{ "21": [ { "dumb": [ [ "DUMB", [ "They don't (want to^wanna) (communicate^talk) to resolve their (issues^problems), they just wanna act" ] ], [ "ancrum", [] ], [ "baucum", [] ], [ "become", [ "If you don't (talk^communicate) to resolve your (plight^issues^problems), what a mess you will" ] ], [ "bluhm", [] ], [ "boyum", [] ], [ "branscome", [] ], [ "brum", [] ], [ "brumm", [] ], [ "bum", [] ], [ "chum", [] ], [ "clum", [] ], [ "come", [ "Change will come soon, it will" ] ], [ "crum", [] ], [ "crumb", [] ], [ "crumm", [] ], [ "cum", [] ], [ "drum", [ "The beat goes (on and on^on and on and on), on the" ] ], [ "drumm", [] ], [ "dum", [] ], [ "dumm", [] ], [ "exum", [] ], [ "from", [ "Science is inert, they don't care where we come" ] ], [ "frum", [] ], [ "glum", [ "No need to be (sad^depressed), music can make you be not" ] ], [ "goodrum", [] ], [ "grum", [] ], [ "gum", [ ] ], [ "gumm", [] ], [ "hohum", [ "They don't want to converse, fee-fi-foe-fum,", "Ho-ho-ho," ] ], [ "hum", [ "It's time to put a little (music^melody) in the fight, when we", "It's time to rap and sing, it's time to" ] ], [ "humdrum", [] ], [ "humm", [] ], [ "income", [ "It don't matter at all, about politics or" ] ], [ "klumb", [] ], [ "krum", [] ], [ "krumm", [] ], [ "krumme", [] ], [ "kumm", [] ], [ "lum", [] ], [ "lumb", [] ], [ "lumm", [] ], [ "maam", [] ], [ "mccrum", [] ], [ "mccrumb", [] ], [ "mishawum", [] ], [ "mum", [ "People need to communicate to solve their problems, it's no time to be" ] ], [ "mumm", [] ], [ "mumme", [] ], [ "narum", [] ], [ "norodom", [] ], [ "numb", [ "They don't care about people's pain, they act" ] ], [ "outcome", [ "If you communicate, there's a guaranteed good" ] ], [ "overcome", [ "We shall prevail, we shall" ] ], [ "pflum", [] ], [ "plum", [] ], [ "plumb", [] ], [ "rum", [] ], [ "schrum", [] ], [ "schum", [] ], [ "schumm", [] ], [ "scum", [ "Anyone who doesn't (talk^communicate^protest) is (definitely^certainly) a" ] ], [ "sharum", [] ], [ "shrum", [] ], [ "shum", [] ], [ "slum", [ "They act like they're in the ghetto, from the" ] ], [ "some", [ "We need a little music and conversation, it's time to get" ] ], [ "strum", [] ], [ "stum", [] ], [ "stumm", [] ], [ "succumb", [ "They don't talk so they just" ] ], [ "sum", [ "It's not about the money, it ain't about the" ] ], [ "swum", [] ], [ "thum", [] ], [ "thumb", [] ], [ "thumm", [] ], [ "um", [] ], [ "umm", [ ] ], [ "wellcome", [] ], [ "yum", [] ] ] }, { "communicate": [ [ "COMMUNICATE", [ "They (don't^do not) talk to resolve their (issues^problems), they don't" ] ], [ "abate", [ "They waste their time with garbage, their problems won't" ] ], [ "abbreviate", [] ], [ "abdicate", [] ], [ "abrogate", [] ], [ "accelerate", [ "We can make change, these rhymes will" ] ], [ "acclimate", [] ], [ "accommodate", [ "Don't need no bots, we won't" ] ], [ "accumulate", [] ], [ "acetate", [] ], [ "activate", [] ], [ "actuate", [] ], [ "adjudicate", [] ], [ "administrate", [] ], [ "adulate", [] ], [ "adulterate", [] ], [ "affiliate", [] ], [ "agglomerate", [] ], [ "agglutinate", [] ], [ "aggravate", [] ], [ "agitate", [ "(You^they) don't want to protest anything, (perhaps^maybe) we should start to" ] ], [ "aguacate", [] ], [ "airfreight", [] ], [ "alienate", [] ], [ "alleviate", [] ], [ "allocate", [] ], [ "allstate", [] ], [ "aluminosilicate", [] ], [ "amalgamate", [] ], [ "ameliorate", [] ], [ "amputate", [] ], [ "angulate", [] ], [ "annihilate", [ "Their destruction