require 'concurrent/synchronization/abstract_struct' require 'concurrent/synchronization' module Concurrent # A thread-safe, immutable variation of Ruby's standard `Struct`. # # @see Ruby standard library `Struct` module ImmutableStruct include Synchronization::AbstractStruct def self.included(base) base.safe_initialization! end # @!macro struct_values def values ns_values end alias_method :to_a, :values # @!macro struct_values_at def values_at(*indexes) ns_values_at(indexes) end # @!macro struct_inspect def inspect ns_inspect end alias_method :to_s, :inspect # @!macro struct_merge def merge(other, &block) ns_merge(other, &block) end # @!macro struct_to_h def to_h ns_to_h end # @!macro struct_get def [](member) ns_get(member) end # @!macro struct_equality def ==(other) ns_equality(other) end # @!macro struct_each def each(&block) return enum_for(:each) unless block_given? ns_each(&block) end # @!macro struct_each_pair def each_pair(&block) return enum_for(:each_pair) unless block_given? ns_each_pair(&block) end # @!macro struct_select def select(&block) return enum_for(:select) unless block_given? ns_select(&block) end private # @!visibility private def initialize_copy(original) super(original) ns_initialize_copy end # @!macro struct_new def*args, &block) clazz_name = nil if args.length == 0 raise'wrong number of arguments (0 for 1+)') elsif args.length > 0 && args.first.is_a?(String) clazz_name = args.shift end FACTORY.define_struct(clazz_name, args, &block) end FACTORY = do def define_struct(name, members, &block) synchronize do Synchronization::AbstractStruct.define_struct_class(ImmutableStruct, Synchronization::Object, name, members, &block) end end private_constant :FACTORY end end