namespace 'spree:migrations:copy_shipped_shipments_to_cartons' do # This copies data from shipments into cartons from previous versions of # Spree. # Used in the migration CopyShippedShipmentsToCartons and made available as a # rake task to allow running it a second time after deploying the new code, in # case some shipment->carton data was missed between the time that the # migration was run and the application servers were restarted with the new # code. # This task should be safe to run multiple times. # We're doing these via SQL because for large stores with lots of shipments # and lots of inventory units this would take excessively long to do via # ActiveRecord one at a time. Also, these queries can take a long time for # large stores so we do them in batches. task up: :environment do bad_shipping_rate = Spree::ShippingRate. select(:shipment_id). where(selected: true). group(:shipment_id). having("count(0) > 1"). limit(1).to_a.first if bad_shipping_rate # This would end up generating multiple cartons for a single shipment raise(<<-TEXT.squish) Error: You have shipments with more than one 'selected' shipping rate, such as shipment #{bad_shipping_rate.shipment_id}. This code will not work correctly. TEXT end say_with_time 'generating cartons' do last_id = Spree::Shipment.last.try!(:id) || 0 in_batches(last_id: last_id) do |start_id, end_id| say_with_time "processing shipment #{start_id} to #{end_id}" do Spree::Carton.connection.execute(<<-SQL.strip_heredoc) insert into spree_cartons ( number, imported_from_shipment_id, stock_location_id, address_id, shipping_method_id, tracking, shipped_at, created_at, updated_at ) select -- create the carton number as 'C'+shipment number: #{db_concat("'C'", 'spree_shipments.number')}, -- number, -- imported_from_shipment_id spree_shipments.stock_location_id, spree_shipments.address_id, spree_shipping_rates.shipping_method_id, spree_shipments.tracking, spree_shipments.shipped_at, '#{Time.current.to_s(:db)}', -- created_at '#{Time.current.to_s(:db)}' -- updated_at from spree_shipments left join spree_shipping_rates on spree_shipping_rates.shipment_id = and spree_shipping_rates.selected = #{Spree::Carton.connection.quoted_true} left join spree_inventory_units on spree_inventory_units.shipment_id = and spree_inventory_units.carton_id is not null where spree_shipments.shipped_at is not null -- must have at least one inventory unit and exists ( select 1 from spree_inventory_units iu where iu.shipment_id = ) -- if *any* inventory units are connected to cartons then we assume -- the entire shipment has been either already migrated or handled -- by the new code and is null and >= #{start_id} and <= #{end_id} SQL end end end say_with_time 'linking inventory units to cartons' do last_id = Spree::InventoryUnit.last.try!(:id) || 0 in_batches(last_id: last_id) do |start_id, end_id| say_with_time "processing inventory units #{start_id} to #{end_id}" do Spree::InventoryUnit.connection.execute(<<-SQL.strip_heredoc) update spree_inventory_units set carton_id = ( select from spree_shipments inner join spree_cartons on spree_cartons.imported_from_shipment_id = where = spree_inventory_units.shipment_id ) where spree_inventory_units.carton_id is null and spree_inventory_units.shipment_id is not null and >= #{start_id} and <= #{end_id} SQL end end end end task down: :environment do last_id = Spree::InventoryUnit.last.try!(:id) || 0 say_with_time 'unlinking inventory units from cartons' do in_batches(last_id: last_id) do |start_id, end_id| say_with_time "processing inventory units #{start_id} to #{end_id}" do Spree::InventoryUnit.connection.execute(<<-SQL.strip_heredoc) update spree_inventory_units set carton_id = null where carton_id is not null and exists ( select 1 from spree_cartons where = spree_inventory_units.carton_id and spree_cartons.imported_from_shipment_id is not null ) and >= #{start_id} and <= #{end_id} SQL end end end say_with_time "clearing carton imported_from_shipment_ids" do Spree::Carton.where.not(imported_from_shipment_id: nil).delete_all end end def db_concat(*args) case Spree::Shipment.connection.adapter_name when /mysql/i "concat(#{args.join(', ')})" else args.join(' || ') end end def say_with_time(message) say message ms = { yield } say "(#{ms.round}ms)" end def say(message) if Rails.env.test? message else puts message end end def in_batches(last_id:) start_id = 1 batch_size = 10_000 while start_id <= last_id end_id = start_id + batch_size - 1 yield start_id, end_id start_id += batch_size end end end