{}[https://codeclimate.com/github/mattways/pageable] {}[https://travis-ci.org/mattways/pageable] {}[https://gemnasium.com/mattways/pageable]
= Pageable
Inspired in kaminari and will_paginate but more minimalistic.
= Install
Put this line in your Gemfile:
gem 'pageable'
Then bundle:
$ bundle
= Usage
The same approach as kaminari:
@records = Model.page(1).per(20)
And then just:
pager @records
= Configuration
== Default parameter and navigation
If you want to change the default parameter name or the default navigation length call pager:
pager @records, navigation: 3, parameter: :p
Or to set it globally put this in your application.rb:
config.pagination.default_parameter = :p
config.pagination.default_navigation = 3
== Default per page
If you want to change the default per_page put this in your model:
default_per_page 5
Or to set it globally put this in your application.rb:
config.pagination.default_per_page = 5
== Padding
You can use positive and negative padding: