module Listen class Silencer # The default list of directories that get ignored. DEFAULT_IGNORED_DIRECTORIES = %r{^(?: \.git | \.svn | \.hg | \.rbx | \.bundle | bundle | vendor/bundle | log | tmp |vendor/ruby )(/|$)}x # The default list of files that get ignored. DEFAULT_IGNORED_EXTENSIONS = %r{(?: # Kate's tmp/swp files \..*\d+\.new | \.kate-swp # Gedit tmp files | \.goutputstream-.{6} # Intellij files | ___jb_bak___ | ___jb_old___ # Vim swap files and write test | \.sw[px] | \.swpx | ^4913 # other files | \.DS_Store | \.tmp | ~ )$}x attr_accessor :only_patterns, :ignore_patterns def initialize configure({}) end def configure(options) @only_patterns = options[:only] ? Array(options[:only]) : nil @ignore_patterns = _init_ignores(options[:ignore], options[:ignore!]) end # Note: relative_path is temporarily expected to be a relative Pathname to # make refactoring easier (ideally, it would take a string) # TODO: switch type and path places - and verify def silenced?(relative_path, type) path = relative_path.to_s if only_patterns && type == :file return true unless only_patterns.any? { |pattern| path =~ pattern } end ignore_patterns.any? { |pattern| path =~ pattern } end private attr_reader :options def _init_ignores(ignores, overrides) patterns = [] unless overrides patterns << DEFAULT_IGNORED_DIRECTORIES patterns << DEFAULT_IGNORED_EXTENSIONS end patterns << ignores patterns << overrides patterns.compact.flatten end end end