/* -*- c-file-style: "ruby"; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- */ /* * Copyright (C) 2011 Ruby-GNOME2 Project Team * Copyright (C) 2003,2006 Ruby-GNOME2 Project Team * Copyright (C) 2002,2003 Masahiro Sakai * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, * MA 02110-1301 USA */ #ifndef __RBGOBJECT_H__ #define __RBGOBJECT_H__ #include #include "ruby.h" #include "rbglib.h" #include "rbgutil.h" #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /* __cplusplus */ /* macros */ #define G_INITIALIZE(obj, cobj)\ (rbgobj_initialize_object(obj, (gpointer)cobj)) #define G_DEF_CLASS(gtype, name, module)\ (rbgobj_define_class(gtype, name, module, 0, 0, Qnil)) #define G_DEF_CLASS_WITH_GC_FUNC(gtype, name, module, mark, free) \ (rbgobj_define_class(gtype, name, module, mark, free, Qnil)) #define G_DEF_CLASS2(gtype, name, module, mark, free) \ G_DEF_CLASS_WITH_GC_FUNC(gtype, name, module, mark, free) #define G_DEF_CLASS3(gtype_name, name, module)\ (rbgobj_define_class_dynamic(gtype_name, name, module, 0, 0)) #define G_DEF_CLASS_WITH_PARENT(gtype, name, module, parent) \ (rbgobj_define_class(gtype, name, module, 0, 0, parent)) #define G_DEF_CLASS4(gtype, name, module, parent) \ G_DEF_CLASS_WITH_PARENT(gtype, name, module, parent) #define G_DEF_INTERFACE(gtype, name, module)\ (rbgobj_define_class(gtype, name, module, 0, 0, Qnil)) #define G_DEF_INTERFACE2(gtype, name, module, mark, free)\ (rbgobj_define_class(gtype, name, module, mark, free, Qnil)) #define RG_DEF_CONVERSION(table) (rbgobj_convert_define(table)) #define G_RELATIVE(obj, rel) (rbgobj_add_relative(obj, rel)) /* G_RELATIVE2 is useless now. Try G_CHILD_ADD/REMOVE first. */ #define G_RELATIVE2(obj, rel, id, hash_key)\ (rbgobj_add_relative_removable(obj, rel, id, hash_key)) #define G_GET_RELATIVE(obj, id, hash_key)\ (rbgobj_get_relative_removable(obj, id, hash_key)) #define G_REMOVE_RELATIVE(obj, id, hash_key)\ (rbgobj_remove_relative(obj, id, hash_key)) RUBY_GLIB2_VAR ID rbgobj_id_children; #define G_CHILD_SET(self, id, child) (rb_ivar_set(self, id, child)) #define G_CHILD_UNSET(self, id) (rb_ivar_set(self, id, Qnil)) /* G_CHILD_ADD is same as G_RELATIVE, but the macro name is more obviously to use than G_RELATIVE, and also support "remove" operation with the key which is the object itself. */ #define G_CHILD_ADD(self, child) \ (rbgobj_add_relative_removable(self, Qnil, rbgobj_id_children, child)) #define G_CHILD_REMOVE(self, child) \ (rbgobj_remove_relative(self, rbgobj_id_children, child)) #define G_CHILD_REMOVE_ALL(self) \ (rbgobj_remove_relative_all(self, rbgobj_id_children)) #define G_DEF_SIGNAL_FUNC(klass, sig_name, func)\ (rbgobj_set_signal_func(klass, sig_name, func)) #define CLASS2CINFO(klass) (rbgobj_lookup_class(klass)) #define GTYPE2CINFO(gtype) (rbgobj_lookup_class_by_gtype(gtype, Qnil)) #define GTYPE2CINFO_NO_CREATE(gtype) (rbgobj_lookup_class_by_gtype_full(gtype, Qnil, FALSE)) #define RVAL2CINFO(obj) (rbgobj_lookup_class(CLASS_OF(obj))) #define GTYPE2CLASS(gtype) (rbgobj_gtype_to_ruby_class(gtype)) #define CLASS2GTYPE(klass) (rbgobj_lookup_class(klass)->gtype) #define RVAL2GTYPE(obj) (CLASS2GTYPE(CLASS_OF(obj))) #define RVAL2GOBJ(obj) (rbgobj_instance_from_ruby_object(obj)) #define GOBJ2RVAL(gobj) (rbgobj_ruby_object_from_instance(gobj)) #define GOBJ2RVAL_UNREF(gobj) (rbgobj_ruby_object_from_instance_with_unref(gobj)) #define GOBJ2RVALU(gobj) GOBJ2RVAL_UNREF(gobj) #define GVAL2RVAL(v) (rbgobj_gvalue_to_rvalue(v)) #define GVAL2RVAL_UNSET(v) (rbgobj_gvalue_to_rvalue(v)) #define RVAL2BOXED(obj, gtype) (rbgobj_boxed_get(obj, gtype)) #define BOXED2RVAL(cobj, gtype) (rbgobj_make_boxed(cobj, gtype)) #define RVAL2GENUM(obj, gtype) (rbgobj_get_enum(obj, gtype)) #define RVAL2GFLAGS(obj, gtype) (rbgobj_get_flags(obj, gtype)) #define