module Picky # This is the internal results object. Usually, to_marshal, or to_json # is called on it to get a string for the answer. # class Results include Enumerable # Duration is set externally by the query. # attr_writer :duration attr_reader :offset, :amount, :query # Takes instances of Query::Allocations as param. # def initialize query = nil, amount = 0, offset = 0, allocations =, extra_allocations = nil, unique = false @amount = amount @query = query @offset = offset @allocations = allocations @extra_allocations = extra_allocations @unique = unique end def allocations prepare! *(@prepared || [@extra_allocations, @unique]) @allocations end # This starts the actual processing. # # Without this, the allocations are not processed, # and no ids are calculated. # def prepare! extra_allocations = nil, unique = false return if @prepared == [extra_allocations, unique] # cached? @prepared = [extra_allocations, unique] # cache! unique ? @allocations.process_unique!(amount, offset, extra_allocations) : @allocations.process!(amount, offset, extra_allocations) end def each &block allocations.each &block end # Forwards to allocations. # # Note that this is an expensive call and # should not be done repeatedly. Just keep # a reference to the result. # # TODO Rewrite such that this triggers calculation, not prepare! # def ids only = amount allocations.ids only end # The total results. Forwards to the allocations. # def total @total ||= || 0 end # Duration default is 0. # def duration @duration || 0 end # Returns a hash with the allocations, offset, duration and total. # def to_hash { allocations: allocations.to_result, offset: offset, duration: duration, total: total } end # Convert to json format. # def to_json options = {} MultiJson.encode to_hash, options end # For logging. # @@log_time_format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S".freeze def to_s "#{log_type}|#{ @@log_time_format}|#{'%8f' % duration}|#{'%-50s' % query}|#{'%8d' % total}|#{'%4d' % offset}|#{'%2d' % allocations.size}|" end # The first character in the blog designates what type of query it is. # # No calculated ids means: No results. # def log_type :'.' : :'>' end end end