name "openldap" maintainer "Opscode, Inc." maintainer_email "" license "Apache 2.0" description "Configures a server to be an OpenLDAP master, replication slave or client for auth" long_description, '')) version "1.12.10" recipe "openldap", "Empty, use one of the other recipes" recipe "openldap::auth", "Set up openldap for user authentication" recipe "openldap::client", "Install openldap client packages" recipe "openldap::server", "Set up openldap to be a slapd server" recipe "openldap::slave", "uses search to set replication slave attributes" recipe "openldap::master", "use on nodes that should be a slapd master" %w{ ubuntu debian redhat centos amazon scientific}.each do |os| supports os end %w{ openssh nscd openssl }.each do |cb| depends cb end attribute "openldap/basedn", :display_name => "OpenLDAP BaseDN", :description => "BaseDN for the LDAP directory", :default => "dc=domain,dc=com" attribute "openldap/server", :display_name => "OpenLDAP Server", :description => "LDAP Server, used for URIs", :default => "ldap.domain" attribute "openldap/rootpw", :display_name => "OpenLDAP Root Password", :description => "Password for 'admin' root user, should be a SHA hash that OpenLDAP supports", :default => "nil" attribute "openldap/dir", :display_name => "OpenLDAP Dir", :description => "Main configuration directory for OpenLDAP", :default => "/etc/ldap" attribute "openldap/run_dir", :display_name => "OpenLDAP Run Directory", :description => "Run directory for LDAP server processes", :default => "/var/run/slapd" attribute "openldap/module_dir", :display_name => "OpenLDAP Module Directory", :description => "Location for OpenLDAP add-on modules", :default => "/usr/lib/ldap" attribute "openldap/ssl_dir", :display_name => "OpenLDAP SSL Directory", :description => "Location for LDAP SSL certificates", :default => "openldap_dir/ssl" attribute "openldap/cafile", :display_name => "OpenLDAP CA File", :description => "Location for CA certificate", :default => "openldap_dir_ssl/ca.crt" attribute "openldap/slapd_type", :display_name => "OpenLDAP Slapd Type", :description => "Whether the server is a master or slave", :default => "nil" attribute "openldap/slapd_master", :display_name => "OpenLDP Slapd Master", :description => "Search nodes for attribute slapd_type master, for slaves", :default => "nil" attribute "openldap/slapd_replpw", :display_name => "OpenLDAP Slapd Replication Password", :description => "Password for slaves to replicate from master", :default => "nil" attribute "openldap/slapd_rid", :display_name => "OpenLDAP Slapd Replication ID", :description => "Slave's ID, must be unique", :default => "102" attribute "openldap/auth_type", :display_name => "OpenLDAP Auth Type", :description => "Used in Apache configs, AuthBasicProvider", :default => "openldap" attribute "openldap/auth_binddn", :display_name => "OpenLDAP Auth BindDN", :description => "Used in auth_url and Apache configs, AuthBindDN", :default => "ou=people,openldap_basedn" attribute "openldap/auth_bindpw", :display_name => "OpenLDAP Auth Bind Password", :description => "Used in Apache configs, AuthBindPassword", :default => "nil" attribute "openldap/auth_url", :display_name => "OpenLDAP Auth URL", :description => "Used in Apache configs, AuthLDAPURL", :default => "ldap://openldap_server/openldap_auth_binddn?uid?sub?(objectClass=*)"