GENUM2RVAL(n, gtype) (rbgobj_make_enum(n, gtype)) #define GFLAGS2RVAL(n, gtype) (rbgobj_make_flags(n, gtype)) #define RVAL2GPTR(object) (rbgobj_ptr2cptr(object)) #define GPTR2RVAL(ptr, gtype) (rbgobj_ptr_new(gtype, ptr)) #define G_DEF_CONSTANTS(mod, type, strip_prefix) \ rbgobj_add_constants(mod, type, strip_prefix) #define G_RENAME_CONSTANT(orig, alt) \ rbgobj_constant_remap(orig, alt) #define G_RENAME_NICK(orig, alt) \ rbgobj_constant_remap(orig, alt) typedef enum { RBGOBJ_ABSTRACT_BUT_CREATABLE = 1 << 0, /* deprecated */ RBGOBJ_BOXED_NOT_COPY = 1 << 1, RBGOBJ_DEFINED_BY_RUBY = 1 << 2, } RGObjClassFlag; typedef void (*RGMarkFunc)(gpointer object); typedef void (*RGFreeFunc)(gpointer object); typedef struct { VALUE klass; GType gtype; RGMarkFunc mark; RGFreeFunc free; int flags; /* RGObjClassFlag */ } RGObjClassInfo; /* rbgobject.c */ extern void rbgobj_initialize_object(VALUE obj, gpointer cobj); extern gpointer rbgobj_instance_from_ruby_object(VALUE obj); extern VALUE rbgobj_ruby_object_from_instance(gpointer instance); extern VALUE rbgobj_ruby_object_from_instance2(gpointer instance, gboolean alloc); extern VALUE rbgobj_ruby_object_from_instance_with_unref(gpointer instance); extern void rbgobj_instance_unref(gpointer instance); extern void rbgobj_add_relative(VALUE obj, VALUE relative); extern void rbgobj_invalidate_relatives(VALUE obj); extern void rbgobj_add_relative_removable(VALUE obj, VALUE relative, ID obj_ivar_id, VALUE hash_key); extern VALUE rbgobj_get_relative_removable(VALUE obj, ID obj_ivar_id, VALUE hash_key); extern void rbgobj_remove_relative(VALUE obj, ID obj_ivar_id, VALUE hash_key); extern void rbgobj_remove_relative_all(VALUE obj, ID obj_ivar_id); extern GObject* rbgobj_gobject_new(GType type, VALUE params_hash); extern VALUE rbgobj_create_object(VALUE klass); /* deprecated */ extern VALUE rbgobj_get_ruby_object_from_gobject(GObject* gobj, gboolean alloc); /* For Ruby/Gstreamer */ extern void rbgobj_gobject_initialize(VALUE obj, gpointer cobj); /* deprecated */ extern void rbgobj_add_abstract_but_create_instance_class(GType gtype); /* rbgobj_typeinstance.c */ extern gboolean rbgobj_gc_mark_instance(gpointer instance); /* rbgobj_type.c */ extern const RGObjClassInfo *rbgobj_lookup_class(VALUE klass); extern const RGObjClassInfo *rbgobj_lookup_class_by_gtype(GType gtype, VALUE parent); extern const RGObjClassInfo *rbgobj_lookup_class_by_gtype_full(GType gtype, VALUE parent, gboolean create_object); extern VALUE rbgobj_gtype_to_ruby_class(GType gtype); extern VALUE rbgobj_define_class(GType gtype, const gchar* name, VALUE module, RGMarkFunc mark, RGFreeFunc free, VALUE parent); extern VALUE rbgobj_define_class_dynamic(const gchar* gtype_name, const gchar* name, VALUE module, RGMarkFunc mark, RGFreeFunc free); extern void rbgobj_register_class(VALUE klass, GType gtype, gboolean klass2gtype, gboolean gtype2klass); extern void rbgobj_register_mark_func(GType gtype, RGMarkFunc mark); extern void rbgobj_register_free_func(GType gtype, RGFreeFunc free); extern VALUE rbgobj_cType; extern VALUE rbgobj_gtype_new(GType gtype); extern GType rbgobj_gtype_get(VALUE obj); /* rbgobj_signal.c */ typedef VALUE (*GValToRValSignalFunc)(guint num,const GValue* values); extern void rbgobj_set_signal_func(VALUE klass, const gchar *sig_name, GValToRValSignalFunc func); extern GValToRValSignalFunc rbgobj_get_signal_func(guint signal_id); extern VALUE rbgobj_signal_wrap(guint sig_id); /* rbgobj_closure.c */ extern GClosure* g_rclosure_new(VALUE callback_proc, VALUE extra_args, GValToRValSignalFunc func); extern void g_rclosure_attach(GClosure *closure, VALUE object); extern void g_rclosure_set_tag(GClosure *closure, const gchar *tag); /* rbgobj_value.c */ extern VALUE