module Spaceship module Tunes # Represents app ratings from iTunesConnect class AppRatings < TunesBase # @return (Spaceship::Tunes::Application) A reference to the application # this version is for attr_accessor :application # @return (Integer) total number of ratings recevied attr_accessor :rating_count # @return (Integer) total number of one star ratings recevied attr_accessor :one_star_rating_count # @return (Integer) total number of two star ratings recevied attr_accessor :two_star_rating_count # @return (Integer) total number of three star ratings recevied attr_accessor :three_star_rating_count # @return (Integer) total number of four star ratings recevied attr_accessor :four_star_rating_count # @return (Integer) total number of five star ratings recevied attr_accessor :five_star_rating_count attr_mapping({ 'reviewCount' => :review_count, 'ratingCount' => :rating_count, 'ratingOneCount' => :one_star_rating_count, 'ratingTwoCount' => :two_star_rating_count, 'ratingThreeCount' => :three_star_rating_count, 'ratingFourCount' => :four_star_rating_count, 'ratingFiveCount' => :five_star_rating_count }) # @return (Float) the average rating for this summary (rounded to 2 decimal places) def average_rating ((one_star_rating_count + (two_star_rating_count * 2) + (three_star_rating_count * 3) + (four_star_rating_count * 4) + (five_star_rating_count * 5)) / rating_count.to_f).round(2) end # @return (Array) of Review Objects def reviews(store_front = '', version_id = '') raw_reviews = client.get_reviews(application.apple_id, application.platform, store_front, version_id) do |review| review["value"]["application"] = self.application AppReview.factory(review["value"]) end end end class DeveloperResponse < TunesBase attr_reader :id attr_reader :response attr_reader :last_modified attr_reader :hidden attr_reader :state attr_accessor :application attr_accessor :review_id attr_mapping({ 'responseId' => :id, 'response' => :response, 'lastModified' => :last_modified, 'isHidden' => :hidden, 'pendingState' => :state }) end class AppReview < TunesBase attr_accessor :application attr_reader :rating attr_reader :id attr_reader :title attr_reader :review attr_reader :nickname attr_reader :store_front attr_reader :app_version attr_reader :last_modified attr_reader :helpful_views attr_reader :total_views attr_reader :edited attr_reader :raw_developer_response attr_accessor :developer_response attr_mapping({ 'id' => :id, 'rating' => :rating, 'title' => :title, 'review' => :review, 'nickname' => :nickname, 'storeFront' => :store_front, 'appVersionString' => :app_version, 'lastModified' => :last_modified, 'helpfulViews' => :helpful_views, 'totalViews' => :total_views, 'edited' => :edited, 'developerResponse' => :raw_developer_response }) class << self # Create a new object based on a hash. # This is used to create a new object based on the server response. def factory(attrs) obj = response_attrs = {} response_attrs = obj.raw_developer_response if obj.raw_developer_response response_attrs[:application] = obj.application response_attrs[:review_id] = obj.developer_response = DeveloperResponse.factory(response_attrs) return obj end end def responded? return true if raw_developer_response false end end end end