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Ee*Ee*e*7e*(e*8e*De* Ee* callback!e* Ee*closeEe*Failed to stop watching e*Ee* initializeEe*block in initializeEe*Failed to watch Ee*Ee*1: read access to the given file is not permitted.Ee*): the given file descriptor is not valid.Ee*@: path points outside of the process's accessible address space.Ee*Y: the given event mask contains no legal events; or fd is not an inotify file descriptor.Ee*+: insufficient kernel memory was available.Ee*w: The user limit on the total number of inotify watches was reached or the kernel failed to allocate a needed resource.Ee*INotifyEe*WatcherEe* @callbackEe*eventEe*[]Ee*NativeEe* @notifierEe*@idEe*SystemCallErrorEe*FFIEe*fdEe*inotify_rm_watchEe*==Ee*watchersEe*deleteEe*pathEe*inspectEe*errnoEe*newEe*raiseEe*@pathEe*@flagsEe*FlagsEe*ErrnoEe*EACCESEe*EBADFEe*EFAULTEe*EINVALEe*ENOMEMEe*ENOSPCEe*notifierEe*flagsEe*callbackEe*procEe*freezeEe*dupEe*to_maskEe*inotify_add_watchEe*