module Historiographer module HistoryMigration # # class CreateAdGroupHistories < ActiveRecord::Migration # def change # create_table :ad_group_histories do |t| # t.histories # end # end # end # # t.histories(except: ["name"]) # don't include name column # t.histories(only: ["name"]) # only include name column # t.histories(no_business_columns: true) # only add history timestamps and history_user_id; manually add your own columns # # Will automatically add user_id, history_started_at, # and history_ended_at columns # def histories(except: [], only: [], no_business_columns: false, index_names: {}, foreign_key: nil) index_names.symbolize_keys! history_table_name = original_table_name = history_table_name.gsub(/_histories$/) {}.pluralize foreign_key ||= original_table_name.singularize.foreign_key class_definer = do end class_name = original_table_name.classify klass = Object.const_set(class_name, class_definer) klass.send("table_name=", original_table_name) original_columns = klass.columns.reject { |c| == "id" || except.include?( || (only.any? && only.exclude?( || no_business_columns } integer foreign_key.to_sym, null: false valid_keys = [:limit, :precision, :scale, :default, :null, :collation, :comment, :primary_key, :if_exists, :if_not_exists, :array, :using, :cast_as, :as, :type, :enum_type, :stored] original_columns.each do |column| opts = column.as_json.symbolize_keys.slice(*valid_keys) # Only keep valid keys if RUBY_VERSION.to_i >= 3 send(column.type,, **opts) else send(column.type,, opts) end end datetime :history_started_at, null: false datetime :history_ended_at integer :history_user_id string :snapshot_id indices_sql = %q( SELECT DISTINCT( ARRAY_TO_STRING(ARRAY( SELECT pg_get_indexdef(idx.indexrelid, k + 1, true) FROM generate_subscripts(idx.indkey, 1) as k ORDER BY k ), ',') ) as indkey_names FROM pg_class t, pg_class i, pg_index idx, pg_attribute a, pg_am am WHERE t.oid = idx.indrelid AND i.oid = idx.indexrelid AND a.attrelid = t.oid AND a.attnum = ANY(idx.indkey) AND t.relkind = 'r' AND t.relname = ?; ) indices_query_array = [indices_sql, original_table_name] indices_sanitized_query = klass.send(:sanitize_sql_array, indices_query_array) indexes = klass.connection.execute(indices_sanitized_query) { |i| i == "id" }.map { |i| i.split(",") }.concat([ foreign_key, :history_started_at, :history_ended_at, :history_user_id, :snapshot_id ]) indexes.each do |index_definition| index_definition = [index_definition] index_name = index_definition.count == 1 ? index_definition.first : index_definition if index_names.key?(index_name) index index_name, name: index_names[index_name] else index index_name end end end end end