# frozen_string_literal: true # Copyright (c) 2017-2018 THL A29 Limited, a Tencent company. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. module TencentCloud module Dc module V20180410 # AcceptDirectConnectTunnel请求参数结构体 class AcceptDirectConnectTunnelRequest < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param DirectConnectTunnelId: 专用通道ID。 # @type DirectConnectTunnelId: String attr_accessor :DirectConnectTunnelId def initialize(directconnecttunnelid=nil) @DirectConnectTunnelId = directconnecttunnelid end def deserialize(params) @DirectConnectTunnelId = params['DirectConnectTunnelId'] end end # AcceptDirectConnectTunnel返回参数结构体 class AcceptDirectConnectTunnelResponse < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param RequestId: 唯一请求 ID,由服务端生成,每次请求都会返回(若请求因其他原因未能抵达服务端,则该次请求不会获得 RequestId)。定位问题时需要提供该次请求的 RequestId。 # @type RequestId: String attr_accessor :RequestId def initialize(requestid=nil) @RequestId = requestid end def deserialize(params) @RequestId = params['RequestId'] end end # 接入点信息。 class AccessPoint < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param AccessPointName: 接入点的名称。 # @type AccessPointName: String # @param AccessPointId: 接入点唯一ID。 # @type AccessPointId: String # @param State: 接入点的状态。可用,不可用。 # @type State: String # @param Location: 接入点的位置。 # @type Location: String # @param LineOperator: 接入点支持的运营商列表。 # @type LineOperator: Array # @param RegionId: 接入点管理的大区ID。 # @type RegionId: String # @param AvailablePortType: 接入点可用的端口类型列表。1000BASE-T代表千兆电口,1000BASE-LX代表千兆单模光口10km,1000BASE-ZX代表千兆单模光口80km,10GBASE-LR代表万兆单模光口10km,10GBASE-ZR代表万兆单模光口80km,10GBASE-LH代表万兆单模光口40km,100GBASE-LR4代表100G单模光口10km。 # @type AvailablePortType: Array # @param Coordinate: 接入点经纬度。 # @type Coordinate: :class:`Tencentcloud::Dc.v20180410.models.Coordinate` # @param City: 接入点所在城市。 # @type City: String # @param Area: 接入点地域名称。 # @type Area: String # @param AccessPointType: 接入点类型。VXLAN/QCPL/QCAR # @type AccessPointType: String # @param AvailablePortInfo: 端口规格信息。 # @type AvailablePortInfo: Array attr_accessor :AccessPointName, :AccessPointId, :State, :Location, :LineOperator, :RegionId, :AvailablePortType, :Coordinate, :City, :Area, :AccessPointType, :AvailablePortInfo def initialize(accesspointname=nil, accesspointid=nil, state=nil, location=nil, lineoperator=nil, regionid=nil, availableporttype=nil, coordinate=nil, city=nil, area=nil, accesspointtype=nil, availableportinfo=nil) @AccessPointName = accesspointname @AccessPointId = accesspointid @State = state @Location = location @LineOperator = lineoperator @RegionId = regionid @AvailablePortType = availableporttype @Coordinate = coordinate @City = city @Area = area @AccessPointType = accesspointtype @AvailablePortInfo = availableportinfo end def deserialize(params) @AccessPointName = params['AccessPointName'] @AccessPointId = params['AccessPointId'] @State = params['State'] @Location = params['Location'] @LineOperator = params['LineOperator'] @RegionId = params['RegionId'] @AvailablePortType = params['AvailablePortType'] unless params['Coordinate'].nil? @Coordinate = Coordinate.new @Coordinate.deserialize(params['Coordinate']) end @City = params['City'] @Area = params['Area'] @AccessPointType = params['AccessPointType'] unless params['AvailablePortInfo'].nil? @AvailablePortInfo = [] params['AvailablePortInfo'].each do |i| portspecification_tmp = PortSpecification.new portspecification_tmp.deserialize(i) @AvailablePortInfo << portspecification_tmp end end end end # ApplyInternetAddress请求参数结构体 class ApplyInternetAddressRequest < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param MaskLen: CIDR地址掩码长度 # @type MaskLen: Integer # @param AddrType: 0:BGP类型地址 # 1:中国电信 # 2:中国移动 # 3:中国联通 # @type AddrType: Integer # @param AddrProto: 0:IPv4 # 1:IPv6 # @type AddrProto: Integer attr_accessor :MaskLen, :AddrType, :AddrProto def initialize(masklen=nil, addrtype=nil, addrproto=nil) @MaskLen = masklen @AddrType = addrtype @AddrProto = addrproto end def deserialize(params) @MaskLen = params['MaskLen'] @AddrType = params['AddrType'] @AddrProto = params['AddrProto'] end end # ApplyInternetAddress返回参数结构体 class ApplyInternetAddressResponse < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param InstanceId: 互联网公网地址ID # @type InstanceId: String # @param RequestId: 唯一请求 ID,由服务端生成,每次请求都会返回(若请求因其他原因未能抵达服务端,则该次请求不会获得 RequestId)。定位问题时需要提供该次请求的 RequestId。 # @type RequestId: String attr_accessor :InstanceId, :RequestId def initialize(instanceid=nil, requestid=nil) @InstanceId = instanceid @RequestId = requestid end def deserialize(params) @InstanceId = params['InstanceId'] @RequestId = params['RequestId'] end end # BFD配置信息 class BFDInfo < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param ProbeFailedTimes: 健康检查次数 # @type ProbeFailedTimes: Integer # @param Interval: 健康检查间隔 # @type Interval: Integer attr_accessor :ProbeFailedTimes, :Interval def initialize(probefailedtimes=nil, interval=nil) @ProbeFailedTimes = probefailedtimes @Interval = interval end def deserialize(params) @ProbeFailedTimes = params['ProbeFailedTimes'] @Interval = params['Interval'] end end # bgp状态信息 class BGPStatus < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param TencentAddressBgpState: 腾讯侧主互联IP BGP状态 # @type TencentAddressBgpState: String # @param TencentBackupAddressBgpState: 腾讯侧备互联IP BGP状态 # @type TencentBackupAddressBgpState: String attr_accessor :TencentAddressBgpState, :TencentBackupAddressBgpState def initialize(tencentaddressbgpstate=nil, tencentbackupaddressbgpstate=nil) @TencentAddressBgpState = tencentaddressbgpstate @TencentBackupAddressBgpState = tencentbackupaddressbgpstate end def deserialize(params) @TencentAddressBgpState = params['TencentAddressBgpState'] @TencentBackupAddressBgpState = params['TencentBackupAddressBgpState'] end end # bgp参数,包括CloudAsn,Asn,AuthKey class BgpPeer < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param CloudAsn: 腾讯侧BGP ASN # @type CloudAsn: String # @param Asn: 用户侧BGP ASN # @type Asn: Integer # @param AuthKey: 用户侧BGP密钥 # @type AuthKey: String attr_accessor :CloudAsn, :Asn, :AuthKey def initialize(cloudasn=nil, asn=nil, authkey=nil) @CloudAsn = cloudasn @Asn = asn @AuthKey = authkey end def deserialize(params) @CloudAsn = params['CloudAsn'] @Asn = params['Asn'] @AuthKey = params['AuthKey'] end end # 敏捷上云服务信息 class CloudAttachInfo < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param InstanceId: 敏捷上云实例id # @type InstanceId: String # @param Name: 敏捷上云名称 # @type Name: String # @param IapId: 合作伙伴的AppId # @type IapId: String # @param IdcAddress: 需要接入敏捷上云的IDC的地址 # @type IdcAddress: String # @param IdcType: 需要接入敏捷上云的IDC的互联网服务提供商类型 # @type IdcType: String # @param Bandwidth: 敏捷上云的带宽,单位为MB # @type Bandwidth: Integer # @param Telephone: 联系电话 # @type Telephone: String # @param Status: 敏捷上云的状态 # available:就绪状态 # applying:申请,待审核状态 # pendingpay:代付款状态 # building:建设中状态 # confirming:待确认状态 # isolate: 隔离状态 # stoped:终止状态 # @type Status: String # @param ApplyTime: 敏捷上云申请的时间 # @type ApplyTime: String # @param ReadyTime: 敏捷上云建设完成的时间 # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type ReadyTime: String # @param ExpireTime: 敏捷上云过期时间 # @type ExpireTime: String # @param Remarks: 备注信息 # @type Remarks: String # @param RegionStatus: 敏捷上云的地域状态。 # same-region:同地域 # cross-region:跨地域 # @type RegionStatus: String # @param AppId: 用户的AppId # @type AppId: String # @param Uin: 用户的Uin # @type Uin: String # @param CustomerAuthName: 用户注册名称 # @type CustomerAuthName: String # @param DirectConnectId: 物理专线实例ID # @type DirectConnectId: String # @param CloudAttachServiceGatewaysSupport: 敏捷上云是否支持创建高速上云专线网关 # @type CloudAttachServiceGatewaysSupport: Boolean # @param BUpdateBandwidth: 敏捷上云服务是否处于升降配中 # @type BUpdateBandwidth: Boolean attr_accessor :InstanceId, :Name, :IapId, :IdcAddress, :IdcType, :Bandwidth, :Telephone, :Status, :ApplyTime, :ReadyTime, :ExpireTime, :Remarks, :RegionStatus, :AppId, :Uin, :CustomerAuthName, :DirectConnectId, :CloudAttachServiceGatewaysSupport, :BUpdateBandwidth def initialize(instanceid=nil, name=nil, iapid=nil, idcaddress=nil, idctype=nil, bandwidth=nil, telephone=nil, status=nil, applytime=nil, readytime=nil, expiretime=nil, remarks=nil, regionstatus=nil, appid=nil, uin=nil, customerauthname=nil, directconnectid=nil, cloudattachservicegatewayssupport=nil, bupdatebandwidth=nil) @InstanceId = instanceid @Name = name @IapId = iapid @IdcAddress = idcaddress @IdcType = idctype @Bandwidth = bandwidth @Telephone = telephone @Status = status @ApplyTime = applytime @ReadyTime = readytime @ExpireTime = expiretime @Remarks = remarks @RegionStatus = regionstatus @AppId = appid @Uin = uin @CustomerAuthName = customerauthname @DirectConnectId = directconnectid @CloudAttachServiceGatewaysSupport = cloudattachservicegatewayssupport @BUpdateBandwidth = bupdatebandwidth end def deserialize(params) @InstanceId = params['InstanceId'] @Name = params['Name'] @IapId = params['IapId'] @IdcAddress = params['IdcAddress'] @IdcType = params['IdcType'] @Bandwidth = params['Bandwidth'] @Telephone = params['Telephone'] @Status = params['Status'] @ApplyTime = params['ApplyTime'] @ReadyTime = params['ReadyTime'] @ExpireTime = params['ExpireTime'] @Remarks = params['Remarks'] @RegionStatus = params['RegionStatus'] @AppId = params['AppId'] @Uin = params['Uin'] @CustomerAuthName = params['CustomerAuthName'] @DirectConnectId = params['DirectConnectId'] @CloudAttachServiceGatewaysSupport = params['CloudAttachServiceGatewaysSupport'] @BUpdateBandwidth = params['BUpdateBandwidth'] end end # 坐标,经维度描述 class Coordinate < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param Lat: 纬度 # @type Lat: Float # @param Lng: 