require 'net/http' module PanamaxTemplateValidator class Image attr_reader :errors def initialize(image_attrs, image_names) @image_attrs = image_attrs @image_names = image_names @errors = [] end def validate validate_presence_of('name') validate_presence_of('source') validate_source_exists_publicly validate_presence_of_container_ports validate_uniqueness_of_host_ports validate_volumes_have_container_path validate_presence_of_env_var validate_presence_of_link_alias validate_linked_service_exists end private def validate_linked_service_exists Array(@image_attrs['links']).each_with_index do |link, i| unless @image_names.include? link['service'] @errors << "#{@image_attrs['name']}'s link ##{i + 1} is linked to a service (#{link['service']}) that does not exist in this template" end end end def validate_presence_of_link_alias Array(@image_attrs['links']).each_with_index do |link, i| if link['alias'].to_s == '' @errors << "#{@image_attrs['name']}'s link ##{i + 1} does not have an alias" end end end def validate_source_exists_publicly source = @image_attrs['source'].split(':')[0] res1 = Net::HTTP.get_response(URI("{source}/")).code res2 = Net::HTTP.get_response(URI("{source}/")).code unless [res1, res2].include?('200') @errors << "#{@image_attrs['name']}'s source does not exist publicly in the docker index" end end def validate_presence_of_env_var Array(@image_attrs['environment']).each do |env| if env['variable'].to_s == '' @errors << 'each environment entry should have a variable (name)' end end end def validate_volumes_have_container_path Array(@image_attrs['volumes']).each do |vol| if vol['container_path'].to_s == '' @errors << 'each volume must have a container path' end end end def validate_presence_of_container_ports Array(@image_attrs['ports']).each do |port| if port['container_port'].to_s == '' @errors << 'each port must have a container port' end end end def validate_uniqueness_of_host_ports host_ports = Array(@image_attrs['ports']).map { |p| p['host_port'] }.compact if host_ports.length != host_ports.uniq.length @errors << 'host ports must be unique' end end def validate_presence_of(key) if @image_attrs[key].nil? || @image_attrs[key] == '' @errors << "image: #{@image_attrs['name']}'s #{key} is required" end end def validate_length_of(key, inequality, length) return unless @image_attrs[key] unless @image_attrs[key].length.send(inequality, length) @errors << "image: #{@image_attrs['name']}'s #{key} should #{inequality} #{length}" end end end end