is imminent, themselves they want to" ] ], [ "annotate", [] ], [ "anticipate", [] ], [ "antiquate", [] ], [ "applegate", [] ], [ "appreciate", [] ], [ "arbitrate", [] ], [ "arrogate", [] ], [ "articulate", [ "The need to learn how to speak, they need to learn to" ] ], [ "arzate", [] ], [ "asphyxiate", [] ], [ "aspirate", [] ], [ "assassinate", [ "They're afraid of even little things, you know they won't" ] ], [ "assimilate", [] ], [ "ate", [] ], [ "attenuate", [] ], [ "authenticate", [] ], [ "automate", [] ], [ "await", [] ], [ "aydt", [] ], [ "backdate", [] ], [ "bait", [] ], [ "bate", [] ], [ "bathgate", [] ], [ "beit", [] ], [ "belate", [] ], [ "benlate", [] ], [ "berate", [] ], [ "bifurcate", [] ], [ "birthrate", [] ], [ "bishopsgate", [] ], [ "boilerplate", [] ], [ "braithwaite", [] ], [ "breakmate", [] ], [ "breastplate", [] ], [ "caffeinate", [] ], [ "calculate", [ "They just need to speak their mind, they don't even need to" ] ], [ "calibrate", [] ], [ "captivate", [] ], [ "carafate", [] ], [ "carbohydrate", [] ], [ "carbonate", [] ], [ "castigate", [] ], [ "castrate", [] ], [ "cate", [] ], [ "celebrate", [] ], [ "chait", [] ], [ "cheapskate", [] ], [ "checkmate", [] ], [ "chlorinate", [] ], [ "circulate", [ "They don't put their ideas forth, if they did they'd" ] ], [ "circumnavigate", [] ], [ "classmate", [] ], [ "coagulate", [] ], [ "coate", [] ], [ "cogenerate", [] ], [ "cogitate", [] ], [ "collaborate", [] ], [ "collate", [] ], [ "commemorate", [] ], [ "commiserate", [ "They just want to be insular, amongst themselves they" ] ], [ "commutate", [] ], [ "compensate", [] ], [ "complicate", [] ], [ "concatenate", [] ], [ "concentrate", [] ], [ "condensate", [] ], [ "confiscate", [] ], [ "conflate", [] ], [ "congratulate", [] ], [ "congregate", [ "Among their insular cliques they" ] ], [ "conjugate", [] ], [ "consecrate", [ "Inert science they" ] ], [ "consolidate", [] ], [ "constipate", [] ], [ "contaminate", [] ], [ "contemplate", [ "They don't think freely, they don't even" ] ], [ "cooperate", [] ], [ "copulate", [] ], [ "corestate", [] ], [ "correlate", [] ], [ "corroborate", [] ], [ "corrugate", [] ], [ "counterweight", [] ], [ "cowperthwaite", [] ], [ "crate", [] ], [ "create", [] ], [ "crenelate", [] ], [ "cross-pollinate", [] ], [ "culminate", [] ], [ "cultivate", [] ], [ "date", [] ], [ "deactivate", [] ], [ "deadweight", [] ], [ "debate", [ "No communication whatsoever, no talk and no" ] ], [ "debilitate", [] ], [ "decaffeinate", [] ], [ "decapitate", [] ], [ "decelerate", [] ], [ "decimate", [] ], [ "decontaminate", [] ], [ "decorate", [] ], [ "dedicate", [] ], [ "deflate", [] ], [ "delegate", [] ], [ "delineate", [] ], [ "demodulate", [] ], [ "demonstrate", [] ], [ "denigrate", [ "They don't protest anything, other ideas they needlessly" ] ], [ "denominate", [] ], [ "depopulate", [] ], [ "deprecate", [] ], [ "depreciate", [] ], [ "desecrate", [] ], [ "desegregate", [ "We need a unification of thoughts, we all need to" ] ], [ "designate", [] ], [ "deteriorate", [ "Their minds will worsen, they will" ] ], [ "determinate", [] ], [ "detonate", [ "A mine of ideas, we should" ] ], [ "devaluate", [] ], [ "devastate", [] ], [ "deviate", [] ], [ "dichromate", [] ], [ "dictate", [] ], [ "differentiate", [] ], [ "digate", [] ], [ "dilapidate", [] ], [ "dilate", [] ], [ "discriminate", [ "They don't care about the proper state, all they do is" ] ], [ "disinflate", [] ], [ "disintegrate", [ "Their minds are