require "json" require "test_helper" require 'webmock/minitest' describe Lolcommits::Plugin::Yammer do include Lolcommits::TestHelpers::GitRepo include Lolcommits::TestHelpers::FakeIO def plugin_name "yammer" end it "should have a name" do plugin_name end it "should run on capture ready" do ::Lolcommits::Plugin::Yammer.runner_order.must_equal [:capture_ready] end describe "with a runner" do def runner # a simple lolcommits runner with an empty configuration Hash @runner ||= main_image:'main_image.jpg'), config: read_configuration: {}, loldir: File.expand_path("#{__dir__}../../../images") ) ) end def plugin @plugin ||= runner) end def valid_enabled_config @config ||= read_configuration: { "yammer" => { "enabled" => true, "access_token" => "oV4MuwnNKql3ebJMAYZRaD" } } ) end describe "#enabled?" do it "is false by default" do plugin.enabled?.must_equal false end it "is true when configured" do plugin.config = valid_enabled_config plugin.enabled?.must_equal true end end describe "run_capture_ready" do before do plugin.config = valid_enabled_config commit_repo_with_message("first commit!") end after { teardown_repo } it "posts lolcommit image to Yammer with commit message" do in_repo do stub_request(:post, create_message_api_url).to_return(status: 201) output = fake_io_capture { plugin.run_capture_ready } output.must_equal "Posting to Yammer ... done!\n" assert_requested :post, create_message_api_url, times: 1, headers: { 'Authorization' => 'Bearer oV4MuwnNKql3ebJMAYZRaD', 'Content-Type' => /multipart\/form-data/ } do |req| req.body.must_match(/Content-Disposition: form-data;.+name="attachment1"; filename="main_image.jpg.+"/) end end end it "reports an error if posting to yammer fails" do in_repo do stub_request(:post, create_message_api_url).to_return(status: 503) output = fake_io_capture { plugin.run_capture_ready } output.split("\n").must_equal( [ "Posting to Yammer ... failed :(", "Yammer error: 503 Service Unavailable", "Try a lolcommits capture with `--debug` and check for errors: `lolcommits -c --debug`" ] ) end end end describe "configuration" do it "returns false when not configured" do plugin.configured?.must_equal false end it "returns true when configured" do plugin.config = valid_enabled_config plugin.configured?.must_equal true end describe "configuring with Yammer Oauth" do before do # allow requests to localhost for this test WebMock.disable_net_connect!(allow_localhost: true) end after do WebMock.disable_net_connect! end it "aborts if Yammer Oauth is denied" do configured_plugin_options = {} fake_authorize_step output = fake_io_capture(inputs: %w(true)) do configured_plugin_options = plugin.configure_options! end output.split("\n").last.must_equal( "Aborting.. Plugin disabled since Yammer Oauth was denied" ) configured_plugin_options.must_equal({ "enabled" => false }) end it "configures successfully with a Yammer Oauth access token" do configured_plugin_options = {} yammer_oauth_token = "yam-oauth-token" yammer_oauth_code = "yam-oauth-code" klass = plugin.class stub_request(:post, klass::ACCESS_TOKEN_URL).with( body: { "client_id" => klass::OAUTH_CLIENT_ID, "client_secret" => klass::OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET, "code" => [yammer_oauth_code] } ).to_return( status: 200, body: { "access_token" => { "token" => yammer_oauth_token } }.to_json ) fake_authorize_step("?code=#{yammer_oauth_code}") fake_io_capture(inputs: %w(true)) do configured_plugin_options = plugin.configure_options! end configured_plugin_options.must_equal({ "enabled" => true, "access_token" => "yam-oauth-token" }) end end end end private def create_message_api_url plugin.class::MESSAGES_API_URL end # fake click for the authorize step in Yammer, by hitting local webrick server # loops repeating request until the server responds 200 OK def fake_authorize_step(redirect_params = nil) fork do res = nil while !res || res.code != "200" uri = URI("#{plugin.class::OAUTH_REDIRECT_URL}/#{redirect_params}") res = Net::HTTP.get_response(uri) rescue nil sleep 0.1 end end end end