### Copyright 2018 Pixar ### ### Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "Apache License") ### with the following modification; you may not use this file except in ### compliance with the Apache License and the following modification to it: ### Section 6. Trademarks. is deleted and replaced with: ### ### 6. Trademarks. This License does not grant permission to use the trade ### names, trademarks, service marks, or product names of the Licensor ### and its affiliates, except as required to comply with Section 4(c) of ### the License and to reproduce the content of the NOTICE file. ### ### You may obtain a copy of the Apache License at ### ### http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 ### ### Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software ### distributed under the Apache License with the above modification is ### distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY ### KIND, either express or implied. See the Apache License for the specific ### language governing permissions and limitations under the Apache License. ### ### ### module JSS module Criteriable ##################################### ### Module Variables ##################################### ##################################### ### Module Methods ##################################### ##################################### ### Classes ##################################### ### This class defines a single criterion used in advanced searches and ### smart groups throughout the JSS module. ### ### They are used within {JSS::Criteriable::Criteria} instances which store an ### array of these objects and provides methods for working with them as a group. ### ### The classes that mix-in {JSS::Criteriable} each have a :criteria attribute which ### holds one {JSS::Criteriable::Criteria} ### ### See {JSS::Criteriable} for examples ### class Criterion ##################################### ### Mix Ins ##################################### include Comparable # this allows us compare instances using <=> ##################################### ### Class Constants ##################################### ### These are the available search-types for building criteria SEARCH_TYPES = [ "is", "is not", "like", "not like", "has", "does not have", "more than", "less than", "before (yyyy-mm-dd)", "after (yyyy-mm-dd)", "more than x days ago", "less than x days ago", "in more than x days", "in less than x days", "member of", "not member of", "current", "not current" ] ### the acceptable symboles for and/or AND_OR = [:and, :or] ##################################### ### Attributes ##################################### ### @return [Integer] zero-based index of this criterion within an array of criteria ### used for an advanced search or smart group. ### This is maintained automaticaly by the enclosing Criteria object attr_accessor :priority ### @return [Symbol] :and or :or - the and_or value for associating this criterion with the previous one attr_reader :and_or ### @return [String] the name of the field being searched attr_accessor :name ### @return [String] the comparator between the field and the value, must be one of SEARCH_TYPES ### @see #criteria= attr_reader :search_type ### @return [String] the value being searched for in the field named by :name attr_reader :value ### ### @param args[Hash] a hash of settings for the new criterion ### @option args :and_or [String, Symbol] :and, or :or. How should this criterion be join with its predecessor? ### @option args :name [String] the name of a Criterion as is visible in the JSS webapp. ### @option args :search_type [String] one of SEARCH_TYPES, the comparison between the stored value and :value ### @option args :value [String] the value to compare with that stored for :name ### ### @note :priority is maintained by the JSS::Criteriable::Criteria object holding this instance ### def initialize(args = {}) @priority = args[:priority] @and_or = (args[:and_or].downcase.to_sym if args[:and_or]) || :and raise JSS::InvalidDataError, ":and_or must be 'and' or 'or'." unless AND_OR.include? @and_or @name = args[:name] if args[:search_type] raise JSS::InvalidDataError, "Invalid :search_type" unless SEARCH_TYPES.include? args[:search_type] @search_type = args[:search_type] end @value = args[:value] end # init ### ### Set a new and_or for the criteron ### ### @param new_val[Symbol] the new and_or ### ### @return [void] ### def and_or= (new_val) @and_or = new_val.to_sym raise JSS::InvalidDataError, ":and_or must be 'and' or 'or'." unless AND_OR.include? @and_or.to_sym end ### ### Set a new search type for the criteron ### ### @param new_val[String] the new search type ### ### @return [void] ### def search_type= (new_val) raise JSS::InvalidDataError, "Invalid :search_type" unless SEARCH_TYPES.include? new_val @search_type = new_val end ### ### Set a new value for the criteron ### ### @param new_val[Integer,String] the new value ### ### @return [void] ### def value=(new_val) case @search_type when *["more than", "less than", "more than x days ago", "less than x days ago"] raise JSS::InvalidDataError, "Value must be an integer for search type '#{new_val}'" unless new_val =~ /^\d+$/ when *["before (yyyy-mm-dd)", "after (yyyy-mm-dd)"] raise JSS::InvalidDataError, "Value must be a a date in the format yyyy-mm-dd for search type '#{new_val}'" unless new_val =~ /^\d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d$/ end # case @value = new_val end ### ### @return [String] All our values except priority joined together ### for comparing this Criterion to another for equality and order ### ### @see #<=> ### def signature [@and_or, @name, @search_type, @value].join "," end ### ### Comparison - allows the Comparable module to do its work ### ### @return [Integer] -1, 0, or 1 ### ### @see Comparable ### def <=>(other) self.signature <=> other.signature end ### ### @api private ### ### @return [REXML::Element] The xml element for the criterion, to be embeded in that of ### a Criteria instance ### ### @note For this class, rest_xml can't be a private method. ### def rest_xml crn = REXML::Element.new 'criterion' crn.add_element('priority').text = @priority crn.add_element('and_or').text = @and_or crn.add_element('name').text = @name crn.add_element('search_type').text = @search_type crn.add_element('value').text = @value return crn end end # class criterion end # module Criteriable end # module