<%%= render Avo::PanelComponent.new(name: "<%= human_name %>") do |c| %> <%% c.tools do %> <%%= a_link('/avo', icon: 'heroicons/solid/academic-cap', color: :primary, style: :primary) do %> Dummy link <%% end %> <%% end %> <%% c.body do %>

🪧 This partial is waiting to be updated

You can edit this file here <%= in_code "app/views/avo/resource_tools/#{file_name}.html.erb" %>.

The resource tool configuration file should be here <%= in_code "app/avo/resource_tools/#{file_name}.rb" %>.

<%% # In this partial you have access to the following variables: # tool # @resource # @resource.record # params # Avo::Current.context # current_user %>
<%% end %> <%% end %>