经度 # @type Lng: Float attr_accessor :Lat, :Lng def initialize(lat=nil, lng=nil) @Lat = lat @Lng = lng end def deserialize(params) @Lat = params['Lat'] @Lng = params['Lng'] end end # 创建敏捷上云入参 class CreateCasInput < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param Name: 敏捷上云名称 # @type Name: String # @param IdcAddress: 需要接入敏捷上云的IDC的地址 # @type IdcAddress: String # @param IdcType: 需要接入敏捷上云的IDC的互联网服务提供商类型 # @type IdcType: String # @param Bandwidth: 敏捷上云的带宽,单位为MB # @type Bandwidth: Integer # @param Telephone: 联系电话 # @type Telephone: String # @param Remarks: 备注信息 # @type Remarks: String attr_accessor :Name, :IdcAddress, :IdcType, :Bandwidth, :Telephone, :Remarks def initialize(name=nil, idcaddress=nil, idctype=nil, bandwidth=nil, telephone=nil, remarks=nil) @Name = name @IdcAddress = idcaddress @IdcType = idctype @Bandwidth = bandwidth @Telephone = telephone @Remarks = remarks end def deserialize(params) @Name = params['Name'] @IdcAddress = params['IdcAddress'] @IdcType = params['IdcType'] @Bandwidth = params['Bandwidth'] @Telephone = params['Telephone'] @Remarks = params['Remarks'] end end # CreateCloudAttachService请求参数结构体 class CreateCloudAttachServiceRequest < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param Data: 创建敏捷上云入参 # @type Data: :class:`Tencentcloud::Dc.v20180410.models.CreateCasInput` attr_accessor :Data def initialize(data=nil) @Data = data end def deserialize(params) unless params['Data'].nil? @Data = CreateCasInput.new @Data.deserialize(params['Data']) end end end # CreateCloudAttachService返回参数结构体 class CreateCloudAttachServiceResponse < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param CloudAttach: 敏捷上云服务详情 # @type CloudAttach: :class:`Tencentcloud::Dc.v20180410.models.CloudAttachInfo` # @param RequestId: 唯一请求 ID,由服务端生成,每次请求都会返回(若请求因其他原因未能抵达服务端,则该次请求不会获得 RequestId)。定位问题时需要提供该次请求的 RequestId。 # @type RequestId: String attr_accessor :CloudAttach, :RequestId def initialize(cloudattach=nil, requestid=nil) @CloudAttach = cloudattach @RequestId = requestid end def deserialize(params) unless params['CloudAttach'].nil? @CloudAttach = CloudAttachInfo.new @CloudAttach.deserialize(params['CloudAttach']) end @RequestId = params['RequestId'] end end # CreateDirectConnect请求参数结构体 class CreateDirectConnectRequest < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param DirectConnectName: 物理专线的名称。 # @type DirectConnectName: String # @param AccessPointId: 物理专线所在的接入点。 # 您可以通过调用 DescribeAccessPoints接口获取地域ID。所选择的接入点必须存在且处于可接入的状态。 # @type AccessPointId: String # @param LineOperator: 提供接入物理专线的运营商。 # ChinaTelecom:中国电信; # ChinaMobile:中国移动; # ChinaUnicom:中国联通; # In-houseWiring:楼内线; # ChinaOther:中国其他; # InternationalOperator:境外其他。 # @type LineOperator: String # @param PortType: 物理专线接入端口类型,取值: # 100Base-T:百兆电口; # 1000Base-T(默认值):千兆电口; # 1000Base-LX:千兆单模光口(10千米); # 10GBase-T:万兆电口; # 10GBase-LR(默认值):万兆单模光口(10千米)。 # @type PortType: String # @param CircuitCode: 运营商或者服务商为物理专线提供的电路编码。 # @type CircuitCode: String # @param Location: 本地数据中心的地理位置。 # @type Location: String # @param Bandwidth: 物理专线接入接口带宽,单位为Mbps,默认值为1000,取值范围为 [2, 10240]。 # @type Bandwidth: Integer # @param RedundantDirectConnectId: 冗余物理专线的ID。 # @type RedundantDirectConnectId: String # @param Vlan: 物理专线调试VLAN。默认开启VLAN,自动分配VLAN。 # @type Vlan: Integer # @param TencentAddress: 物理专线调试腾讯侧互联 IP。默认自动分配。 # @type TencentAddress: String # @param CustomerAddress: 物理专线调试用户侧互联 IP。默认自动分配。 # @type CustomerAddress: String # @param CustomerName: 物理专线申请者姓名。默认从账户体系获取。 # @type CustomerName: String # @param CustomerContactMail: 物理专线申请者联系邮箱。默认从账户体系获取。 # @type CustomerContactMail: String # @param CustomerContactNumber: 物理专线申请者联系号码。默认从账户体系获取。 # @type CustomerContactNumber: String # @param FaultReportContactPerson: 报障联系人。 # @type FaultReportContactPerson: String # @param FaultReportContactNumber: 报障联系电话。 # @type FaultReportContactNumber: String # @param SignLaw: 物理专线申请者是否签署了用户使用协议。默认已签署。 # @type SignLaw: Boolean # @param Tags: 标签键值对 # @type Tags: Array attr_accessor :DirectConnectName, :AccessPointId, :LineOperator, :PortType, :CircuitCode, :Location, :Bandwidth, :RedundantDirectConnectId, :Vlan, :TencentAddress, :CustomerAddress, :CustomerName, :CustomerContactMail, :CustomerContactNumber, :FaultReportContactPerson, :FaultReportContactNumber, :SignLaw, :Tags def initialize(directconnectname=nil, accesspointid=nil, lineoperator=nil, porttype=nil, circuitcode=nil, location=nil, bandwidth=nil, redundantdirectconnectid=nil, vlan=nil, tencentaddress=nil, customeraddress=nil, customername=nil, customercontactmail=nil, customercontactnumber=nil, faultreportcontactperson=nil, faultreportcontactnumber=nil, signlaw=nil, tags=nil) @DirectConnectName = directconnectname @AccessPointId = accesspointid @LineOperator = lineoperator @PortType = porttype @CircuitCode = circuitcode @Location = location @Bandwidth = bandwidth @RedundantDirectConnectId = redundantdirectconnectid @Vlan = vlan @TencentAddress = tencentaddress @CustomerAddress = customeraddress @CustomerName = customername @CustomerContactMail = customercontactmail @CustomerContactNumber = customercontactnumber @FaultReportContactPerson = faultreportcontactperson @FaultReportContactNumber = faultreportcontactnumber @SignLaw = signlaw @Tags = tags end def deserialize(params) @DirectConnectName = params['DirectConnectName'] @AccessPointId = params['AccessPointId'] @LineOperator = params['LineOperator'] @PortType = params['PortType'] @CircuitCode = params['CircuitCode'] @Location = params['Location'] @Bandwidth = params['Bandwidth'] @RedundantDirectConnectId = params['RedundantDirectConnectId'] @Vlan = params['Vlan'] @TencentAddress = params['TencentAddress'] @CustomerAddress = params['CustomerAddress'] @CustomerName = params['CustomerName'] @CustomerContactMail = params['CustomerContactMail'] @CustomerContactNumber = params['CustomerContactNumber'] @FaultReportContactPerson = params['FaultReportContactPerson'] @FaultReportContactNumber = params['FaultReportContactNumber'] @SignLaw = params['SignLaw'] unless params['Tags'].nil? @Tags = [] params['Tags'].each do |i| tag_tmp = Tag.new tag_tmp.deserialize(i) @Tags << tag_tmp end end end end # CreateDirectConnect返回参数结构体 class CreateDirectConnectResponse < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param DirectConnectIdSet: 物理专线的ID。 # @type DirectConnectIdSet: Array # @param RequestId: 唯一请求 ID,由服务端生成,每次请求都会返回(若请求因其他原因未能抵达服务端,则该次请求不会获得 RequestId)。定位问题时需要提供该次请求的 RequestId。 # @type RequestId: String attr_accessor :DirectConnectIdSet, :RequestId def initialize(directconnectidset=nil, requestid=nil) @DirectConnectIdSet = directconnectidset @RequestId = requestid end def deserialize(params) @DirectConnectIdSet = params['DirectConnectIdSet'] @RequestId = params['RequestId'] end end # CreateDirectConnectTunnel请求参数结构体 class CreateDirectConnectTunnelRequest < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param DirectConnectId: 物理专线ID,例如:dc-kd7d06of。 # @type DirectConnectId: String # @param DirectConnectTunnelName: 专用通道名称。 # @type DirectConnectTunnelName: String # @param DirectConnectOwnerAccount: 物理专线owner,缺省为当前客户(物理专线 owner) # 共享专线时这里需要填写共享专线的开发商账号 ID。 # @type DirectConnectOwnerAccount: String # @param NetworkType: 网络类型,枚举:VPC、CCN、NAT;默认为VPC。VPC:私有网络;CCN:云联网;NAT:NAT网络)。 # @type NetworkType: String # @param NetworkRegion: 网络地域。 # @type NetworkRegion: String # @param VpcId: 私有网络统一ID,在NetworkType为VPC时必填,且与专线网关所属的VPCID一致;NetworkType为其它组网类型时可不填,内部会统一处理。 # @type VpcId: String # @param DirectConnectGatewayId: 专线网关ID,例如 dcg-d545ddf。 # @type DirectConnectGatewayId: String # @param Bandwidth: 专线带宽,单位:Mbps;默认是物理专线带宽值。 # @type Bandwidth: Integer # @param RouteType: 路由类型,枚举:BGP、STATIC;默认为BGP 。(BGP :BGP路由;STATIC:静态)。 # @type RouteType: String # @param BgpPeer: BgpPeer,用户侧bgp信息,包括Asn和AuthKey。 # @type BgpPeer: :class:`Tencentcloud::Dc.v20180410.models.BgpPeer` # @param RouteFilterPrefixes: 静态路由,用户IDC的网段地址。 # @type RouteFilterPrefixes: Array # @param Vlan: vlan,范围:0 ~ 3000。 # 0:不开启子接口,默认值是非0。 # @type Vlan: Integer # @param TencentAddress: TencentAddress,腾讯侧互联 IP。 # @type TencentAddress: String # @param CustomerAddress: CustomerAddress,用户侧互联 IP。 # @type CustomerAddress: String # @param TencentBackupAddress: TencentBackupAddress,腾讯侧备用互联 IP。 # @type TencentBackupAddress: String # @param CloudAttachId: 高速上云服务ID。 # @type CloudAttachId: String # @param BfdEnable: 是否开启BFD。 # @type BfdEnable: Integer # @param NqaEnable: 是否开启NQA。 # @type NqaEnable: Integer # @param BfdInfo: BFD配置信息。 # @type BfdInfo: :class:`Tencentcloud::Dc.v20180410.models.BFDInfo` # @param NqaInfo: NQA配置信息。 # @type NqaInfo: :class:`Tencentcloud::Dc.v20180410.models.NQAInfo` # @param Tags: 标签键值对 # @type Tags: Array attr_accessor :DirectConnectId, :DirectConnectTunnelName, :DirectConnectOwnerAccount, :NetworkType, :NetworkRegion, :VpcId, :DirectConnectGatewayId, :Bandwidth, :RouteType, :BgpPeer, :RouteFilterPrefixes, :Vlan, :TencentAddress, :CustomerAddress, :TencentBackupAddress, :CloudAttachId, :BfdEnable, :NqaEnable, :BfdInfo, :NqaInfo, :Tags def initialize(directconnectid=nil, directconnecttunnelname=nil, directconnectowneraccount=nil, networktype=nil, networkregion=nil, vpcid=nil, directconnectgatewayid=nil, bandwidth=nil, routetype=nil, bgppeer=nil, routefilterprefixes=nil, vlan=nil, tencentaddress=nil, customeraddress=nil, tencentbackupaddress=nil, cloudattachid=nil, bfdenable=nil, nqaenable=nil, bfdinfo=nil, nqainfo=nil, tags=nil) @DirectConnectId = directconnectid @DirectConnectTunnelName = directconnecttunnelname @DirectConnectOwnerAccount = directconnectowneraccount @NetworkType = networktype @NetworkRegion = networkregion @VpcId = vpcid @DirectConnectGatewayId = directconnectgatewayid @Bandwidth = bandwidth @RouteType = routetype @BgpPeer = bgppeer @RouteFilterPrefixes = routefilterprefixes @Vlan = vlan @TencentAddress = tencentaddress @CustomerAddress = customeraddress @TencentBackupAddress = tencentbackupaddress @CloudAttachId = cloudattachid @BfdEnable = bfdenable @NqaEnable = nqaenable @BfdInfo = bfdinfo @NqaInfo = nqainfo @Tags = tags end def deserialize(params) @DirectConnectId = params['DirectConnectId'] @DirectConnectTunnelName = params['DirectConnectTunnelName'] @DirectConnectOwnerAccount = params['DirectConnectOwnerAccount'] @NetworkType = params['NetworkType'] @NetworkRegion = params['NetworkRegion'] @VpcId = params['VpcId'] @DirectConnectGatewayId = params['DirectConnectGatewayId'] @Bandwidth = params['Bandwidth'] @RouteType = params['RouteType'] unless params['BgpPeer'].nil? @BgpPeer = BgpPeer.new @BgpPeer.deserialize(params['BgpPeer']) end unless params['RouteFilterPrefixes'].nil? @RouteFilterPrefixes = [] params['RouteFilterPrefixes'].each do |i| routefilterprefix_tmp = RouteFilterPrefix.new routefilterprefix_tmp.deserialize(i) @RouteFilterPrefixes << routefilterprefix_tmp end end @Vlan = params['Vlan'] @TencentAddress = params['TencentAddress'] @CustomerAddress = params['CustomerAddress'] @TencentBackupAddress = params['TencentBackupAddress'] @CloudAttachId = params['CloudAttachId'] @BfdEnable = params['BfdEnable'] @NqaEnable = params['NqaEnable'] unless params['BfdInfo'].nil? @BfdInfo = BFDInfo.new @BfdInfo.deserialize(params['BfdInfo']) end unless params['NqaInfo'].nil? @NqaInfo = NQAInfo.new @NqaInfo.deserialize(params['NqaInfo']) end unless params['Tags'].nil? @Tags = [] params['Tags'].each do |i| tag_tmp = Tag.new tag_tmp.deserialize(i) @Tags << tag_tmp end end end end # CreateDirectConnectTunnel返回参数结构体 class CreateDirectConnectTunnelResponse < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param DirectConnectTunnelIdSet: 专用通道ID。 # @type DirectConnectTunnelIdSet: Array # @param RequestId: 唯一请求 ID,由服务端生成,每次请求都会返回(若请求因其他原因未能抵达服务端,则该次请求不会获得 RequestId)。定位问题时需要提供该次请求的 RequestId。 # @type RequestId: String attr_accessor :DirectConnectTunnelIdSet, :RequestId def initialize(directconnecttunnelidset=nil, requestid=nil) @DirectConnectTunnelIdSet = directconnecttunnelidset @RequestId = requestid end def deserialize(params) @DirectConnectTunnelIdSet = params['DirectConnectTunnelIdSet'] @RequestId = params['RequestId'] end end # DeleteDirectConnect请求参数结构体 class DeleteDirectConnectRequest < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param DirectConnectId: 物理专线的ID。 # @type DirectConnectId: String attr_accessor :DirectConnectId def initialize(directconnectid=nil) @DirectConnectId = directconnectid end def deserialize(params) @DirectConnectId = params['DirectConnectId'] end end # DeleteDirectConnect返回参数结构体 class DeleteDirectConnectResponse < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param RequestId: 唯一请求 ID,由服务端生成,每次请求都会返回(若请求因其他原因未能抵达服务端,则该次请求不会获得 RequestId)。定位问题时需要提供该次请求的 RequestId。 # @type RequestId: String attr_accessor :RequestId def initialize(requestid=nil) @RequestId = requestid end def deserialize(params) @RequestId = params['RequestId'] end end # DeleteDirectConnectTunnel请求参数结构体 class DeleteDirectConnectTunnelRequest < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param DirectConnectTunnelId: 专用通道ID。 # @type DirectConnectTunnelId: String attr_accessor :DirectConnectTunnelId def initialize(directconnecttunnelid=nil) @DirectConnectTunnelId = directconnecttunnelid end def deserialize(params) @DirectConnectTunnelId = params['DirectConnectTunnelId'] end end # DeleteDirectConnectTunnel返回参数结构体 class DeleteDirectConnectTunnelResponse < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param RequestId: 唯一请求 ID,由服务端生成,每次请求都会返回(若请求因其他原因未能抵达服务端,则该次请求不会获得 RequestId)。定位问题时需要提供该次请求的 RequestId。 # @type RequestId: String attr_accessor :RequestId def initialize(requestid=nil) @RequestId = requestid end def deserialize(params) @RequestId = params['RequestId'] end end # DescribeAccessPoints请求参数结构体 class DescribeAccessPointsRequest < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param RegionId: 接入点所在的地域。使用DescribeRegions查询。 # 您可以通过调用 DescribeRegions接口获取地域ID。 # @type RegionId: String # @param Offset: 偏移量,默认为0。 # @type Offset: Integer # @param Limit: 返回数量,默认为20,最大值为100。 # @type Limit: Integer # @param Filters: 过滤参数,支持:access-point-id、isp # @type Filters: Array attr_accessor :RegionId, :Offset, :Limit, :Filters def initialize(regionid=nil, offset=nil, limit=nil, filters=nil) @RegionId = regionid @Offset = offset @Limit = limit @Filters = filters end def deserialize(params) @RegionId = params['RegionId'] @Offset = params['Offset'] @Limit = params['Limit'] unless params['Filters'].nil? @Filters = [] params['Filters'].each do |i| filter_tmp = Filter.new filter_tmp.deserialize(i) @Filters << filter_tmp end end end end # DescribeAccessPoints返回参数结构体 class DescribeAccessPointsResponse < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param AccessPointSet: 接入点信息。 # @type AccessPointSet: Array # @param TotalCount: 接入点总数量。 # @type TotalCount: Integer # @param RequestId: 唯一请求 ID,由服务端生成,每次请求都会返回(若请求因其他原因未能抵达服务端,则该次请求不会获得 RequestId)。定位问题时需要提供该次请求的 RequestId。 # @type RequestId: String attr_accessor :AccessPointSet, :TotalCount, :RequestId def initialize(accesspointset=nil, totalcount=nil, requestid=nil) @AccessPointSet = accesspointset @TotalCount = totalcount @RequestId = requestid end def deserialize(params) unless params['AccessPointSet'].nil? @AccessPointSet = [] params['AccessPointSet'].each do |i| accesspoint_tmp = AccessPoint.new accesspoint_tmp.deserialize(i) @AccessPointSet << accesspoint_tmp end end @TotalCount = params['TotalCount'] @RequestId = params['RequestId'] end end # DescribeDirectConnectTunnelExtra请求参数结构体 class DescribeDirectConnectTunnelExtraRequest < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param DirectConnectTunnelId: 专用通道ID。 # @type DirectConnectTunnelId: String attr_accessor :DirectConnectTunnelId def initialize(directconnecttunnelid=nil) @DirectConnectTunnelId = directconnecttunnelid end def deserialize(params) @DirectConnectTunnelId = params['DirectConnectTunnelId'] end end # DescribeDirectConnectTunnelExtra返回参数结构体 class DescribeDirectConnectTunnelExtraResponse < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param DirectConnectTunnelExtra: 专用通道扩展信息。 # @type DirectConnectTunnelExtra: :class:`Tencentcloud::Dc.v20180410.models.DirectConnectTunnelExtra` # @param RequestId: 唯一请求 ID,由服务端生成,每次请求都会返回(若请求因其他原因未能抵达服务端,则该次请求不会获得 RequestId)。定位问题时需要提供该次请求的 RequestId。 # @type RequestId: String attr_accessor :DirectConnectTunnelExtra, :RequestId def initialize(directconnecttunnelextra=nil, requestid=nil) @DirectConnectTunnelExtra = directconnecttunnelextra @RequestId = requestid end def deserialize(params) unless params['DirectConnectTunnelExtra'].nil? @DirectConnectTunnelExtra = DirectConnectTunnelExtra.new @DirectConnectTunnelExtra.deserialize(params['DirectConnectTunnelExtra']) end @RequestId = params['RequestId'] end end # DescribeDirectConnectTunnels请求参数结构体 class DescribeDirectConnectTunnelsRequest < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param Filters: 过滤条件: # 参数不支持同时指定DirectConnectTunnelIds和Filters。 # direct-connect-tunnel-name, 专用通道名称。 # direct-connect-tunnel-id, 专用通道实例ID,如:dcx-abcdefgh。 # direct-connect-id, 物理专线实例ID,如:dc-abcdefgh。 # @type Filters: Array # @param DirectConnectTunnelIds: 专用通道ID数组。 # @type DirectConnectTunnelIds: Array # @param Offset: 偏移量,默认为0。 # @type Offset: Integer # @param Limit: 返回数量,默认为20,最大值为100。 # @type Limit: Integer attr_accessor :Filters, :DirectConnectTunnelIds, :Offset, :Limit def initialize(filters=nil, directconnecttunnelids=nil, offset=nil, limit=nil) @Filters = filters @DirectConnectTunnelIds = directconnecttunnelids @Offset = offset @Limit = limit end def deserialize(params) unless params['Filters'].nil? @Filters = [] params['Filters'].each do |i| filter_tmp = Filter.new filter_tmp.deserialize(i) @Filters << filter_tmp end end @DirectConnectTunnelIds = params['DirectConnectTunnelIds'] @Offset = params['Offset'] @Limit = params['Limit'] end end # DescribeDirectConnectTunnels返回参数结构体 class DescribeDirectConnectTunnelsResponse < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param DirectConnectTunnelSet: 专用通道列表。 # @type DirectConnectTunnelSet: Array # @param TotalCount: 专用通道总数量。 # @type TotalCount: Integer # @param RequestId: 唯一请求 ID,由服务端生成,每次请求都会返回(若请求因其他原因未能抵达服务端,则该次请求不会获得 RequestId)。定位问题时需要提供该次请求的 RequestId。 # @type RequestId: String attr_accessor :DirectConnectTunnelSet, :TotalCount, :RequestId def initialize(directconnecttunnelset=nil, totalcount=nil, requestid=nil) @DirectConnectTunnelSet = directconnecttunnelset @TotalCount = totalcount @RequestId = requestid end def deserialize(params) unless params['DirectConnectTunnelSet'].nil? @DirectConnectTunnelSet = [] params['DirectConnectTunnelSet'].each do |i| directconnecttunnel_tmp = DirectConnectTunnel.new directconnecttunnel_tmp.deserialize(i) @DirectConnectTunnelSet << directconnecttunnel_tmp end end @TotalCount = params['TotalCount'] @RequestId = params['RequestId'] end end # DescribeDirectConnects请求参数结构体 class DescribeDirectConnectsRequest < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param Filters: 过滤条件。 # @type Filters: Array # @param DirectConnectIds: 物理专线 ID数组。 # @type DirectConnectIds: Array # @param Offset: 偏移量,默认为0。 # @type Offset: Integer # @param Limit: 返回数量,默认为20,最大值为100。 # @type Limit: Integer attr_accessor :Filters, :DirectConnectIds, :Offset, :Limit def initialize(filters=nil, directconnectids=nil, offset=nil, limit=nil) @Filters = filters @DirectConnectIds = directconnectids @Offset = offset @Limit = limit end def deserialize(params) unless params['Filters'].nil? @Filters = [] params['Filters'].each do |i| filter_tmp = Filter.new filter_tmp.deserialize(i) @Filters << filter_tmp end end @DirectConnectIds = params['DirectConnectIds'] @Offset = params['Offset'] @Limit = params['Limit'] end end # DescribeDirectConnects返回参数结构体 class DescribeDirectConnectsResponse < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param DirectConnectSet: 物理专线列表。 # @type DirectConnectSet: Array # @param TotalCount: 符合物理专线列表数量。 # @type TotalCount: Integer # @param AllSignLaw: 用户名下物理专线是否都签署了用户协议。 # @type AllSignLaw: Boolean # @param RequestId: 唯一请求 ID,由服务端生成,每次请求都会返回(若请求因其他原因未能抵达服务端,则该次请求不会获得 RequestId)。定位问题时需要提供该次请求的 RequestId。 # @type RequestId: String attr_accessor :DirectConnectSet, :TotalCount, :AllSignLaw, :RequestId def initialize(directconnectset=nil, totalcount=nil, allsignlaw=nil, requestid=nil) @DirectConnectSet = directconnectset @TotalCount = totalcount @AllSignLaw = allsignlaw @RequestId = requestid end def deserialize(params) unless params['DirectConnectSet'].nil? @DirectConnectSet = [] params['DirectConnectSet'].each do |i| directconnect_tmp = DirectConnect.new directconnect_tmp.deserialize(i) @DirectConnectSet << directconnect_tmp end end @TotalCount = params['TotalCount'] @AllSignLaw = params['AllSignLaw'] @RequestId = params['RequestId'] end end # DescribeInternetAddressQuota请求参数结构体 class DescribeInternetAddressQuotaRequest < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel def initialize() end def deserialize(params) end end # DescribeInternetAddressQuota返回参数结构体 class DescribeInternetAddressQuotaResponse < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param Ipv6PrefixLen: IPv6互联网公网允许的最小前缀长度 # @type Ipv6PrefixLen: Integer # @param Ipv4BgpQuota: BGP类型IPv4互联网地址配额 # @type Ipv4BgpQuota: Integer # @param Ipv4OtherQuota: 非BGP类型IPv4互联网地址配额 # @type Ipv4OtherQuota: Integer # @param Ipv4BgpNum: BGP类型IPv4互联网地址已使用数量 # @type Ipv4BgpNum: Integer # @param Ipv4OtherNum: 非BGP类型互联网地址已使用数量 # @type Ipv4OtherNum: Integer # @param RequestId: 唯一请求 ID,由服务端生成,每次请求都会返回(若请求因其他原因未能抵达服务端,则该次请求不会获得 RequestId)。定位问题时需要提供该次请求的 RequestId。 # @type RequestId: String attr_accessor :Ipv6PrefixLen, :Ipv4BgpQuota, :Ipv4OtherQuota, :Ipv4BgpNum, :Ipv4OtherNum, :RequestId def initialize(ipv6prefixlen=nil, ipv4bgpquota=nil, ipv4otherquota=nil, ipv4bgpnum=nil, ipv4othernum=nil, requestid=nil) @Ipv6PrefixLen = ipv6prefixlen @Ipv4BgpQuota = ipv4bgpquota @Ipv4OtherQuota = ipv4otherquota @Ipv4BgpNum = ipv4bgpnum @Ipv4OtherNum = ipv4othernum @RequestId = requestid end def deserialize(params) @Ipv6PrefixLen = params['Ipv6PrefixLen'] @Ipv4BgpQuota = params['Ipv4BgpQuota'] @Ipv4OtherQuota = params['Ipv4OtherQuota'] @Ipv4BgpNum = params['Ipv4BgpNum'] @Ipv4OtherNum = params['Ipv4OtherNum'] @RequestId = params['RequestId'] end end # DescribeInternetAddress请求参数结构体 class DescribeInternetAddressRequest < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param Offset: 偏移量,默认为0 # @type Offset: Integer # @param Limit: 返回数量,默认为20,最大值100 # @type Limit: Integer # @param Filters: 过滤条件: # <li>AddrType, 地址类型。0:BGP 1; 1: 电信, 2:移动, 3:联通</li> # <li>AddrProto地址类型。0:IPv4 1:IPv6</li> # <li>Status 地址状态。 0:使用中, 1:已停用, 2:已退还</li> # <li>Subnet 互联网公网地址,数组</li> # <InstanceIds>互联网公网地址ID,数组</li> # @type Filters: Array attr_accessor :Offset, :Limit, :Filters def initialize(offset=nil, limit=nil, filters=nil) @Offset = offset @Limit = limit @Filters = filters end def deserialize(params) @Offset = params['Offset'] @Limit = params['Limit'] unless params['Filters'].nil? @Filters = [] params['Filters'].each do |i| filter_tmp = Filter.new filter_tmp.deserialize(i) @Filters << filter_tmp end end end end # DescribeInternetAddress返回参数结构体 class DescribeInternetAddressResponse < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param TotalCount: 互联网公网地址数量 # @type TotalCount: Integer # @param Subnets: 互联网公网地址列表 # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type Subnets: Array # @param RequestId: 唯一请求 ID,由服务端生成,每次请求都会返回(若请求因其他原因未能抵达服务端,则该次请求不会获得 RequestId)。定位问题时需要提供该次请求的 RequestId。 # @type RequestId: String attr_accessor :TotalCount, :Subnets, :RequestId def initialize(totalcount=nil, subnets=nil, requestid=nil) @TotalCount = totalcount @Subnets = subnets @RequestId = requestid end def deserialize(params) @TotalCount = params['TotalCount'] unless params['Subnets'].nil? @Subnets = [] params['Subnets'].each do |i| internetaddressdetail_tmp = InternetAddressDetail.new internetaddressdetail_tmp.deserialize(i) @Subnets << internetaddressdetail_tmp end end @RequestId = params['RequestId'] end end # DescribeInternetAddressStatistics请求参数结构体 class DescribeInternetAddressStatisticsRequest < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel def initialize() end def deserialize(params) end end # DescribeInternetAddressStatistics返回参数结构体 class DescribeInternetAddressStatisticsResponse < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param TotalCount: 互联网公网地址统计信息数量 # @type TotalCount: Integer # @param InternetAddressStatistics: 互联网公网地址统计信息列表 # @type InternetAddressStatistics: Array # @param RequestId: 唯一请求 ID,由服务端生成,每次请求都会返回(若请求因其他原因未能抵达服务端,则该次请求不会获得 RequestId)。定位问题时需要提供该次请求的 RequestId。 # @type RequestId: String attr_accessor :TotalCount, :InternetAddressStatistics, :RequestId def initialize(totalcount=nil, internetaddressstatistics=nil, requestid=nil) @TotalCount = totalcount @InternetAddressStatistics = internetaddressstatistics @RequestId = requestid end def deserialize(params) @TotalCount = params['TotalCount'] unless params['InternetAddressStatistics'].nil? @InternetAddressStatistics = [] params['InternetAddressStatistics'].each do |i| internetaddressstatistics_tmp = InternetAddressStatistics.new internetaddressstatistics_tmp.deserialize(i) @InternetAddressStatistics << internetaddressstatistics_tmp end end @RequestId = params['RequestId'] end end # DescribePublicDirectConnectTunnelRoutes请求参数结构体 class DescribePublicDirectConnectTunnelRoutesRequest < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param DirectConnectTunnelId: 专用通道ID。 # @type DirectConnectTunnelId: String # @param Filters: 过滤条件: # route-type:路由类型,取值:BGP/STATIC; # route-subnet:路由cidr,取值如:。 # @type Filters: Array # @param Offset: 偏移量,默认为0。 # @type Offset: Integer # @param Limit: 返回数量,默认为20,最大值为100。 # @type Limit: Integer attr_accessor :DirectConnectTunnelId, :Filters, :Offset, :Limit def initialize(directconnecttunnelid=nil, filters=nil, offset=nil, limit=nil) @DirectConnectTunnelId = directconnecttunnelid @Filters = filters @Offset = offset @Limit = limit end def deserialize(params) @DirectConnectTunnelId = params['DirectConnectTunnelId'] unless params['Filters'].nil? @Filters = [] params['Filters'].each do |i| filter_tmp = Filter.new filter_tmp.deserialize(i) @Filters << filter_tmp end end @Offset = params['Offset'] @Limit = params['Limit'] end end # DescribePublicDirectConnectTunnelRoutes返回参数结构体 class DescribePublicDirectConnectTunnelRoutesResponse < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param Routes: 互联网通道路由列表。 # @type Routes: Array # @param TotalCount: 路由总数量。 # @type TotalCount: Integer # @param RequestId: 唯一请求 ID,由服务端生成,每次请求都会返回(若请求因其他原因未能抵达服务端,则该次请求不会获得 RequestId)。定位问题时需要提供该次请求的 RequestId。 # @type RequestId: String attr_accessor :Routes, :TotalCount, :RequestId def initialize(routes=nil, totalcount=nil, requestid=nil) @Routes = routes @TotalCount = totalcount @RequestId = requestid end def deserialize(params) unless params['Routes'].nil? @Routes = [] params['Routes'].each do |i| directconnecttunnelroute_tmp = DirectConnectTunnelRoute.new directconnecttunnelroute_tmp.deserialize(i) @Routes << directconnecttunnelroute_tmp end end @TotalCount = params['TotalCount'] @RequestId = params['RequestId'] end end # 物理专线信息列表 class DirectConnect < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param DirectConnectId: 物理专线ID。 # @type DirectConnectId: String # @param DirectConnectName: 物理专线的名称。 # @type DirectConnectName: String # @param AccessPointId: 物理专线的接入点ID。 # @type AccessPointId: String # @param State: 物理专线的状态。 # 申请中:PENDING # 申请驳回:REJECTED # 待付款:TOPAY # 已付款:PAID # 建设中:ALLOCATED # 已开通:AVAILABLE # 删除中 :DELETING # 已删除:DELETED 。 # @type State: String # @param CreatedTime: 物理专线创建时间。 # @type CreatedTime: String # @param EnabledTime: 物理专线的开通时间。 # @type EnabledTime: String # @param LineOperator: 提供接入物理专线的运营商。ChinaTelecom:中国电信, ChinaMobile:中国移动,ChinaUnicom:中国联通, In-houseWiring:楼内线,ChinaOther:中国其他, InternationalOperator:境外其他。 # @type LineOperator: String # @param Location: 本地数据中心的地理位置。 # @type Location: String # @param Bandwidth: 物理专线接入接口带宽,单位为Mbps。 # @type Bandwidth: Integer # @param PortType: 用户侧物理专线接入端口类型,取值:100Base-T:百兆电口,1000Base-T(默认值):千兆电口,1000Base-LX:千兆单模光口(10千米),10GBase-T:万兆电口10GBase-LR:万兆单模光口(10千米),默认值,千兆单模光口(10千米) # @type PortType: String # @param CircuitCode: 运营商或者服务商为物理专线提供的电路编码。 # @type CircuitCode: String # @param RedundantDirectConnectId: 冗余物理专线的ID。 # @type RedundantDirectConnectId: String # @param Vlan: 物理专线调试VLAN。默认开启VLAN,自动分配VLAN。 # @type Vlan: Integer # @param TencentAddress: 物理专线调试腾讯侧互联IP。 # @type TencentAddress: String # @param CustomerAddress: 物理专线调试用户侧互联IP。 # @type CustomerAddress: String # @param CustomerName: 物理专线申请者姓名。默认从账户体系获取。 # @type CustomerName: String # @param CustomerContactMail: 物理专线申请者联系邮箱。默认从账户体系获取。 # @type CustomerContactMail: String # @param CustomerContactNumber: 物理专线申请者联系号码。默认从账户体系获取。 # @type CustomerContactNumber: String # @param ExpiredTime: 物理专线的过期时间。 # @type ExpiredTime: String # @param ChargeType: 物理专线计费类型。 