Unreleased Changes ------------------ 1.9.0 (2021-10-26) ------------------ * Feature - This feature enables auto-generation of certificate to secure the managed-endpoint and removes the need for customer provided certificate-arn during managed-endpoint setup. 1.8.0 (2021-10-18) ------------------ * Feature - Code Generated Changes, see `./build_tools` or `aws-sdk-core`'s CHANGELOG.md for details. 1.7.0 (2021-09-01) ------------------ * Feature - Code Generated Changes, see `./build_tools` or `aws-sdk-core`'s CHANGELOG.md for details. 1.6.0 (2021-07-30) ------------------ * Feature - Code Generated Changes, see `./build_tools` or `aws-sdk-core`'s CHANGELOG.md for details. 1.5.0 (2021-07-28) ------------------ * Feature - Code Generated Changes, see `./build_tools` or `aws-sdk-core`'s CHANGELOG.md for details. 1.4.0 (2021-07-19) ------------------ * Feature - Updated DescribeManagedEndpoint and ListManagedEndpoints to return failureReason and stateDetails in API response. 1.3.0 (2021-03-10) ------------------ * Feature - Code Generated Changes, see `./build_tools` or `aws-sdk-core`'s CHANGELOG.md for details. 1.2.0 (2021-02-04) ------------------ * Feature - This release is to correct the timestamp format to ISO8601 for the date parameters in the describe and list API response objects of Job Run and Virtual Clusters. 1.1.0 (2021-02-02) ------------------ * Feature - Code Generated Changes, see `./build_tools` or `aws-sdk-core`'s CHANGELOG.md for details. 1.0.0 (2020-12-08) ------------------ * Feature - Initial release of `aws-sdk-emrcontainers`.