=RSolr Notice: This document is only for the the 1.0 (pre-release) in the master branch. The last stable gem release documentation can be found here: http://github.com/mwmitchell/rsolr/tree/v0.12.1 A simple, extensible Ruby client for Apache Solr. == Installation: gem sources -a http://gemcutter.org sudo gem install rsolr == Example: require 'rubygems' require 'rsolr' # Direct connection solr = RSolr.connect 'http://solrserver.com' # Connecting over a proxy server solr = RSolr.connect 'http://solrserver.com', :proxy=>'http://user:pass@proxy.example.com:8080' # send a request to /select response = solr.get 'select', :q=>'*:*' # send a request to a custom request handler; /catalog response = solr.get 'catalog', :q=>'*:*' == Querying Use the #select method to send requests to the /select handler: response = solr.get('select', { :q=>'washington', :start=>0, :rows=>10 }) The params sent into the method are sent to Solr as-is. The one exception is if a value is an array. When an array is used, multiple parameters *with the same name* are generated for the Solr query. Example: solr.get 'select', :q=>'roses', :fq=>['red', 'violet'] The above statement generates this Solr query: select?q=roses&fq=red&fq=violet There may be cases where the query string is too long for a GET request. RSolr solves this issue by providing a simple way to POST a query to Solr: response = solr.post "select", nil, enormous_params_hash nil is passed in as the query string data. The enormous_params_hash variable ends up serialized as a form-encoded query string, and the correct content-type headers are sent along to Solr. == Updating Solr Updating us done using native Ruby objects. Hashes are used for single documents and arrays are used for a collection of documents (hashes). These objects get turned into simple XML "messages". Raw XML strings can also be used. Raw XML via #update solr.update '' solr.update '' Single document via #add solr.add :id=>1, :price=>1.00 Multiple documents via #add documents = [{:id=>1, :price=>1.00}, {:id=>2, :price=>10.50}] solr.add documents When adding, you can also supply "add" xml element attributes and/or a block for manipulating other "add" related elements (docs and fields) when using the #add method: doc = {:id=>1, :price=>1.00} add_attributes = {:allowDups=>false, :commitWithin=>10.0} solr.add(doc, add_attributes) do |doc| # boost each document doc.attrs[:boost] = 1.5 # boost the price field: doc.field_by_name(:price).attrs[:boost] = 2.0 end Delete by id solr.delete_by_id 1 or an array of ids solr.delete_by_id [1, 2, 3, 4] Delete by query: solr.delete_by_query 'price:1.00' Delete by array of queries solr.delete_by_query ['price:1.00', 'price:10.00'] Commit & optimize shortcuts solr.commit solr.optimize == Response Formats The default response format is Ruby. When the :wt param is set to :ruby, the response is eval'd resulting in a Hash. You can get a raw response by setting the :wt to "ruby" - notice, the string -- not a symbol. RSolr will eval the Ruby string ONLY if the :wt value is :ruby. All other response formats are available as expected, :wt=>'xml' etc.. ===Evaluated Ruby (default) solr.get 'select', :wt=>:ruby # notice :ruby is a Symbol ===Raw Ruby solr.get 'select', :wt=>'ruby' # notice 'ruby' is a String ===XML: solr.get 'select', :wt=>:xml ===JSON: solr.get 'select', :wt=>:json You can access the original request context (path, params, url etc.) by calling the #request method: result = solr.get 'select', :q=>'*:*' result.request[:uri] result.request[:params] etc.. Similarly, the object returned has a response object. This contains any headers that Solr returned, along with the raw response body: result = solr.get 'select', :q=>'*:*' result.response[:headers] result.response[:status] result.response[:body] ==Related Resources & Projects * {RSolr Google Group}[http://groups.google.com/group/rsolr] -- The RSolr discussion group * {rsolr-ext}[http://github.com/mwmitchell/rsolr-ext] -- An extension kit for RSolr * {rsolr-direct}[http://github.com/mwmitchell/rsolr-direct] -- JRuby direct connection for RSolr * {rsolr-nokogiri}[http://github.com/mwmitchell/rsolr-nokogiri] -- Gives RSolr Nokogiri for XML generation. * {SunSpot}[http://github.com/outoftime/sunspot] -- An awesome Solr DSL, built with RSolr * {Blacklight}[http://blacklightopac.org] -- A "next generation" Library OPAC, built with RSolr * {java_bin}[http://github.com/kennyj/java_bin] -- Provides javabin/binary parsing for RSolr * {Solr}[http://lucene.apache.org/solr/] -- The Apache Solr project * {solr-ruby}[http://wiki.apache.org/solr/solr-ruby] -- The original Solr Ruby Gem! == Note on Patches/Pull Requests * Fork the project. * Make your feature addition or bug fix. * Add tests for it. This is important so I don't break it in a future version unintentionally. * Commit, do not mess with rakefile, version, or history (if you want to have your own version, that is fine but bump version in a commit by itself I can ignore when I pull) * Send me a pull request. Bonus points for topic branches. == Note on Patches/Pull Requests * Fork the project. * Make your feature addition or bug fix. * Add tests for it. This is important so I don't break it in a future version unintentionally. * Commit, do not mess with rakefile, version, or history. (if you want to have your own version, that is fine but bump version in a commit by itself I can ignore when I pull) * Send me a pull request. Bonus points for topic branches. ==Contributors * Lorenzo Riccucci * Mike Perham * Mat Brown * Shairon Toledo * Matthew Rudy * Fouad Mardini * Jeremy Hinegardner * Nathan Witmer * Craig Smith ==Author Matt Mitchell ==Copyright Copyright (c) 2008-2010 mwmitchell. See LICENSE for details.