rbgobj_gvalue_to_rvalue(const GValue* value); extern VALUE rbgobj_gvalue_to_rvalue_unset(GValue *value); extern void rbgobj_rvalue_to_gvalue(VALUE val, GValue* result); extern void rbgobj_initialize_gvalue(GValue *result, VALUE value); typedef void (*RValueToGValueFunc)(VALUE from, GValue* to); typedef VALUE (*GValueToRValueFunc)(const GValue* from); extern void rbgobj_register_r2g_func(GType gtype, RValueToGValueFunc func); extern void rbgobj_register_g2r_func(GType gtype, GValueToRValueFunc func); extern void rbgobj_gc_mark_gvalue(GValue* value); /* rbgobj_valuetypes.c */ extern VALUE rbgobj_ptr_new(GType type, gpointer ptr); extern gpointer rbgobj_ptr2cptr(VALUE ptr); #define RBGOBJ_TYPE_RUBY_VALUE (rbgobj_ruby_value_get_type()) extern GType rbgobj_ruby_value_get_type(void); extern VALUE g_value_get_ruby_value(const GValue* value); extern void g_value_set_ruby_value(GValue* value, VALUE ruby); /* rbgobj_object.c */ extern void rbgobj_register_property_setter(GType gtype, const char* prop_name, RValueToGValueFunc func); extern void rbgobj_register_property_getter(GType gtype, const char* prop_name, GValueToRValueFunc func); extern void rbgobj_class_init_func(gpointer g_class, gpointer class_data); extern void rbgobj_register_type(VALUE klass, VALUE type_name, GClassInitFunc class_init); /* rbgobj_boxed.c */ extern VALUE rbgobj_boxed_create(VALUE klass); /* deprecated */ extern gpointer rbgobj_boxed_get(VALUE obj, GType gtype); extern gpointer rbgobj_boxed_get_default(VALUE obj, GType gtype); extern VALUE rbgobj_make_boxed(gpointer data, GType gtype); extern VALUE rbgobj_make_boxed_raw(gpointer p, GType gtype, VALUE klass, gint flags); extern VALUE rbgobj_make_boxed_default(gpointer data, GType gtype); extern void rbgobj_boxed_not_copy_obj(GType gtype); extern void rbgobj_boxed_unown(VALUE boxed); /* rbgobj_enums.c */ extern void rbgobj_constant_remap(const char *original, const char *replacement); extern void rbgobj_add_constants(VALUE mod, GType type, const gchar *strip_prefix); extern VALUE rbgobj_make_enum(gint n, GType gtype); extern gint rbgobj_get_enum(VALUE obj, GType gtype); extern VALUE rbgobj_make_flags(guint n, GType gtype); extern guint rbgobj_get_flags(VALUE obj, GType gtype); extern void rbgobj_define_const(VALUE mod, const char *name, VALUE value); /* rbglib_mainloop.c */ #if !GLIB_CHECK_VERSION(2,30,0) #define G_TYPE_MAIN_LOOP (g_main_loop_get_type()) extern GType g_main_loop_get_type(void); #endif /* rbglib_maincontext.c */ #if !GLIB_CHECK_VERSION(2,30,0) #define G_TYPE_MAIN_CONTEXT (g_main_context_get_type()) #define G_TYPE_SOURCE (g_source_get_type()) extern GType g_main_context_get_type(void); extern GType g_source_get_type(void); #endif #define G_TYPE_POLL_FD (g_poll_fd_get_type()) extern GType g_poll_fd_get_type(void); /* rbglib_keyfile.c */ #if !GLIB_CHECK_VERSION(2,31,2) #define G_TYPE_KEY_FILE (g_key_file_get_type()) extern GType g_key_file_get_type(void); #endif /* rbgobj_convert.c */ typedef struct { GType type; VALUE klass; gpointer user_data; GDestroyNotify notify; VALUE (*get_superclass)(gpointer user_data); void (*type_init_hook)(VALUE klass, gpointer user_data); void (*rvalue2gvalue)(VALUE value, GValue *result, gpointer user_data); VALUE (*gvalue2rvalue)(const GValue *value, gpointer user_data); void (*initialize)(VALUE rb_instance, gpointer instance, gpointer user_data); gpointer (*robj2instance)(VALUE rb_instance, gpointer user_data); VALUE (*instance2robj)(gpointer instance, gpointer user_data); void (*unref)(gpointer instance, gpointer user_data); } RGConvertTable; extern void rbgobj_convert_define(const RGConvertTable *table); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif /* __cplusplus */ #endif /* __RBGOBJECT_H__ */ #include "rbgcompat.h"