module StatefulEnum class Machine def initialize(model, column, states, prefix, suffix, &block) @model, @column, @states, @event_names = model, column, states, [] @prefix = if prefix == true "#{column}_" elsif prefix "#{prefix}_" end @suffix = if suffix == true "_#{column}" elsif suffix "_#{suffix}" end # undef non-verb methods e.g. Model#active! states.each do |state| @model.send :undef_method, "#{@prefix}#{state}#{@suffix}!" end instance_eval(&block) if block end def event(name, &block) raise ArgumentError, "event: :#{name} has already been defined." if @event_names.include? name @model, @column, @states, @prefix, @suffix, name, &block @event_names << name end class Event def initialize(model, column, states, prefix, suffix, name, &block) @states, @name, @transitions, @before, @after = states, name, {}, nil, nil instance_eval(&block) if block transitions, before, after = @transitions, @before, @after new_method_name = "#{prefix}#{name}#{suffix}" # defining event methods model.class_eval do # def assign() detect_enum_conflict! column, new_method_name define_method new_method_name do to, condition = transitions[self.send(column).to_sym] #TODO better error if to && (!condition || instance_exec(&condition)) #TODO transaction? instance_eval(&before) if before original_method = self.class.send(:_enum_methods_module).instance_method "#{prefix}#{to}#{suffix}!" ret = original_method.bind(self).call instance_eval(&after) if after ret else false end end # def assign!() detect_enum_conflict! column, "#{new_method_name}!" define_method "#{new_method_name}!" do send(new_method_name) || raise('Invalid transition') end # def can_assign?() detect_enum_conflict! column, "can_#{new_method_name}?" define_method "can_#{new_method_name}?" do transitions.has_key? self.send(column).to_sym end # def assign_transition() detect_enum_conflict! column, "#{new_method_name}_transition" define_method "#{new_method_name}_transition" do transitions[self.send(column).to_sym].try! :first end end end def transition(transitions, options = {}) if options.blank? options[:if] = transitions.delete :if #TODO should err if if & unless were specified together? if (unless_condition = transitions.delete :unless) options[:if] = -> { !instance_exec(&unless_condition) } end end transitions.each_pair do |from, to| raise "Undefined state #{to}" unless @states.include? to Array(from).each do |f| raise "Undefined state #{f}" unless @states.include? f raise "Duplicate entry: Transition from #{f} to #{@transitions[f].first} has already been defined." if @transitions[f] @transitions[f] = [to, options[:if]] end end end def all @states end def before(&block) @before = block end def after(&block) @after = block end end end end