all the logic for the main menu in a separate class and call it on every page like so: ```coffeescript # app/assets/javascripts/base.js.coffee class App.Base constructor: -> App.mainMenu = new Element.MainMenu() return this ``` #### Element Inheritance Inheritance is another key tool for reusability. Let's say our ```Element.MainMenu``` opens and closes in the same way as the ```Utility.Modal```. Well then MainMenu should just extend Modal, this can be accomplished from the generator: $ rails g rails:script MainMenu Modal Which generates: ````coffeescript # /app/assets/javascripts/elements/main_menu.js.coffee class Element.MainMenu extends Utility.Modal constructor: -> return this ```` Inheritance from the generator can only come from a Utility class. Any class you wish to extend should be created as a Utility. The installer adds the line ```//= require_tree ./utilities``` before loading tree to handle this. If you have a utility that extends a utility, then make sure the extended utility is loaded first by explicitly requiring it before ```//= require_tree ./utilities```. ### Custom Controllers When a new controller is generated, the JavaScript asset file will be generated with App. However, if you need to manually generate a RailsScript controller you can use: $ rails g rails_script:controller Some::NewController Since the above example includes a namespace, it would generate: ```coffeescript # app/assets/javascripts/some/new_controller.js.coffee window.App ||= {} class App.SomeNewController extends App.Base beforeAction: (action) => return afterAction: (action) => return index: => return show: => return new: => return edit: => return ``` None of the pre-defined functions are necessary, you can remove the ones you don't need. ### Generic Classes To generate a generic class that isn't a Utility, Element or Controller, just use the following: $ rails g rails_script:class My::ClassName Which generates: ```coffeescript # /app/assets/javascripts/my/class_name.js.coffee class App.MyClassName constructor: -> return this ``` ### Passing Rails Variables To pass data from Rails to JavaScript, just call ```to_javascript``` along with a hash of your data. This is then converted to a JSON object with ```to_javascript.to_json``` and can be accessed with ```Utility.RailsVars```. The ```to_javascript``` helper may be called from multiple points in the application, all data is merged together. Here's an example where ```to_javascript``` is used in a ```before_filter``` to pass the current user and their friends: ```ruby # /app/controllers/application_controller.rb class ApplicationController before_filter :set_javascript_vars private def set_javascript_vars to_javascript user: current_user, friends: current_user.friends end end ``` And here's how we print that data to the console on the ```users#index``` action: ```coffeescript # /app/assets/javascripts/users.js.coffee class App.Users extends App.Base index: => console.log Utility.RailsVars.user console.log Utility.RailsVars.friends ``` ### Events Since Turbolinks doesn't refresh the page and only replaces the body, event listeners defined on ```window``` and ```document``` carry between page loads. To avoid these event listeners stacking, RailsScript will destroy all event listeners on ```window``` and ```document``` that have a blank namespace, i.e. ```$(window).on 'scroll', myHandler```. If you need an event handler to persist between page changes, then define a namespace, i.e. ```$(window).on 'scroll.namespace', myHandler```. ### Page Transitions Full page transitions are super easy with RailsScript and Turbolinks. Checkout the wiki for more information on how to add these to your RailsScript application, https://github.com/gemgento/rails_script/wiki/Turbolinks-Page-Transitions. ## Contributing 1. Fork it ( https://github.com/[my-github-username]/rails_script/fork ) 2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`) 3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Add some feature'`) 4. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`) 5. Create a new Pull Request