require 'shoes/spec_helper' describe Shoes::App do let(:input_blk) { {} } let(:opts) { } subject(:app) {, &input_blk) } it_behaves_like "DSL container" it { should respond_to :clipboard } it { should respond_to :clipboard= } it { should respond_to :owner } # For Shoes 3 compatibility it "exposes self as #app" do expect( eq(app) end describe "initialize" do let(:input_blk) { {} } before do Shoes::App.any_instance.stub(:flow) end it "initializes style hash", :qt do style = style.class.should eq(Hash) end context "console" do end context "defaults" do let(:opts) { } let(:defaults) { Shoes::InternalApp::DEFAULT_OPTIONS } it "sets width", :qt do subject.width.should == defaults[:width] expect(subject.width).to eq defaults[:width] end it "sets height", :qt do expect(subject.height).to eq defaults[:height] end it 'has an absolute_left of 0' do expect(subject.absolute_left).to eq 0 end it 'has an absolute_top of 0' do expect(subject.absolute_top).to eq 0 end describe "internal app state" do let(:internal_app) { app.instance_variable_get(:@__app__) } it "sets title", :qt do expect(internal_app.app_title).to eq defaults[:title] end it "is resizable", :qt do expect(internal_app.resizable).to be_true end end end context "from opts" do let(:opts) { {:width => 150, :height => 2, :title => "Shoes::App Spec", :resizable => false} } it "sets width", :qt do expect(subject.width).to eq opts[:width] end it "sets height", :qt do expect(subject.height).to eq opts[:height] end describe "internal app state" do let(:internal_app) { app.instance_variable_get(:@__app__) } it "sets title", :qt do expect(internal_app.app_title).to eq opts[:title] end it "sets resizable", :qt do expect(internal_app.resizable).to be_false end end it 'initializes a flow with the right parameters' do expect(Shoes::Flow).to receive(:new).with(anything, anything, {width: opts[:width], height: opts[:height]}). and_call_original subject end end context "when registering" do before :each do Shoes.unregister_all end it "registers" do old_apps_length = Shoes.apps.length subject expect(Shoes.apps.length).to eq(old_apps_length + 1) expect(Shoes.apps).to include(subject) end end end describe "style" do let(:black) { Shoes::COLORS[:black] } let(:goldenrod) { Shoes::COLORS[:goldenrod] } let(:defaults) { {stroke: black, strokewidth: 1} } it "sets defaults" do expect( eq(defaults) end it "merges new styles with existing styles" do new_styles = { strokewidth: 4 } new_styles expect( eq(defaults.merge(new_styles)) end describe "strokewidth" do it "defaults to 1" do[:strokewidth].should eq(1) end it "passes default to objects" do subject.line(0, 100, 100, 0).style[:strokewidth].should eq(1) end it "passes new values to objects" do subject.strokewidth 10 subject.line(0, 100, 100, 0).style[:strokewidth].should eq(10) end end describe "stroke" do it "defaults to black" do[:stroke].should eq(black) end it "passes default to objects" do subject.oval(100, 100, 100).style[:stroke].should eq(black) end it "passes new value to objects" do subject.stroke goldenrod subject.oval(100, 100, 100).style[:stroke].should eq(goldenrod) end end describe "default styles" do it "is independent among Shoes::App instances" do app1 = app2 = app1.strokewidth 10 app1.line(0, 100, 100, 0).style[:strokewidth].should == 10 # .. but does not affect app2 app2.line(0, 100, 100, 0).style[:strokewidth].should_not == 10 end end end describe "connecting with gui" do let(:gui) { app.instance_variable_get(:@__app__).gui } describe "clipboard" do it "gets clipboard" do expect(gui).to receive(:clipboard) subject.clipboard end it "sets clipboard" do expect(gui).to receive(:clipboard=).with("test") subject.clipboard = "test" end end describe "quitting" do it "#quit tells the GUI to quit" do expect(gui).to receive :quit subject.quit end it '#close tells the GUI to quit' do expect(gui).to receive :quit subject.close end end end describe "#started?" do it "checks the window has been displayed or not" do subject.started? end end describe 'Execution context' do it 'starts with self as the execution context' do my_self = nil app = do my_self = self end my_self.should eq app end end describe '#append' do