module Slideshow class Config def initialize @hash = {} end def []( key ) value = @hash[ normalize_key( key ) ] if value.nil? puts "** Warning: config key '#{key}' undefined (returning nil)" end value end def load # load builtin config file @ /config/slideshow.yml config_file = "#{File.dirname( LIB_PATH )}/config/slideshow.yml" config_builtin_file = "#{File.dirname( LIB_PATH )}/config/slideshow.builtin.yml" # run through erb config_txt = config_file ) config_txt = config_txt ).result( binding() ) @hash = YAML.load( config_txt ) # for now builtin has no erb processing; add builtin hash to main hash @hash[ 'builtin' ] = YAML.load_file( config_builtin_file ) # todo/fix: merge config files # check more locations # check for user settings in working folder (check for slideshow.yml) config_user_file = "./slideshow.yml" if File.exists?( config_user_file ) puts "Loading settings from '#{config_user_file}'..." @hash[ 'user' ] = YAML.load_file( config_user_file ) end end def markdown_post_processing?( lib ) @hash.fetch( 'user', {} ).fetch( lib, {} ).fetch( 'post-processing', true ) end def known_rest_extnames @hash[ 'builtin' ][ 'rest' ][ 'extnames' ] end def known_textile_extnames # returns an array of known file extensions e.g. # [ '.textile', '.t' ] # # using nested key # textile: # extnames: [ .textile, .t ] @hash[ 'textile' ][ 'extnames' ] + @hash[ 'builtin' ][ 'textile' ][ 'extnames' ] end def known_markdown_extnames @hash[ 'markdown' ][ 'extnames' ] + @hash[ 'builtin' ][ 'markdown' ][ 'extnames' ] end def known_extnames # ruby check: is it better self. ?? or more confusing # possible conflict only with write access (e.g. prop=) known_textile_extnames + known_markdown_extnames + known_rest_extnames end def text_filters @hash[ 'builtin' ][ 'filters' ] + @hash[ 'filters' ] end def helper_renames @hash[ 'builtin' ][ 'helper' ][ 'renames' ] + @hash[ 'helper' ][ 'renames' ] end def helper_unparsed # use unparsed params (passed along a single string) @hash[ 'builtin' ][ 'helper' ][ 'unparsed' ] end def helper_exprs # allow expression as directives (no need for %end block) # by default directives are assumed statements (e.g. %mydir %end) @hash[ 'builtin' ][ 'helper' ][ 'exprs' ] + @hash[ 'helper' ][ 'exprs' ] end def google_analytics_code @hash[ 'analytics' ][ 'google' ] end def map_fetch_shortcut( key ) @hash[ 'fetch' ][ key ] end private def normalize_key( key ) # make key all lower case/downcase (e.g. Content-Type => content-type) # replace _ with - (e.g. gradient_color => gradient-color) # todo: replace space(s) with - ?? # todo: strip leading and trailing spaces - possible use case ?? '_', '-' ) end end # class Config end # module Slideshow