# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- require 'rbconfig' module Webgen module CLI # Provides methods for CLI classes for formatting text in a consistent manner. module Utils class << self; attr_accessor :use_colors; end @use_colors = $stdout.tty? && (RbConfig::CONFIG['host_os'] !~ /mswin|mingw/ || ENV['ANSICON']) DEFAULT_WIDTH = 80 module Color # :nodoc: @@colors = {:bold => [1], :light => [1], :green => [32], :yellow => [33], :red => [31], :blue => [34], :reset => [0]} @@colors.each do |color, values| module_eval("def Color.#{color.to_s}(text = nil);" << "'\e[#{values.join(';')}m' << (text.nil? ? '' : text + self.reset); end") end end # Used for dynamically formatting the text (setting color, bold face, ...). # # The +id+ (method name) can be one of the following: bold, light, green, yellow, red, blue, # reset. def self.method_missing(id, text = nil) if self.use_colors && Color.respond_to?(id) Color.send(id, text) else text.to_s end end # Return an array of lines which represents the text in +content+ formatted so that no line is # longer than +width+ characters. # # The +indent+ parameter specifies the amount of spaces prepended to each line. If # +first_line_indented+ is +true+, then the first line is indented. def self.format(content, width = DEFAULT_WIDTH, indent = 0, first_line_indented = false) content = (content || '').dup length = width - indent paragraphs = content.split(/\n\n/) if (0..1) === paragraphs.length pattern = /^(.{0,#{length}})[ \n]/m lines = [] while content.length > length if content =~ pattern str = $1 len = $&.length else str = content[0, length] len = length end lines << (lines.empty? && !first_line_indented ? '' : ' '*indent) + str.gsub(/\n/, ' ') content.slice!(0, len) end lines << (lines.empty? && !first_line_indented ? '' : ' '*indent) + content.gsub(/\n/, ' ') unless content.strip.empty? lines else ((format(paragraphs.shift, width, indent, first_line_indented) << '') + paragraphs.collect {|p| format(p, width, indent, true) << '' }).flatten[0..-2] end end end end end