NON_RECURRING_CHARGE:一次性接入费用;PREPAID_BY_YEAR:按年预付费。 # @type ChargeType: String # @param FaultReportContactPerson: 报障联系人。 # @type FaultReportContactPerson: String # @param FaultReportContactNumber: 报障联系电话。 # @type FaultReportContactNumber: String # @param TagSet: 标签键值对 # @type TagSet: Array # @param AccessPointType: 物理专线的接入点类型。 # @type AccessPointType: String # @param IdcCity: IDC所在城市 # @type IdcCity: String # @param ChargeState: 计费状态 # @type ChargeState: String # @param StartTime: 物理专线开通时间 # @type StartTime: String # @param SignLaw: 物理专线是否已签署用户协议 # @type SignLaw: Boolean # @param LocalZone: 物理专线是否为LocalZone # @type LocalZone: Boolean # @param VlanZeroDirectConnectTunnelCount: 该物理专线下vlan 0的专用通道数量 # @type VlanZeroDirectConnectTunnelCount: Integer # @param OtherVlanDirectConnectTunnelCount: 该物理专线下非vlan 0的专用通道数量 # @type OtherVlanDirectConnectTunnelCount: Integer # @param MinBandwidth: 物理专线最小带宽 # @type MinBandwidth: Integer # @param Construct: 建设模式 # @type Construct: Integer # @param AccessPointName: 物理专线的接入点名称 # @type AccessPointName: String attr_accessor :DirectConnectId, :DirectConnectName, :AccessPointId, :State, :CreatedTime, :EnabledTime, :LineOperator, :Location, :Bandwidth, :PortType, :CircuitCode, :RedundantDirectConnectId, :Vlan, :TencentAddress, :CustomerAddress, :CustomerName, :CustomerContactMail, :CustomerContactNumber, :ExpiredTime, :ChargeType, :FaultReportContactPerson, :FaultReportContactNumber, :TagSet, :AccessPointType, :IdcCity, :ChargeState, :StartTime, :SignLaw, :LocalZone, :VlanZeroDirectConnectTunnelCount, :OtherVlanDirectConnectTunnelCount, :MinBandwidth, :Construct, :AccessPointName def initialize(directconnectid=nil, directconnectname=nil, accesspointid=nil, state=nil, createdtime=nil, enabledtime=nil, lineoperator=nil, location=nil, bandwidth=nil, porttype=nil, circuitcode=nil, redundantdirectconnectid=nil, vlan=nil, tencentaddress=nil, customeraddress=nil, customername=nil, customercontactmail=nil, customercontactnumber=nil, expiredtime=nil, chargetype=nil, faultreportcontactperson=nil, faultreportcontactnumber=nil, tagset=nil, accesspointtype=nil, idccity=nil, chargestate=nil, starttime=nil, signlaw=nil, localzone=nil, vlanzerodirectconnecttunnelcount=nil, othervlandirectconnecttunnelcount=nil, minbandwidth=nil, construct=nil, accesspointname=nil) @DirectConnectId = directconnectid @DirectConnectName = directconnectname @AccessPointId = accesspointid @State = state @CreatedTime = createdtime @EnabledTime = enabledtime @LineOperator = lineoperator @Location = location @Bandwidth = bandwidth @PortType = porttype @CircuitCode = circuitcode @RedundantDirectConnectId = redundantdirectconnectid @Vlan = vlan @TencentAddress = tencentaddress @CustomerAddress = customeraddress @CustomerName = customername @CustomerContactMail = customercontactmail @CustomerContactNumber = customercontactnumber @ExpiredTime = expiredtime @ChargeType = chargetype @FaultReportContactPerson = faultreportcontactperson @FaultReportContactNumber = faultreportcontactnumber @TagSet = tagset @AccessPointType = accesspointtype @IdcCity = idccity @ChargeState = chargestate @StartTime = starttime @SignLaw = signlaw @LocalZone = localzone @VlanZeroDirectConnectTunnelCount = vlanzerodirectconnecttunnelcount @OtherVlanDirectConnectTunnelCount = othervlandirectconnecttunnelcount @MinBandwidth = minbandwidth @Construct = construct @AccessPointName = accesspointname end def deserialize(params) @DirectConnectId = params['DirectConnectId'] @DirectConnectName = params['DirectConnectName'] @AccessPointId = params['AccessPointId'] @State = params['State'] @CreatedTime = params['CreatedTime'] @EnabledTime = params['EnabledTime'] @LineOperator = params['LineOperator'] @Location = params['Location'] @Bandwidth = params['Bandwidth'] @PortType = params['PortType'] @CircuitCode = params['CircuitCode'] @RedundantDirectConnectId = params['RedundantDirectConnectId'] @Vlan = params['Vlan'] @TencentAddress = params['TencentAddress'] @CustomerAddress = params['CustomerAddress'] @CustomerName = params['CustomerName'] @CustomerContactMail = params['CustomerContactMail'] @CustomerContactNumber = params['CustomerContactNumber'] @ExpiredTime = params['ExpiredTime'] @ChargeType = params['ChargeType'] @FaultReportContactPerson = params['FaultReportContactPerson'] @FaultReportContactNumber = params['FaultReportContactNumber'] unless params['TagSet'].nil? @TagSet = [] params['TagSet'].each do |i| tag_tmp = Tag.new tag_tmp.deserialize(i) @TagSet << tag_tmp end end @AccessPointType = params['AccessPointType'] @IdcCity = params['IdcCity'] @ChargeState = params['ChargeState'] @StartTime = params['StartTime'] @SignLaw = params['SignLaw'] @LocalZone = params['LocalZone'] @VlanZeroDirectConnectTunnelCount = params['VlanZeroDirectConnectTunnelCount'] @OtherVlanDirectConnectTunnelCount = params['OtherVlanDirectConnectTunnelCount'] @MinBandwidth = params['MinBandwidth'] @Construct = params['Construct'] @AccessPointName = params['AccessPointName'] end end # 专用通道信息列表 class DirectConnectTunnel < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param DirectConnectTunnelId: 专用通道ID # @type DirectConnectTunnelId: String # @param DirectConnectId: 物理专线ID # @type DirectConnectId: String # @param State: 专用通道状态 # AVAILABLE:就绪或者已连接 # PENDING:申请中 # ALLOCATING:配置中 # ALLOCATED:配置完成 # ALTERING:修改中 # DELETING:删除中 # DELETED:删除完成 # COMFIRMING:待接受 # REJECTED:拒绝 # @type State: String # @param DirectConnectOwnerAccount: 物理专线的拥有者,开发商账号 ID # @type DirectConnectOwnerAccount: String # @param OwnerAccount: 专用通道的拥有者,开发商账号 ID # @type OwnerAccount: String # @param NetworkType: 网络类型,分别为VPC、BMVPC、CCN # VPC:私有网络 ,BMVPC:黑石网络,CCN:云联网 # @type NetworkType: String # @param NetworkRegion: VPC地域对应的网络名,如ap-guangzhou # @type NetworkRegion: String # @param VpcId: 私有网络统一 ID 或者黑石网络统一 ID # @type VpcId: String # @param DirectConnectGatewayId: 专线网关 ID # @type DirectConnectGatewayId: String # @param RouteType: BGP :BGP路由 STATIC:静态 默认为 BGP 路由 # @type RouteType: String # @param BgpPeer: 用户侧BGP,包括: CloudAsn,Asn,AuthKey # @type BgpPeer: :class:`Tencentcloud::Dc.v20180410.models.BgpPeer` # @param RouteFilterPrefixes: 用户侧网段地址 # @type RouteFilterPrefixes: Array # @param Vlan: 专用通道的Vlan # @type Vlan: Integer # @param TencentAddress: TencentAddress,腾讯侧互联 IP # @type TencentAddress: String # @param CustomerAddress: CustomerAddress,用户侧互联 IP # @type CustomerAddress: String # @param DirectConnectTunnelName: 专用通道名称 # @type DirectConnectTunnelName: String # @param CreatedTime: 专用通道创建时间 # @type CreatedTime: String # @param Bandwidth: 专用通道带宽值 # @type Bandwidth: Integer # @param TagSet: 专用通道标签值 # @type TagSet: Array # @param NetDetectId: 关联的网络自定义探测ID # @type NetDetectId: String # @param EnableBGPCommunity: BGP community开关 # @type EnableBGPCommunity: Boolean # @param NatType: 是否为Nat通道 # @type NatType: Integer # @param VpcRegion: VPC地域简码,如gz、cd # @type VpcRegion: String # @param BfdEnable: 是否开启BFD # @type BfdEnable: Integer # @param AccessPointType: 专用通道接入点类型 # @type AccessPointType: String # @param DirectConnectGatewayName: 专线网关名称 # @type DirectConnectGatewayName: String # @param VpcName: VPC名称 # @type VpcName: String # @param TencentBackupAddress: TencentBackupAddress,腾讯侧备用互联 IP # @type TencentBackupAddress: String # @param SignLaw: 专用通道关联的物理专线是否签署了用户协议 # @type SignLaw: Boolean # @param CloudAttachId: 高速上云服务ID # @type CloudAttachId: String # @param ShareOrNot: 是否共享通道 # @type ShareOrNot: Integer attr_accessor :DirectConnectTunnelId, :DirectConnectId, :State, :DirectConnectOwnerAccount, :OwnerAccount, :NetworkType, :NetworkRegion, :VpcId, :DirectConnectGatewayId, :RouteType, :BgpPeer, :RouteFilterPrefixes, :Vlan, :TencentAddress, :CustomerAddress, :DirectConnectTunnelName, :CreatedTime, :Bandwidth, :TagSet, :NetDetectId, :EnableBGPCommunity, :NatType, :VpcRegion, :BfdEnable, :AccessPointType, :DirectConnectGatewayName, :VpcName, :TencentBackupAddress, :SignLaw, :CloudAttachId, :ShareOrNot def initialize(directconnecttunnelid=nil, directconnectid=nil, state=nil, directconnectowneraccount=nil, owneraccount=nil, networktype=nil, networkregion=nil, vpcid=nil, directconnectgatewayid=nil, routetype=nil, bgppeer=nil, routefilterprefixes=nil, vlan=nil, tencentaddress=nil, customeraddress=nil, directconnecttunnelname=nil, createdtime=nil, bandwidth=nil, tagset=nil, netdetectid=nil, enablebgpcommunity=nil, nattype=nil, vpcregion=nil, bfdenable=nil, accesspointtype=nil, directconnectgatewayname=nil, vpcname=nil, tencentbackupaddress=nil, signlaw=nil, cloudattachid=nil, shareornot=nil) @DirectConnectTunnelId = directconnecttunnelid @DirectConnectId = directconnectid @State = state @DirectConnectOwnerAccount = directconnectowneraccount @OwnerAccount = owneraccount @NetworkType = networktype @NetworkRegion = networkregion @VpcId = vpcid @DirectConnectGatewayId = directconnectgatewayid @RouteType = routetype @BgpPeer = bgppeer @RouteFilterPrefixes = routefilterprefixes @Vlan = vlan @TencentAddress = tencentaddress @CustomerAddress = customeraddress @DirectConnectTunnelName = directconnecttunnelname @CreatedTime = createdtime @Bandwidth = bandwidth @TagSet = tagset @NetDetectId = netdetectid @EnableBGPCommunity = enablebgpcommunity @NatType = nattype @VpcRegion = vpcregion @BfdEnable = bfdenable @AccessPointType = accesspointtype @DirectConnectGatewayName = directconnectgatewayname @VpcName = vpcname @TencentBackupAddress = tencentbackupaddress @SignLaw = signlaw @CloudAttachId = cloudattachid @ShareOrNot = shareornot end def deserialize(params) @DirectConnectTunnelId = params['DirectConnectTunnelId'] @DirectConnectId = params['DirectConnectId'] @State = params['State'] @DirectConnectOwnerAccount = params['DirectConnectOwnerAccount'] @OwnerAccount = params['OwnerAccount'] @NetworkType = params['NetworkType'] @NetworkRegion = params['NetworkRegion'] @VpcId = params['VpcId'] @DirectConnectGatewayId = params['DirectConnectGatewayId'] @RouteType = params['RouteType'] unless params['BgpPeer'].nil? @BgpPeer = BgpPeer.new @BgpPeer.deserialize(params['BgpPeer']) end unless params['RouteFilterPrefixes'].nil? @RouteFilterPrefixes = [] params['RouteFilterPrefixes'].each do |i| routefilterprefix_tmp = RouteFilterPrefix.new routefilterprefix_tmp.deserialize(i) @RouteFilterPrefixes << routefilterprefix_tmp end end @Vlan = params['Vlan'] @TencentAddress = params['TencentAddress'] @CustomerAddress = params['CustomerAddress'] @DirectConnectTunnelName = params['DirectConnectTunnelName'] @CreatedTime = params['CreatedTime'] @Bandwidth = params['Bandwidth'] unless params['TagSet'].nil? @TagSet = [] params['TagSet'].each do |i| tag_tmp = Tag.new tag_tmp.deserialize(i) @TagSet << tag_tmp end end @NetDetectId = params['NetDetectId'] @EnableBGPCommunity = params['EnableBGPCommunity'] @NatType = params['NatType'] @VpcRegion = params['VpcRegion'] @BfdEnable = params['BfdEnable'] @AccessPointType = params['AccessPointType'] @DirectConnectGatewayName = params['DirectConnectGatewayName'] @VpcName = params['VpcName'] @TencentBackupAddress = params['TencentBackupAddress'] @SignLaw = params['SignLaw'] @CloudAttachId = params['CloudAttachId'] @ShareOrNot = params['ShareOrNot'] end end # 专用通道扩展信息 class DirectConnectTunnelExtra < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param DirectConnectTunnelId: 专用通道ID # @type DirectConnectTunnelId: String # @param DirectConnectId: 物理专线ID # @type DirectConnectId: String # @param State: 专用通道状态 # AVAILABLE:就绪或者已连接 # PENDING:申请中 # ALLOCATING:配置中 # ALLOCATED:配置完成 # ALTERING:修改中 # DELETING:删除中 # DELETED:删除完成 # COMFIRMING:待接受 # REJECTED:拒绝 # @type State: String # @param DirectConnectOwnerAccount: 物理专线的拥有者,开发商账号 ID # @type DirectConnectOwnerAccount: String # @param OwnerAccount: 专用通道的拥有者,开发商账号 ID # @type OwnerAccount: String # @param NetworkType: 网络类型,分别为VPC、BMVPC、CCN # VPC:私有网络 ,BMVPC:黑石网络,CCN:云联网 # @type NetworkType: String # @param NetworkRegion: VPC地域对应的网络名,如ap-guangzhou # @type NetworkRegion: String # @param VpcId: 私有网络统一 ID 或者黑石网络统一 ID # @type VpcId: String # @param DirectConnectGatewayId: 专线网关 ID # @type DirectConnectGatewayId: String # @param RouteType: BGP :BGP路由 STATIC:静态 默认为 BGP 路由 # @type RouteType: String # @param BgpPeer: 用户侧BGP,Asn,AuthKey # @type BgpPeer: :class:`Tencentcloud::Dc.v20180410.models.BgpPeer` # @param RouteFilterPrefixes: 用户侧网段地址 # @type RouteFilterPrefixes: Array # @param PublicAddresses: 互联网通道公网网段地址 # @type PublicAddresses: Array # @param Vlan: 专用通道的Vlan # @type Vlan: Integer # @param TencentAddress: 腾讯侧互联 IP # @type TencentAddress: String # @param TencentBackupAddress: 腾讯侧备用互联IP # @type TencentBackupAddress: String # @param CustomerAddress: 用户侧互联 IP # @type CustomerAddress: String # @param DirectConnectTunnelName: 专用通道名称 # @type DirectConnectTunnelName: String # @param CreatedTime: 专用通道创建时间 # @type CreatedTime: String # @param Bandwidth: 专用通道带宽值 # @type Bandwidth: Integer # @param NetDetectId: 关联的网络自定义探测ID # @type NetDetectId: String # @param EnableBGPCommunity: BGP community开关 # @type EnableBGPCommunity: Boolean # @param NatType: 是否为Nat通道 # @type NatType: Integer # @param VpcRegion: VPC地域简码,如gz、cd # @type VpcRegion: String # @param BfdEnable: 是否开启BFD # @type BfdEnable: Integer # @param NqaEnable: 是否开启NQA # @type NqaEnable: Integer # @param AccessPointType: 专用通道接入点类型 # @type AccessPointType: String # @param DirectConnectGatewayName: 专线网关名称 # @type DirectConnectGatewayName: String # @param VpcName: VPC名称 # @type VpcName: String # @param SignLaw: 专用通道关联的物理专线是否签署了用户协议 # @type SignLaw: Boolean # @param BfdInfo: BFD配置信息 # @type BfdInfo: :class:`Tencentcloud::Dc.v20180410.models.BFDInfo` # @param NqaInfo: NQA配置信息 # @type NqaInfo: :class:`Tencentcloud::Dc.v20180410.models.NQAInfo` # @param BgpStatus: BGP状态 # @type BgpStatus: :class:`Tencentcloud::Dc.v20180410.models.BGPStatus` # @param IPv6Enable: 是否开启IPv6 # @type IPv6Enable: Integer # @param TencentIPv6Address: 腾讯侧互联IPv6地址 # @type TencentIPv6Address: String # @param TencentBackupIPv6Address: 腾讯侧备用互联IPv6地址 # @type TencentBackupIPv6Address: String # @param BgpIPv6Status: BGPv6状态 # @type BgpIPv6Status: :class:`Tencentcloud::Dc.v20180410.models.BGPStatus` # @param CustomerIPv6Address: 用户侧互联IPv6地址 # @type CustomerIPv6Address: String # @param JumboEnable: 专用通道是否支持巨帧。1 支持,0 不支持 # @type JumboEnable: Integer # @param HighPrecisionBFDEnable: 专用通道是否支持高精度BFD。1支持,0不支持 # @type HighPrecisionBFDEnable: Integer attr_accessor :DirectConnectTunnelId, :DirectConnectId, :State, :DirectConnectOwnerAccount, :OwnerAccount, :NetworkType, :NetworkRegion, :VpcId, :DirectConnectGatewayId, :RouteType, :BgpPeer, :RouteFilterPrefixes, :PublicAddresses, :Vlan, :TencentAddress, :TencentBackupAddress, :CustomerAddress, :DirectConnectTunnelName, :CreatedTime, :Bandwidth, :NetDetectId, :EnableBGPCommunity, :NatType, :VpcRegion, :BfdEnable, :NqaEnable, :AccessPointType, :DirectConnectGatewayName, :VpcName, :SignLaw, :BfdInfo, :NqaInfo, :BgpStatus, :IPv6Enable, :TencentIPv6Address, :TencentBackupIPv6Address, :BgpIPv6Status, :CustomerIPv6Address, :JumboEnable, :HighPrecisionBFDEnable def initialize(directconnecttunnelid=nil, directconnectid=nil, state=nil, directconnectowneraccount=nil, owneraccount=nil, networktype=nil, networkregion=nil, vpcid=nil, directconnectgatewayid=nil, routetype=nil, bgppeer=nil, routefilterprefixes=nil, publicaddresses=nil, vlan=nil, tencentaddress=nil, tencentbackupaddress=nil, customeraddress=nil, directconnecttunnelname=nil, createdtime=nil, bandwidth=nil, netdetectid=nil, enablebgpcommunity=nil, nattype=nil, vpcregion=nil, bfdenable=nil, nqaenable=nil, accesspointtype=nil, directconnectgatewayname=nil, vpcname=nil, signlaw=nil, bfdinfo=nil, nqainfo=nil, bgpstatus=nil, ipv6enable=nil, tencentipv6address=nil, tencentbackupipv6address=nil, bgpipv6status=nil, customeripv6address=nil, jumboenable=nil, highprecisionbfdenable=nil) @DirectConnectTunnelId = directconnecttunnelid @DirectConnectId = directconnectid @State = state @DirectConnectOwnerAccount = directconnectowneraccount @OwnerAccount = owneraccount @NetworkType = networktype @NetworkRegion = networkregion @VpcId = vpcid @DirectConnectGatewayId = directconnectgatewayid @RouteType = routetype @BgpPeer = bgppeer @RouteFilterPrefixes = routefilterprefixes @PublicAddresses = publicaddresses @Vlan = vlan @TencentAddress = tencentaddress @TencentBackupAddress = tencentbackupaddress @CustomerAddress = customeraddress @DirectConnectTunnelName = directconnecttunnelname @CreatedTime = createdtime @Bandwidth = bandwidth @NetDetectId = netdetectid @EnableBGPCommunity = enablebgpcommunity @NatType = nattype @VpcRegion = vpcregion @BfdEnable = bfdenable @NqaEnable = nqaenable @AccessPointType = accesspointtype @DirectConnectGatewayName = directconnectgatewayname @VpcName = vpcname @SignLaw = signlaw @BfdInfo = bfdinfo @NqaInfo = nqainfo @BgpStatus = bgpstatus @IPv6Enable = ipv6enable @TencentIPv6Address = tencentipv6address @TencentBackupIPv6Address = tencentbackupipv6address @BgpIPv6Status = bgpipv6status @CustomerIPv6Address = customeripv6address @JumboEnable = jumboenable @HighPrecisionBFDEnable = highprecisionbfdenable end def deserialize(params) @DirectConnectTunnelId = params['DirectConnectTunnelId'] @DirectConnectId = params['DirectConnectId'] @State = params['State'] @DirectConnectOwnerAccount = params['DirectConnectOwnerAccount'] @OwnerAccount = params['OwnerAccount'] @NetworkType = params['NetworkType'] @NetworkRegion = params['NetworkRegion'] @VpcId = params['VpcId'] @DirectConnectGatewayId = params['DirectConnectGatewayId'] @RouteType = params['RouteType'] unless params['BgpPeer'].nil? @BgpPeer = BgpPeer.new @BgpPeer.deserialize(params['BgpPeer']) end unless params['RouteFilterPrefixes'].nil? @RouteFilterPrefixes = [] params['RouteFilterPrefixes'].each do |i| routefilterprefix_tmp = RouteFilterPrefix.new routefilterprefix_tmp.deserialize(i) @RouteFilterPrefixes << routefilterprefix_tmp end end unless params['PublicAddresses'].nil? @PublicAddresses = [] params['PublicAddresses'].each do |i| routefilterprefix_tmp = RouteFilterPrefix.new routefilterprefix_tmp.deserialize(i) @PublicAddresses << routefilterprefix_tmp end end @Vlan = params['Vlan'] @TencentAddress = params['TencentAddress'] @TencentBackupAddress = params['TencentBackupAddress'] @CustomerAddress = params['CustomerAddress'] @DirectConnectTunnelName = params['DirectConnectTunnelName'] @CreatedTime = params['CreatedTime'] @Bandwidth = params['Bandwidth'] @NetDetectId = params['NetDetectId'] @EnableBGPCommunity = params['EnableBGPCommunity'] @NatType = params['NatType'] @VpcRegion = params['VpcRegion'] @BfdEnable = params['BfdEnable'] @NqaEnable = params['NqaEnable'] @AccessPointType = params['AccessPointType'] @DirectConnectGatewayName = params['DirectConnectGatewayName'] @VpcName = params['VpcName'] @SignLaw = params['SignLaw'] unless params['BfdInfo'].nil? @BfdInfo = BFDInfo.new @BfdInfo.deserialize(params['BfdInfo']) end unless params['NqaInfo'].nil? @NqaInfo = NQAInfo.new @NqaInfo.deserialize(params['NqaInfo']) end unless params['BgpStatus'].nil? @BgpStatus = BGPStatus.new @BgpStatus.deserialize(params['BgpStatus']) end @IPv6Enable = params['IPv6Enable'] @TencentIPv6Address = params['TencentIPv6Address'] @TencentBackupIPv6Address = params['TencentBackupIPv6Address'] unless params['BgpIPv6Status'].nil? @BgpIPv6Status = BGPStatus.new @BgpIPv6Status.deserialize(params['BgpIPv6Status']) end @CustomerIPv6Address = params['CustomerIPv6Address'] @JumboEnable = params['JumboEnable'] @HighPrecisionBFDEnable = params['HighPrecisionBFDEnable'] end end # 专用通道路由 class DirectConnectTunnelRoute < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param RouteId: 专用通道路由ID # @type RouteId: String # @param DestinationCidrBlock: 网段CIDR # @type DestinationCidrBlock: String # @param RouteType: 路由类型:BGP/STATIC路由 # @type RouteType: String # @param Status: ENABLE:路由启用,DISABLE:路由禁用 # @type Status: String # @param ASPath: ASPath信息 # @type ASPath: Array # @param NextHop: 路由下一跳IP # @type NextHop: String # @param UpdateTime: 路由更新时间 # @type UpdateTime: String # @param ApplyOnTunnelEnable: 是否配置在通道上 # @type ApplyOnTunnelEnable: Boolean attr_accessor :RouteId, :DestinationCidrBlock, :RouteType, :Status, :ASPath, :NextHop, :UpdateTime, :ApplyOnTunnelEnable def initialize(routeid=nil, destinationcidrblock=nil, routetype=nil, status=nil, aspath=nil, nexthop=nil, updatetime=nil, applyontunnelenable=nil) @RouteId = routeid @DestinationCidrBlock = destinationcidrblock @RouteType = routetype @Status = status @ASPath = aspath @NextHop = nexthop @UpdateTime = updatetime @ApplyOnTunnelEnable = applyontunnelenable end def deserialize(params) @RouteId = params['RouteId'] @DestinationCidrBlock = params['DestinationCidrBlock'] @RouteType = params['RouteType'] @Status = params['Status'] @ASPath = params['ASPath'] @NextHop = params['NextHop'] @UpdateTime = params['UpdateTime'] @ApplyOnTunnelEnable = params['ApplyOnTunnelEnable'] end end # DisableInternetAddress请求参数结构体 class DisableInternetAddressRequest < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param InstanceId: 公网互联网地址ID # @type InstanceId: String attr_accessor :InstanceId def initialize(instanceid=nil) @InstanceId = instanceid end def deserialize(params) @InstanceId = params['InstanceId'] end end # DisableInternetAddress返回参数结构体 class DisableInternetAddressResponse < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param RequestId: 唯一请求 ID,由服务端生成,每次请求都会返回(若请求因其他原因未能抵达服务端,则该次请求不会获得 RequestId)。定位问题时需要提供该次请求的 RequestId。 # @type RequestId: String attr_accessor :RequestId def initialize(requestid=nil) @RequestId = requestid end def deserialize(params) @RequestId = params['RequestId'] end end # EnableInternetAddress请求参数结构体 class EnableInternetAddressRequest < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param InstanceId: 互联网公网地址ID # @type InstanceId: String attr_accessor :InstanceId def initialize(instanceid=nil) @InstanceId = instanceid end def deserialize(params) @InstanceId = params['InstanceId'] end end # EnableInternetAddress返回参数结构体 class EnableInternetAddressResponse < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param RequestId: 唯一请求 ID,由服务端生成,每次请求都会返回(若请求因其他原因未能抵达服务端,则该次请求不会获得 RequestId)。定位问题时需要提供该次请求的 RequestId。 # @type RequestId: String attr_accessor :RequestId def initialize(requestid=nil) @RequestId = requestid end def deserialize(params) @RequestId = params['RequestId'] end end # 用于条件过滤查询 class Filter < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param Name: 需要过滤的字段。 # @type Name: String # @param Values: 字段的过滤值。 # @type Values: Array attr_accessor :Name, :Values def initialize(name=nil, values=nil) @Name = name @Values = values end def deserialize(params) @Name = params['Name'] @Values = params['Values'] end end # 互联网地址详细信息 class InternetAddressDetail < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param InstanceId: 互联网地址ID # @type InstanceId: String # @param Subnet: 互联网网络地址 # @type Subnet: String # @param MaskLen: 网络地址掩码长度 # @type MaskLen: Integer # @param AddrType: 0:BGP # 1:电信 # 2:移动 # 3:联通 # @type AddrType: Integer # @param Status: 0:使用中 # 1:已停用 # 2:已退还 # @type Status: Integer # @param ApplyTime: 申请时间 # @type ApplyTime: String # @param StopTime: 停用时间 # @type StopTime: String # @param ReleaseTime: 退还时间 # @type ReleaseTime: String # @param Region: 地域信息 # @type Region: String # @param AppId: 用户ID # @type AppId: Integer # @param AddrProto: 0:IPv4 1:IPv6 # @type AddrProto: Integer # @param ReserveTime: 释放状态的IP地址保留的天数 # @type ReserveTime: Integer attr_accessor :InstanceId, :Subnet, :MaskLen, :AddrType, :Status, :ApplyTime, :StopTime, :ReleaseTime, :Region, :AppId, :AddrProto, :ReserveTime def initialize(instanceid=nil, subnet=nil, masklen=nil, addrtype=nil, status=nil, applytime=nil, stoptime=nil, releasetime=nil, region=nil, appid=nil, addrproto=nil, reservetime=nil) @InstanceId = instanceid @Subnet = subnet @MaskLen = masklen @AddrType = addrtype @Status = status @ApplyTime = applytime @StopTime = stoptime @ReleaseTime = releasetime @Region = region @AppId = appid @AddrProto = addrproto @ReserveTime = reservetime end def deserialize(params) @InstanceId = params['InstanceId'] @Subnet = params['Subnet'] @MaskLen = params['MaskLen'] @AddrType = params['AddrType'] @Status = params['Status'] @ApplyTime = params['ApplyTime'] @StopTime = params['StopTime'] @ReleaseTime = params['ReleaseTime'] @Region = params['Region'] @AppId = params['AppId'] @AddrProto = params['AddrProto'] @ReserveTime = params['ReserveTime'] end end # 互联网公网地址统计 class InternetAddressStatistics < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param Region: 地域 # @type Region: String # @param SubnetNum: 互联网公网地址数量 # @type SubnetNum: Integer attr_accessor :Region, :SubnetNum def initialize(region=nil, subnetnum=nil) @Region = region @SubnetNum = subnetnum end def deserialize(params) @Region = params['Region'] @SubnetNum = params['SubnetNum'] end end # ModifyDirectConnectAttribute请求参数结构体 class ModifyDirectConnectAttributeRequest < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param DirectConnectId: 物理专线ID。 # @type DirectConnectId: String # @param DirectConnectName: 物理专线名称。 # @type DirectConnectName: String # @param CircuitCode: 运营商或者服务商为物理专线提供的电路编码。 # @type CircuitCode: String # @param Vlan: 物理专线调试VLAN。 # @type Vlan: Integer # @param TencentAddress: 物理专线调试腾讯侧互联 IP。 # @type TencentAddress: String # @param CustomerAddress: 物理专线调试用户侧互联 IP。 # @type CustomerAddress: String # @param CustomerName: 物理专线申请者姓名。默认从账户体系获取。 # @type CustomerName: String # @param CustomerContactMail: 物理专线申请者联系邮箱。默认从账户体系获取。 # @type CustomerContactMail: String # @param CustomerContactNumber: 物理专线申请者联系号码。默认从账户体系获取。 # @type CustomerContactNumber: String # @param FaultReportContactPerson: 报障联系人。 # @type FaultReportContactPerson: String # @param FaultReportContactNumber: 报障联系电话。 # @type FaultReportContactNumber: String # @param SignLaw: 物理专线申请者补签用户使用协议。 # @type SignLaw: Boolean # @param Bandwidth: 物理专线带宽。 # @type Bandwidth: Integer attr_accessor :DirectConnectId, :DirectConnectName, :CircuitCode, :Vlan, :TencentAddress, :CustomerAddress, :CustomerName, :CustomerContactMail, :CustomerContactNumber, :FaultReportContactPerson, :FaultReportContactNumber, :SignLaw, :Bandwidth def initialize(directconnectid=nil, directconnectname=nil, circuitcode=nil, vlan=nil, tencentaddress=nil, customeraddress=nil, customername=nil, customercontactmail=nil, customercontactnumber=nil, faultreportcontactperson=nil, faultreportcontactnumber=nil, signlaw=nil, bandwidth=nil) @DirectConnectId = directconnectid @DirectConnectName = directconnectname @CircuitCode = circuitcode @Vlan = vlan @TencentAddress = tencentaddress @CustomerAddress = customeraddress @CustomerName = customername @CustomerContactMail = customercontactmail @CustomerContactNumber = customercontactnumber @FaultReportContactPerson = faultreportcontactperson @FaultReportContactNumber = faultreportcontactnumber @SignLaw = signlaw @Bandwidth = bandwidth end def deserialize(params) @DirectConnectId = params['DirectConnectId'] @DirectConnectName = params['DirectConnectName'] @CircuitCode = params['CircuitCode'] @Vlan = params['Vlan'] @TencentAddress = params['TencentAddress'] @CustomerAddress = params['CustomerAddress'] @CustomerName = params['CustomerName'] @CustomerContactMail = params['CustomerContactMail'] @CustomerContactNumber = params['CustomerContactNumber'] @FaultReportContactPerson = params['FaultReportContactPerson'] @FaultReportContactNumber = params['FaultReportContactNumber'] @SignLaw = params['SignLaw'] @Bandwidth = params['Bandwidth'] end end # ModifyDirectConnectAttribute返回参数结构体 class ModifyDirectConnectAttributeResponse < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param RequestId: 唯一请求 ID,由服务端生成,每次请求都会返回(若请求因其他原因未能抵达服务端,则该次请求不会获得 RequestId)。定位问题时需要提供该次请求的 RequestId。 # @type RequestId: String attr_accessor :RequestId def initialize(requestid=nil) @RequestId = requestid end def deserialize(params) @RequestId = params['RequestId'] end end # ModifyDirectConnectTunnelAttribute请求参数结构体 class ModifyDirectConnectTunnelAttributeRequest < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param DirectConnectTunnelId: 专用通道ID。 # @type DirectConnectTunnelId: String # @param DirectConnectTunnelName: 专用通道名称。 # @type DirectConnectTunnelName: String # @param BgpPeer: 用户侧BGP,包括Asn,AuthKey。 # @type BgpPeer: :class:`Tencentcloud::Dc.v20180410.models.BgpPeer` # @param RouteFilterPrefixes: 用户侧网段地址。 # @type RouteFilterPrefixes: Array # @param TencentAddress: 腾讯侧互联IP。 # @type TencentAddress: String # @param CustomerAddress: 用户侧互联IP。 # @type CustomerAddress: String # @param Bandwidth: 专用通道带宽值,单位为M。 # @type Bandwidth: Integer # @param TencentBackupAddress: 腾讯侧备用互联IP。 # @type TencentBackupAddress: String attr_accessor :DirectConnectTunnelId, :DirectConnectTunnelName, :BgpPeer, :RouteFilterPrefixes, :TencentAddress, :CustomerAddress, :Bandwidth, :TencentBackupAddress def initialize(directconnecttunnelid=nil, directconnecttunnelname=nil, bgppeer=nil, routefilterprefixes=nil, tencentaddress=nil, customeraddress=nil, bandwidth=nil, tencentbackupaddress=nil) @DirectConnectTunnelId = directconnecttunnelid @DirectConnectTunnelName = directconnecttunnelname @BgpPeer = bgppeer @RouteFilterPrefixes = routefilterprefixes @TencentAddress = tencentaddress @CustomerAddress = customeraddress @Bandwidth = bandwidth @TencentBackupAddress = tencentbackupaddress end def deserialize(params) @DirectConnectTunnelId = params['DirectConnectTunnelId'] @DirectConnectTunnelName = params['DirectConnectTunnelName'] unless params['BgpPeer'].nil? @BgpPeer = BgpPeer.new @BgpPeer.deserialize(params['BgpPeer']) end unless params['RouteFilterPrefixes'].nil? @RouteFilterPrefixes = [] params['RouteFilterPrefixes'].each do |i| routefilterprefix_tmp = RouteFilterPrefix.new routefilterprefix_tmp.deserialize(i) @RouteFilterPrefixes << routefilterprefix_tmp end end @TencentAddress = params['TencentAddress'] @CustomerAddress = params['CustomerAddress'] @Bandwidth = params['Bandwidth'] @TencentBackupAddress = params['TencentBackupAddress'] end end # ModifyDirectConnectTunnelAttribute返回参数结构体 class ModifyDirectConnectTunnelAttributeResponse < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param RequestId: 唯一请求 ID,由服务端生成,每次请求都会返回(若请求因其他原因未能抵达服务端,则该次请求不会获得 RequestId)。定位问题时需要提供该次请求的 RequestId。 # @type RequestId: String attr_accessor :RequestId def initialize(requestid=nil) @RequestId = requestid end def deserialize(params) @RequestId = params['RequestId'] end end # ModifyDirectConnectTunnelExtra请求参数结构体 class ModifyDirectConnectTunnelExtraRequest < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param DirectConnectTunnelId: 专用通道ID。 # @type DirectConnectTunnelId: String # @param Vlan: 专用通道的Vlan。 # @type Vlan: Integer # @param BgpPeer: Bgp参数,包括Asn,AuthKey # @type BgpPeer: :class:`Tencentcloud::Dc.v20180410.models.BgpPeer` # @param RouteFilterPrefixes: 用户侧过滤网段地址。 # @type RouteFilterPrefixes: :class:`Tencentcloud::Dc.v20180410.models.RouteFilterPrefix` # @param TencentAddress: 腾讯侧互联IP。 # @type TencentAddress: String # @param TencentBackupAddress: 腾讯侧备用互联IP。 # @type TencentBackupAddress: String # @param CustomerAddress: 用户侧互联IP。 # @type CustomerAddress: String # @param Bandwidth: 专用通道带宽值。 # @type Bandwidth: Integer # @param EnableBGPCommunity: BGP community开关。 # @type EnableBGPCommunity: Boolean # @param BfdEnable: 是否开启BFD。 # @type BfdEnable: Integer # @param NqaEnable: 是否开启NQA。 # @type NqaEnable: Integer # @param BfdInfo: BFD配置信息。 # @type BfdInfo: :class:`Tencentcloud::Dc.v20180410.models.BFDInfo` # @param NqaInfo: NQA配置信息。 # @type NqaInfo: :class:`Tencentcloud::Dc.v20180410.models.NQAInfo` # @param IPv6Enable: IPV6使能。0:停用IPv6;1: 启用IPv6。 # @type IPv6Enable: Integer # @param CustomerIDCRoutes: 去往用户侧的路由信息。 # @type CustomerIDCRoutes: Array # @param JumboEnable: 是否开启巨帧。1:开启;0:不开启。 # @type JumboEnable: Integer # @param TencentIPv6Address: 腾讯侧互联IPv6。 # @type TencentIPv6Address: String # @param TencentBackupIPv6Address: 腾讯侧备用互联IPv6。 # @type TencentBackupIPv6Address: String # @param CustomerIPv6Address: 用户侧互联IPv6。 # @type CustomerIPv6Address: String attr_accessor :DirectConnectTunnelId, :Vlan, :BgpPeer, :RouteFilterPrefixes, :TencentAddress, :TencentBackupAddress, :CustomerAddress, :Bandwidth, :EnableBGPCommunity, :BfdEnable, :NqaEnable, :BfdInfo, :NqaInfo, :IPv6Enable, :CustomerIDCRoutes, :JumboEnable, :TencentIPv6Address, :TencentBackupIPv6Address, :CustomerIPv6Address def initialize(directconnecttunnelid=nil, vlan=nil, bgppeer=nil, routefilterprefixes=nil, tencentaddress=nil, tencentbackupaddress=nil, customeraddress=nil, bandwidth=nil, enablebgpcommunity=nil, bfdenable=nil, nqaenable=nil, bfdinfo=nil, nqainfo=nil, ipv6enable=nil, customeridcroutes=nil, jumboenable=nil, tencentipv6address=nil, tencentbackupipv6address=nil, customeripv6address=nil) @DirectConnectTunnelId = directconnecttunnelid @Vlan = vlan @BgpPeer = bgppeer @RouteFilterPrefixes = routefilterprefixes @TencentAddress = tencentaddress @TencentBackupAddress = tencentbackupaddress @CustomerAddress = customeraddress @Bandwidth = bandwidth @EnableBGPCommunity = enablebgpcommunity @BfdEnable = bfdenable @NqaEnable = nqaenable @BfdInfo = bfdinfo @NqaInfo = nqainfo @IPv6Enable = ipv6enable @CustomerIDCRoutes = customeridcroutes @JumboEnable = jumboenable @TencentIPv6Address = tencentipv6address @TencentBackupIPv6Address = tencentbackupipv6address @CustomerIPv6Address = customeripv6address end def deserialize(params) @DirectConnectTunnelId = params['DirectConnectTunnelId'] @Vlan = params['Vlan'] unless params['BgpPeer'].nil? @BgpPeer = BgpPeer.new @BgpPeer.deserialize(params['BgpPeer']) end unless params['RouteFilterPrefixes'].nil? @RouteFilterPrefixes = RouteFilterPrefix.new @RouteFilterPrefixes.deserialize(params['RouteFilterPrefixes']) end @TencentAddress = params['TencentAddress'] @TencentBackupAddress = params['TencentBackupAddress'] @CustomerAddress = params['CustomerAddress'] @Bandwidth = params['Bandwidth'] @EnableBGPCommunity = params['EnableBGPCommunity'] @BfdEnable = params['BfdEnable'] @NqaEnable = params['NqaEnable'] unless params['BfdInfo'].nil? @BfdInfo = BFDInfo.new @BfdInfo.deserialize(params['BfdInfo']) end unless params['NqaInfo'].nil? @NqaInfo = NQAInfo.new @NqaInfo.deserialize(params['NqaInfo']) end @IPv6Enable = params['IPv6Enable'] unless params['CustomerIDCRoutes'].nil? @CustomerIDCRoutes = [] params['CustomerIDCRoutes'].each do |i| routefilterprefix_tmp = RouteFilterPrefix.new routefilterprefix_tmp.deserialize(i) @CustomerIDCRoutes << routefilterprefix_tmp end end @JumboEnable = params['JumboEnable'] @TencentIPv6Address = params['TencentIPv6Address'] @TencentBackupIPv6Address = params['TencentBackupIPv6Address'] @CustomerIPv6Address = params['CustomerIPv6Address'] end end # ModifyDirectConnectTunnelExtra返回参数结构体 class ModifyDirectConnectTunnelExtraResponse < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param RequestId: 唯一请求 ID,由服务端生成,每次请求都会返回(若请求因其他原因未能抵达服务端,则该次请求不会获得 RequestId)。定位问题时需要提供该次请求的 RequestId。 # @type RequestId: String attr_accessor :RequestId def initialize(requestid=nil) @RequestId = requestid end def deserialize(params) @RequestId = params['RequestId'] end end # nqa配置信息 class NQAInfo < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param ProbeFailedTimes: 健康检查次数 # @type ProbeFailedTimes: Integer # @param Interval: 健康检查间隔 # @type Interval: Integer # @param DestinationIp: 健康检查地址 # @type DestinationIp: String attr_accessor :ProbeFailedTimes, :Interval, :DestinationIp def initialize(probefailedtimes=nil, interval=nil, destinationip=nil) @ProbeFailedTimes = probefailedtimes @Interval = interval @DestinationIp = destinationip end def deserialize(params) @ProbeFailedTimes = params['ProbeFailedTimes'] @Interval = params['Interval'] @DestinationIp = params['DestinationIp'] end end # 端口规格 class PortSpecification < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param InternationalName: 端口名称 # @type InternationalName: String # @param Specification: 端口规格(M) # @type Specification: Integer # @param PortType: 端口类型:T-电口,X-光口 # @type PortType: String attr_accessor :InternationalName, :Specification, :PortType def initialize(internationalname=nil, specification=nil, porttype=nil) @InternationalName = internationalname @Specification = specification @PortType = porttype end def deserialize(params) @InternationalName = params['InternationalName'] @Specification = params['Specification'] @PortType = params['PortType'] end end # RejectDirectConnectTunnel请求参数结构体 class RejectDirectConnectTunnelRequest < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param DirectConnectTunnelId: 专用通道ID。 # @type DirectConnectTunnelId: String attr_accessor :DirectConnectTunnelId def initialize(directconnecttunnelid=nil) @DirectConnectTunnelId = directconnecttunnelid end def deserialize(params) @DirectConnectTunnelId = params['DirectConnectTunnelId'] end end # RejectDirectConnectTunnel返回参数结构体 class RejectDirectConnectTunnelResponse < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param RequestId: 唯一请求 ID,由服务端生成,每次请求都会返回(若请求因其他原因未能抵达服务端,则该次请求不会获得 RequestId)。定位问题时需要提供该次请求的 RequestId。 # @type RequestId: String attr_accessor :RequestId def initialize(requestid=nil) @RequestId = requestid end def deserialize(params) @RequestId = params['RequestId'] end end # ReleaseInternetAddress请求参数结构体 class ReleaseInternetAddressRequest < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param InstanceId: 公网互联网地址ID # @type InstanceId: String attr_accessor :InstanceId def initialize(instanceid=nil) @InstanceId = instanceid end def deserialize(params) @InstanceId = params['InstanceId'] end end # ReleaseInternetAddress返回参数结构体 class ReleaseInternetAddressResponse < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param RequestId: 唯一请求 ID,由服务端生成,每次请求都会返回(若请求因其他原因未能抵达服务端,则该次请求不会获得 RequestId)。定位问题时需要提供该次请求的 RequestId。 # @type RequestId: String attr_accessor :RequestId def initialize(requestid=nil) @RequestId = requestid end def deserialize(params) @RequestId = params['RequestId'] end end # 用户侧网段地址 class RouteFilterPrefix < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param Cidr: 用户侧网段地址 # @type Cidr: String attr_accessor :Cidr def initialize(cidr=nil) @Cidr = cidr end def deserialize(params) @Cidr = params['Cidr'] end end # 标签键值对 class Tag < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param Key: 标签键 # @type Key: String # @param Value: 标签值 # @type Value: String attr_accessor :Key, :Value def initialize(key=nil, value=nil) @Key = key @Value = value end def deserialize(params) @Key = params['Key'] @Value = params['Value'] end end end end end