let(:input_blk) { do append do para 'Hi' end end} it 'understands append' do subject.should respond_to :append end it 'should receive a call to what is called in the append block' do Shoes::App.any_instance.should_receive :para subject end end describe '#resize' do it 'understands resize' do subject.should respond_to :resize end end describe 'fullscreen' do describe 'starting' do let(:internal_app) { app.instance_variable_get(:@__app__) } context 'with defaults' do it 'does not start as fullscreen' do expect(internal_app.start_as_fullscreen?).to be_false end end describe 'with the fullscreen option' do let(:opts) { {fullscreen: true} } it 'starts as fullscreen ' do expect(internal_app.start_as_fullscreen?).to be_true end end end it 'is not in fullscreen by default' do expect(app).not_to be_fullscreen end it 'can be turned into fullscreen' do app.fullscreen = true expect(app).to be_fullscreen end describe 'going into fullscreen and back out again' do let(:defaults) { Shoes::InternalApp::DEFAULT_OPTIONS } before :each do app.fullscreen = true app.fullscreen = false end # Failing on Mac fullscreen doesnt seem to work see #397 it 'is not in fullscreen', :fails_on_osx => true do expect(app).not_to be_fullscreen end # Failing on Mac fullscreen doesnt seem to work see #397 it 'has its original width', :fails_on_osx => true do expect(app.width).to eq(defaults[:width]) end # Failing on Mac fullscreen doesnt seem to work see #397 it 'has its original height', :fails_on_osx => true do expect(app.height).to eq(defaults[:height]) end end end describe '#add_child' do let(:internal_app) { app.instance_variable_get(:@__app__) } let(:child) {double 'child'} it 'adds the child to the top_slot when there is one' do top_slot_double = double 'top slot' internal_app.stub(top_slot: top_slot_double) expect(top_slot_double).to receive(:add_child).with(child) internal_app.add_child child end it 'adds the child to the own contents when there is no top_slot' do internal_app.stub top_slot: nil internal_app.add_child child internal_app.contents.should include child end end describe '#clear' do let(:input_blk) { {para 'Hello'}} let(:internal_app) {subject.instance_variable_get(:@__app__)} it 'deletes everything (regression)' do subject.clear expect(internal_app.top_slot.contents).to be_empty end context 'clear in the initial input_block' do let(:input_blk) { do para 'Hello there' clear do para 'see you' end end } it 'does not raise an error calling clear on a top_slot that is nil' do expect {subject}.not_to raise_error end end end describe "#gutter" do context "when app has a scrollbar" do let(:input_opts) { {width: 100, height: 100} } let(:input_block) { { para "Round peg, square hole" * 200 } } it "has gutter of 16" do expect(app.gutter).to eq(16) end end context "when app has no scrollbar" do let(:input_block) { { para "Round peg, square hole" } } it "has gutter of 16" do expect(app.gutter).to eq(16) end end end describe 'DELEGATE_METHODS' do subject {Shoes::App::DELEGATE_METHODS} describe 'does not include general ruby object methods' do it {should_not include :new, :initialize} end describe 'it has access to Shoes app and DSL methods' do it {should include :para, :rect, :stack, :flow, :image, :location} end describe 'it does not have access to private methods' do it {should_not include :pop_style, :style_normalizer, :create} end describe 'there are blacklisted methods which it should not include' do it {should_not include :parent} end end end describe "App registry" do subject { Shoes.apps } before :each do Shoes.unregister_all end it "only exposes a copy" do subject << double("app") Shoes.apps.length.should eq(0) end context "with no apps" do it { should be_empty } end context "with one app" do let(:app) { double('app') } before :each do Shoes.register(app) end its(:length) { should eq(1) } it "marks first app as main app" do Shoes.main_app.should be(app) end end context "with two apps" do let(:app_1) { double("app 1") } let(:app_2) { double("app 2") } before :each do [app_1, app_2].each { |a| Shoes.register(a) } end its(:length) { should eq(2) } it "marks first app as main app" do Shoes.main_app.should be(app_1) end end end