coming apart, I swear they will" ] ], [ "disseminate", [ "they must share their ideas, their communications they must" ] ], [ "dissipate", [] ], [ "distillate", [] ], [ "domesticate", [ "they act just like an animal, an animal we should" ] ], [ "dominate", [ "They don't even talk, all they do is forcefully" ] ], [ "donate", [] ], [ "downstate", [] ], [ "educate", [] ], [ "effectuate", [] ], [ "eight", [] ], [ "ejaculate", [] ], [ "elate", [] ], [ "electroplate", [] ], [ "elevate", [ "The culture must be altered, the thing we should all" ] ], [ "eliminate", [ "Whining and bickering with no communication, is what we should" ] ], [ "elucidate", [] ], [ "emaciate", [] ], [ "emanate", [] ], [ "emancipate", [] ], [ "emigrate", [] ], [ "emulate", [ "No discussion present, their forefathers they just" ] ], [ "encapsulate", [] ], [ "enumerate", [] ], [ "enunciate", [] ], [ "equate", [] ], [ "equivocate", [] ], [ "eradicate", [] ], [ "escalate", [] ], [ "est", [] ], [ "estate", [] ], [ "evacuate", [] ], [ "evaluate", [] ], [ "evaporate", [] ], [ "eviscerate", [] ], [ "exacerbate", [] ], [ "exaggerate", [] ], [ "exasperate", [] ], [ "excavate", [] ], [ "excommunicate", [] ], [ "excoriate", [] ], [ "exhilarate", [] ], [ "exonerate", [] ], [ "expatriate", [] ], [ "expiate", [] ], [ "explicate", [] ], [ "expropriate", [] ], [ "extenuate", [] ], [ "exterminate", [] ], [ "extirpate", [] ], [ "extrapolate", [] ], [ "extricate", [] ], [ "fabricate", [] ], [ "facilitate", [] ], [ "fait", [] ], [ "fascinate", [] ], [ "fate", [] ], [ "featherweight", [] ], [ "federate", [] ], [ "feight", [] ], [ "felicitate", [] ], [ "fete", [] ], [ "filegate", [] ], [ "fixate", [] ], [ "flagellate", [] ], [ "floodgate", [] ], [ "fluctuate", [] ], [ "foliate", [] ], [ "formulate", [] ], [ "frate", [] ], [ "freight", [] ], [ "frustrate", [] ], [ "fulminate", [] ], [ "fumigate", [] ], [ "gait", [] ], [ "garthwaite", [] ], [ "gastrulate", [] ], [ "gate", [] ], [ "generate", [] ], [ "germinate", [] ], [ "gestate", [] ], [ "glaciate", [] ], [ "glucosamate", [] ], [ "glutamate", [] ], [ "goldthwaite", [] ], [ "grate", [] ], [ "gravitate", [] ], [ "great", [ "If they would have some conversations, that would be utterly" ] ], [ "gyrate", [] ], [ "haight", [] ], [ "hait", [] ], [ "halogenate", [] ], [ "hate", [] ], [ "heavyweight", [] ], [ "herniate", [] ], [ "hesitate", [] ], [ "hibernate", [] ], [ "holgate", [] ], [ "homestate", [] ], [ "humiliate", [] ], [ "hundredweight", [] ], [ "hydrate", [] ], [ "hydrogenate", [] ], [ "hyphenate", [] ], [ "iceskate", [] ], [ "illustrate", [] ], [ "imitate", [ "Their forefathers they just emulate, they just" ] ], [ "immigrate", [] ], [ "immolate", [] ], [ "impersonate", [] ], [ "implicate", [] ], [ "impregnate", [] ], [ "inactivate", [] ], [ "incapacitate", [] ], [ "incarcerate", [] ], [ "incinerate", [] ], [ "incorporate", [] ], [ "incriminate", [] ], [ "incubate", [] ], [ "inculcate", [] ], [ "indicate", [] ], [ "inebriate", [] ], [ "infatuate", [] ], [ "infiltrate", [] ], [ "inflate", [] ], [ "infuriate", [] ], [ "ingratiate", [] ], [ "initiate", [] ], [ "inmate", [] ], [ "innate", [] ], [ "innoculate", [] ], [ "innovate", [] ], [ "inoculate", [] ], [ "inseminate", [] ], [ "instantiate", [] ], [ "instigate", [] ], [ "insubordinate", [] ], [ "insulate", [] ], [ "integrate", [] ], [ "interestrate", [] ], [ "interpolate", [] ], [ "interrelate", [] ], [ "interrogate", [] ], [ "interstate", [] ], [ "intimidate", [] ], [ "intoxicate", [] ], [ "intrastate", [] ], [ "inundate", [] ], [ "invalidate", [] ], [ "investigate", [] ], [ "irangate", [] ], [ "iraqgate", [] ], [ "irate", [] ], [ "irradiate", [] ], [ "irrigate", [] ], [ "irritate", [] ], [ "isocyanate", [] ], [ "isolate", [] ], [ "italianate", [] ], [ "iwate", [] ], [ "judicate", [] ], [ "kate", [] ], [ "koreagate", [] ], [ "kuwait", [] ], [ "lacerate", [] ], [ "lanceolate", [] ], [ "late", [] ], [ "latinate", [] ], [ "legislate", [] ], [ "leight", [] ], [ "levitate", [] ], [ "liberate", [] ], [ "lightweight", [] ], [ "liquidate", [] ], [ "litigate", [] ], [ "locate", [] ], [ "lubricate", [] ], [ "magistrate", [] ], [ "mandate", [] ], [ "manipulate", [] ], [ "marinate", [] ], [ "masterbate", [] ], [ "mastergate", [] ], [ "masturbate", [] ], [ "mate", [] ], [ "mccreight", [] ], [ "mcfate", [] ], [ "mediate", [] ], [ "medicate", [] ], [ "meditate", [] ], [ "menstruate", [] ], [ "methotrexate", [] ], [ "middleweight", [] ], [ "migrate", [] ], [ "militate", [] ], [ "misallocate", [] ], [ "misappropriate", [] ], [ "miscalculate", [] ], [ "miscommunicate", [] ], [ "misstate", [] ], [ "mithridate", [] ], [ "mitigate", [] ], [ "monoclate", [] ], [ "motivate", [] ], [ "multicandidate", [] ], [ "multimate", [] ], [ "multistate", [] ], [ "mutate", [] ], [ "mutilate", [] ], [ "nameplate", [] ], [ "narrate", [] ], [ "nate", [] ], [ "nauseate", [] ], [ "navigate", [] ], [ "necessitate", [] ], [ "negate", [] ], [ "negotiate", [] ], [ "nitrate", [] ], [ "northgate", [] ], [ "obfuscate", [] ], [ "oblate", [] ], [ "obligate", [] ], [ "obliterate", [] ], [ "obviate", [] ], [ "officiate", [] ], [ "operate", [] ], [ "opinionate", [] ], [ "orchestrate", [] ], [ "originate", [] ], [ "ornate", [] ], [ "oscillate", [] ], [ "outdate", [] ], [ "overate", [] ], [ "overestimate", [] ], [ "overrate", [] ], [ "overregulate", [] ], [ "overstate", [] ], [ "overweight", [] ], [ "oxygenate", [] ], [ "pait", [] ], [ "papermate", [] ], [ "paperweight", [] ], [ "participate", [] ], [ "pate", [] ], [ "penetrate", [] ], [ "percolate", [] ], [ "perforate", [] ], [ "permeate", [] ], [ "permutate", [] ], [ "perpetrate", [] ], [ "perpetuate", [] ], [ "phonemate", [] ], [ "plait", [] ], [ "plate", [] ], [ "playmate", [] ], [ "pollinate", [] ], [ "polychlorinate", [] ], [ "pontificate", [] ], [ "populate", [] ], [ "postdate", [] ], [ "postulate", [] ], [ "potentate", [] ], [ "precipitate", [] ], [ "predate", [] ], [ "predicate", [] ], [ "predominate", [] ], [ "prefabricate", [] ], [ "premeditate", [] ], [ "primate", [] ], [ "probate", [] ], [ "procrastinate", [] ], [ "procreate", [] ], [ "profligate", [] ], [ "prognosticate", [] ], [ "proliferate", [] ], [ "propagate", [] ], [ "prorate", [] ], [ "prostate", [] ], [ "punctate", [] ], [ "punctuate", [] ], [ "rait", [] ], [ "raitt", [] ], [ "rate", [] ], [ "reactivate", [] ], [ "realestate", [] ], [ "rebate", [] ], [ "recalculate", [] ], [ "recapitulate", [] ], [ "reciprocate", [] ], [ "recreate", [] ], [ "recriminate", [] ], [ "recuperate", [] ], [ "redecorate", [] ], [ "rededicate", [] ], [ "reeducate", [] ], [ "reevaluate", [] ], [ "reflate", [] ], [ "reformulate", [] ], [ "refrigerate", [] ], [ "regenerate", [] ], [ "regulate", [] ], [ "regurgitate", [] ], [ "rehabilitate", [] ], [ "reincarnate", [] ], [ "reincorporate", [] ], [ "reinstate", [] ], [ "reintegrate", [] ], [ "reinvigorate", [] ], [ "reiterate", [] ], [ "rejuvenate", [] ], [ "relate", [] ], [ "relegate", [] ], [ "remunerate", [] ], [ "renegotiate", [] ], [ "renominate", [] ], [ "renovate", [] ], [ "renunciate", [] ], [ "repatriate", [] ], [ "replicate", [] ], [ "repudiate", [] ], [ "reregulate", [] ], [ "resonate", [] ], [ "restate", [] ], [ "resuscitate", [] ], [ "retaliate", [ "They don't protest their problems, (maybe^perhaps) they should" ] ], [ "roommate", [] ], [ "rotate", [] ], [ "ruminate", [] ], [ "salivate", [] ], [ "sate", [] ], [ "saturate", [] ], [ "schoolmate", [] ], [ "seagate", [] ], [ "sedate", [] ], [ "segregate", [ "They should share their ideas, they should not hide them and" ] ], [ "self-perpetuate", [] ], [ "self-pollinate", [] ], [ "separate", [ "There should be no division, no need to be" ] ], [ "serrate", [] ], [ "shipmate", [] ], [ "shoemate", [] ], [ "shumate", [] ], [ "silverplate", [] ], [ "situate", [] ], [ "skate", [] ], [ "slate", [] ], [ "solid-state", [] ], [ "sophisticate", [] ], [ "southgate", [] ], [ "southstate", [] ], [ "spate", [] ], [ "speculate", [] ], [ "speedskate", [] ], [ "speight", [] ], [ "stagflate", [] ], [ "stagnate", [] ], [ "stalemate", [] ], [ "stargate", [] ], [ "state", [] ], [ "stimulate", [] ], [ "stipulate", [] ], [ "straight", [] ], [ "strait", [] ], [ "strangulate", [] ], [ "strate", [] ], [ "streight", [] ], [ "subjugate", [] ], [ "subordinate", [] ], [ "substantiate", [] ], [ "substrate", [] ], [ "suffocate", [] ], [ "sulfate", [] ], [ "sulphate", [] ], [ "sumgait", [] ], [ "sunstate", [] ], [ "syncopate", [] ], [ "tabulate", [] ], [ "tailgate", [] ], [ "tait", [] ], [ "taite", [] ], [ "taitt", [] ], [ "tate", [] ], [ "teammate", [] ], [ "teate", [] ], [ "telerate", [] ], [ "terminate", [] ], [ "tesselate", [] ], [ "titanate", [] ], [ "titillate", [] ], [ "tolerate", [] ], [ "trait", [] ], [ "translate", [] ], [ "travelgate", [] ], [ "tri-state", [] ], [ "trimetrexate", [] ], [ "tristate", [] ], [ "truncate", [] ], [ "unaffiliate", [] ], [ "unallocate", [] ], [ "uncompensate", [] ], [ "uncomplicate", [] ], [ "underestimate", [] ], [ "underrate", [] ], [ "understate", [] ], [ "underweight", [] ], [ "undulate", [] ], [ "unimate", [] ], [ "update", [] ], [ "upstate", [] ], [ "urinate", [] ], [ "vacillate", [] ], [ "vegetate", [] ], [ "venerate", [] ], [ "ventilate", [] ], [ "vertebrate", [] ], [ "wait", [] ], [ "waite", [] ], [ "waitt", [] ], [ "watergate", [] ], [ "wayt", [] ], [ "weight", [] ], [ "welterweight", [] ], [ "westgate", [] ], [ "whate", [] ], [ "wingate", [] ] ] }, { "talk": [ [ "TALK", [ "They don't want to communicate, they don't want to" ] ], [ "airlock", [] ], [ "balk", [ "When the thought of resolving a confusion comes in their mind, they just" ] ], [ "blackhawk", [] ], [ "boardwalk", [] ], [ "calk", [] ], [ "cornstalk", [] ], [ "crosstalk", [] ], [ "echohawk", [] ], [ "falk", [] ], [ "falke", [] ], [ "faulk", [] ], [ "gamecock", [] ], [ "gawk", [] ], [ "goshawk", [] ], [ "hauck", [] ], [ "hauk", [] ], [ "hauke", [] ], [ "hawk", [] ], [ "hawke", [] ], [ "hok", [] ], [ "honestok", [] ], [ "jaywalk", [] ], [ "kalk", [] ], [ "kauk", [] ], [ "kowalke", [] ], [ "lauck", [] ], [ "little-rock", [] ], [ "maroc", [] ], [ "marschalk", [] ], [ "mauck", [] ], [ "mauk", [] ], [ "medoc", [] ], [ "mohawk", [] ], [ "nighthawk", [] ], [ "norwalk", [] ], [ "poppycock", [] ], [ "salk", [] ], [ "sauk", [] ], [ "schalk", [] ], [ "seahawk", [] ], [ "sidewalk", [ "They act just like depressed kids, sitting on the" ] ], [ "skyhawk", [] ], [ "sleepwalk", [] ], [ "smalltalk", [ "We need full conversations, not just" ] ], [ "squawk", [] ], [ "stalk", [] ], [ "tomahawk", [] ], [ "valk", [] ], [ "walk", [ "It's a sad picture, with a sad" ] ], [ "walke", [] ], [ "witbrock", [] ], [ "yeosock", [] ], [ "zwack", [] ] ] }, { "protest": [ [ "PROTEST", [ "They don't oppose this (fucking hell^hell^abyss^nightmare^tragedy), they don't" ] ], [ "abreast", [] ], [ "accessed", [] ], [ "acquiesced", [] ], [ "addressed", [] ], [ "addwest", [] ], [ "alkahest", [] ], [ "altfest", [] ], [ "armrest", [] ], [ "arrest", [ "You're unstoppable, won't be no" ] ], [ "assessed", [ "Doesn't matter what these douchebags have already" ] ], [ "attest", [] ], [ "backrest", [] ], [ "behest", [] ], [ "bequest", [] ], [ "best", [ "Protesting your problems will make you" ] ], [ "beste", [] ], [ "blessed", [] ], [ "blest", [] ], [ "breast", [] ], [ "brest", [] ], [ "bucharest", [] ], [ "bud-test", [] ], [ "budapest", [] ], [ "c'est", [] ], [ "canwest", [] ], [ "caressed", [] ], [ "celeste", [] ], [ "charest", [] ], [ "chest", [] ], [ "chrest", [] ], [ "coalesced", [] ], [ "compressed", [] ], [ "confessed", [] ], [ "congest", [] ], [ "crest", [] ], [ "d'allest", [] ], [ "dataquest", [] ], [ "demarest", [] ], [ "depressed", [ "When you protest your problems, you won't be" ] ], [ "dest", [] ], [ "detest", [ "Stagnation and lies are all I" ] ], [ "digest", [] ], [ "digressed", [] ], [ "dispossessed", [] ], [ "distressed", [] ], [ "divest", [] ], [ "dressed", [] ], [ "eastern-west", [] ], [ "envirotest", [] ], [ "este", [] ], [ "expressed", [ "As N.W.A says, your thoughts are best", "Think of all the good things if your thoughts are" ] ], [ "farwest", [] ], [ "fessed", [] ], [ "fest", [] ], [ "fieldcrest", [] ], [ "finessed", [] ], [ "finevest", [] ], [ "fininvest", [] ], [ "gest", [] ], [ "goldcrest", [] ], [ "grundfest", [] ], [ "guessed", [] ], [ "guest", [] ], [ "hardpressed", [ "We need to do this now, we are" ] ], [ "headrest", [] ], [ "healthvest", [] ], [ "holmquest", [] ], [ "impressed", [] ], [ "incest", [] ], [ "indigest", [] ], [ "infest", [] ], [ "ingest", [] ], [ "inquest", [] ], [ "invest", [] ], [ "jest", [] ], [ "key_west", [] ], [ "lest", [] ], [ "manifest", [] ], [ "marquest", [] ], [ "megaquest", [] ], [ "messed", [] ], [ "mest", [] ], [ "midwest", [] ], [ "molest", [] ], [ "natwest", [] ], [ "nest", [] ], [ "neste", [] ], [ "northwest", [] ], [ "norwest", [] ], [ "obsessed", [] ], [ "oppressed", [ "We should talk about all the lies, and fight for the" ] ], [ "outguessed", [] ], [ "penwest", [] ], [ "pest", [] ], [ "possessed", [ "They act like demons, ones who are" ] ], [ "pressed", [] ], [ "prest", [] ], [ "professed", [] ], [ "progressed", [] ], [ "quest", [] ], [ "rearrest", [] ], [ "reassessed", [] ], [ "recessed", [] ], [ "reinvest", [] ], [ "repossessed", [] ], [ "repressed", [ "They need to communicate their mind, say everything that has been" ] ], [ "request", [] ], [ "rest", [ "We need to fight, in order to get" ] ], [ "retest", [] ], [ "ridgecrest", [] ], [ "sealtest", [] ], [ "seaquest", [] ], [ "self-professed", [] ], [ "silvercrest", [] ], [ "skywest", [] ], [ "slugfest", [] ], [ "southwest", [] ], [ "stateswest", [] ], [ "stressed", [ "I'm too overwhelmed, I'm too" ] ], [ "suggest", [] ], [ "suppressed", [ "The truth, is something that has been for too long" ] ], [ "sylvest", [] ], [ "telequest", [] ], [ "telewest", [] ], [ "test", [] ], [ "transgressed", [ "We'll fight, all the ways these creeps have" ] ], [ "trest", [] ], [ "unaddressed", [ "There are far, far too many things, left" ] ], [ "undressed", [] ], [ "unimpressed", [ "Call me unhappy, call me" ] ], [ "unprocessed", [] ], [ "unrest", [ "Sometimes it's right to have a reasonable amount of" ] ], [ "vest", [] ], [ "west", [] ], [ "wrest", [] ], [ "yest", [] ], [ "yoest", [] ], [ "zest", [ "Bring forth that vigor, bring forth that" ] ] ] }, { "fight": [ [ "FIGHT", [ "They're stagnant and complacent, they don't want to" ] ], [ "acolyte", [] ], [ "airtight", [] ], [ "albright", [] ], [ "alight", [ "Bring forth the (flame^energy^vigor), make the night" ] ], [ "allbright", [] ], [ "allright", [ ] ], [ "alright", [ "Things are not good, they are not" ] ], [ "alvite", [] ], [ "ammonite", [] ], [ "andesite", [] ], [ "anorthite", [] ], [ "anthracite", [] ], [ "apartheid", [] ], [ "apatite", [] ], [ "appetite", [] ], [ "applewhite", [] ], [ "argabright", [] ], [ "arkwright", [] ], [ "backbite", [] ], [ "backlight", [] ], [ "basnight", [] ], [ "bauknight", [] ], [ "benight", [] ], [ "bentonite", [] ], [ "bight", [] ], [ "biotite", [] ], [ "birthright", [] ], [ "bite", [] ], [ "blight", [] ], [ "boatright", [] ], [ "boatwright", [] ], [ "bright", [ "If you communicate, the future will look rather" ] ], [ "brite", [] ], [ "brucite", [] ], [ "bullfight", [] ], [ "byte", [] ], [ "calcite", [] ], [ "calite", [] ], [ "campsite", [] ], [ "canaanite", [] ], [ "candlelight", [] ], [ "carmelite", [] ], [ "cartwright", [] ], [ "catanzarite", [] ], [ "cite", [] ], [ "clevite", [] ], [ "clintonite", [] ], [ "clyte", [] ], [ "conkright", [] ], [ "contrite", [] ], [ "copyright", [] ], [ "copywrite", [] ], [ "courtright", [] ], [ "courtwright", [] ], [ "cronkhite", [] ], [ "cronkite", [] ], [ "cronkright", [] ], [ "cryolite", [] ], [ "curtright", [] ], [ "cutright", [] ], [ "daylight", [] ], [ "de-excite", [] ], [ "delight", [] ], [ "despite", [] ], [ "diorite", [] ], [ "disinvite", [] ], [ "displaywrite", [] ], [ "dogfight", [] ], [ "dolomite", [] ], [ "downright", [] ], [ "drumright", [] ], [ "drumwright", [] ], [ "dunite", [] ], [ "dwight", [] ], [ "dynamite", [ "If you start to communicate, your words will become great" ] ], [ "ebright", [] ], [ "enright", [] ], [ "enwright", [] ], [ "epsomite", [] ], [ "erudite", [] ], [ "exabyte", [] ], [ "excite", [] ], [ "expedite", [] ], [ "extradite", [] ], [ "eyesight", [] ], [ "fahrenheit", [] ], [ "feit", [] ], [ "felicite", [] ], [ "femrite", [] ], [ "finite", [] ], [ "firefight", [] ], [ "firzite", [] ], [ "fite", [] ], [ "flashlight", [] ], [ "flight", [] ], [ "floodlight", [] ], [ "fluorite", [] ], [ "footlight", [] ], [ "foresight", [] ], [ "forthright", [] ], [ "fortnight", [] ], [ "franklinite", [] ], [ "freiheit", [] ], [ "fright", [] ], [ "frostbite", [] ], [ "fulbright", [] ], [ "fullbright", [] ], [ "gametophyte", [] ], [ "gathright", [] ], [ "genlyte", [] ], [ "gigabyte", [] ], [ "goodnight", [] ], [ "granulocyte", [] ], [ "graphite", [] ], [ "gravesite", [] ], [ "guisewite", [] ], [ "gunfight", [] ], [ "hambright", [] ], [ "hashemite", [] ], [ "headlight", [] ], [ "height", [] ], [ "heit", [] ], [ "hematite", [] ], [ "hemimorphite", [] ], [ "hermaphrodite", [] ], [ "hiett", [] ], [ "highlight", [] ], [ "hight", [] ], [ "hignight", [] ], [ "hignite", [] ], [ "hindsight", [] ], [ "hite", [] ], [ "housewright", [] ], [ "hussite", [] ], [ "ignite", [] ], [ "impolite", [] ], [ "incite", [] ], [ "indict", [] ], [ "indite", [] ], [ "inflight", [] ], [ "insight", [] ], [ "invite", [] ], [ "israelite", [] ], [ "jacobite", [] ], [ "jadeite", [] ], [ "jinright", [] ], [ "kight", [] ], [ "kilobyte", [] ], [ "kite", [] ], [ "knight", [] ], [ "kyte", [] ], [ "lacharite", [] ], [ "lafite", [] ], [ "lambright", [] ], [ "lazulite", [] ], [ "leukocyte", [] ], [ "light", [] ], [ "lignite", [] ], [ "limelight", [] ], [ "limonite", [] ], [ "lite", [] ], [ "loctite", [] ], [ "lucite", [] ], [ "luddite", [] ], [ "lymphocyte", [] ], [ "macknight", [] ], [ "magnesite", [] ], [ "magnetite", [] ], [ "malrite", [] ], [ "mandalite", [] ], [ "maronite", [] ], [ "masonite", [] ], [ "mccarthyite", [] ], [ "mccright", [] ], [ "mcknight", [] ], [ "mcright", [] ], [ "mcwhite", [] ], [ "mcwright", [] ], [ "megabyte", [] ], [ "mennonite", [] ], [ "meteorite", [] ], [ "midflight", [] ], [ "midnight", [] ], [ "might", [ "It's important to (talk^communicate), with all your" ] ], [ "minorite", [] ], [ "mite", [] ], [ "monzonite", [] ], [ "moonlight", [] ], [ "muscovite", [] ], [ "musselwhite", [] ], [ "naderite", [] ], [ "neophyte", [] ], [ "new-hampshirite", [] ], [ "newsnight", [] ], [ "niccolite", [] ], [ "night", [ "They don't want to talk, lost in the abyss of the" ] ], [ "niobite", [] ], [ "nite", [] ], [ "nonwhite", [] ], [ "oakite", [] ], [ "onsite", [] ], [ "outright", [] ], [ "overexcite", [] ], [ "overflight", [] ], [ "overnight", [] ], [ "overnite", [] ], [ "oversight", [] ], [ "overwrite", [] ], [ "parasite", [] ], [ "pegmatite", [] ], [ "phagocyte", [] ], [ "phlogopite", [] ], [ "phosphorite", [] ], [ "playwright", [] ], [ "plebiscite", [] ], [ "plight", [ "Communication is the proper, way of resolving ones" ] ], [ "plowright", [] ], [ "polite", [] ], [ "procyte", [] ], [ "quite", [ ] ], [ "rasorite", [] ], [ "reaganite", [] ], [ "recite", [] ], [ "recondite", [] ], [ "reignite", [] ], [ "reinvite", [] ], [ "reit", [] ], [ "reunite", [] ], [ "rewrite", [] ], [ "richwhite", [] ], [ "right", [ "Things are not good, they are not" ] ], [ "rite", [] ], [ "riunite", [] ], [ "rubright", [] ], [ "samsonite", [] ], [ "satellite", [] ], [ "satterwhite", [] ], [ "scheidt", [] ], [ "seabright", [] ], [ "searchlight", [] ], [ "seawright", [] ], [ "selenite", [] ], [ "semi-height", [] ], [ "shiite", [] ], [ "shipwright", [] ], [ "sight", [] ], [ "site", [] ], [ "skylight", [] ], [ "skylite", [] ], [ "sleight", [] ], [ "slight", [] ], [ "snakebite", [] ], [ "socialite", [] ], [ "soundbite", [] ], [ "spight", [] ], [ "spite", [ "Don't need no malice, don't need no" ] ], [ "sporophyte", [] ], [ "spotlight", [] ], [ "sprite", [] ], [ "starlight", [] ], [ "starsight", [] ], [ "sticktight", [] ], [ "stoplight", [] ], [ "streit", [] ], [ "strite", [] ], [ "suburbanite", [] ], [ "sulfite", [] ], [ "sunlight", [] ], [ "sunlite", [] ], [ "sylvite", [] ], [ "thatcherite", [] ], [ "tight", [] ], [ "tonight", [] ], [ "tonite", [] ], [ "tripartite", [] ], [ "trite", [] ], [ "twilight", [] ], [ "twite", [] ], [ "underwrite", [] ], [ "unite", [] ], [ "upright", [] ], [ "uptight", [] ], [ "urbanite", [] ], [ "vegemite", [] ], [ "wainright", [] ], [ "wainwright", [] ], [ "watertight", [] ], [ "waybright", [] ], [ "website", [] ], [ "wegbreit", [] ], [ "wheelwright", [] ], [ "white", [] ], [ "whitenight", [] ], [ "whyte", [] ], [ "wight", [] ], [ "wilhite", [] ], [ "willhite", [] ], [ "woolbright", [] ], [ "wright", [] ], [ "write", [] ], [ "zeit", [] ] ] } ] }