# simp-rake-helpers

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#### Table of Contents

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* [Overview](#overview)
  * [This gem is part of SIMP](#this-gem-is-part-of-simp)
  * [Features](#features)
* [Setup](#setup)
  * [Gemfile](#gemfile)
* [Usage](#usage)
  * [In a Puppet module](#in-a-puppet-module)
  * [Environment Variables](#environment-variables)
  * [In a Ruby Gem](#in-a-ruby-gem)
  * [Generating RPMs](#generating-rpms)
    * [RPM Changelog](#rpm-changelog)
    * [RPM Dependencies](#rpm-dependencies)
* [Reference](#reference)
  * [simp/rake/rpm](#simprakerpm)
    * [`rake pkg:rpm`](#rake-pkgrpm)
    * [`rake pkg:tar`](#rake-pkgtar)
* [Limitations](#limitations)
* [Development](#development)
  * [License](#license)
  * [History](#history)

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## Overview

The `simp-rake-helpers` gem provides common Rake tasks to support the SIMP build process.

### This gem is part of SIMP

This gem is part of (the build tooling for) the [System Integrity Management Platform](https://simp-project.com), a compliance-management framework built on [Puppet](https://puppetlabs.com/).

### Features

* Customizable RPM packaging based on a Puppet module's [`metadata.json`][metadata.json]
* RPM signing
* Rubygem packaging

## Setup

### Gemfile

# Variables:
# SIMP_GEM_SERVERS | a space/comma delimited list of rubygem servers
# PUPPET_VERSION   | specifies the version of the puppet gem to load
puppetversion = ENV.key?('PUPPET_VERSION') ? "#{ENV['PUPPET_VERSION']}" : '~>3'
gem_sources   = ENV.key?('SIMP_GEM_SERVERS') ? ENV['SIMP_GEM_SERVERS'].split(/[, ]+/) : ['https://rubygems.org']

gem_sources.each { |gem_source| source gem_source }

group :test do
  gem 'puppet', puppetversion
  gem 'beaker-rspec'
  gem 'vagrant-wrapper'

## Usage

### In a Puppet module

Within the project's Rakefile:

require 'simp/rake/pupmod/helpers'


### Environment Variables

Some environment variables have been added to help you work with different
types of testing scenarios and are documented below.

By default, only the modules found in the local `.fixtures.yml` file will be

  * Ignore the local `.fixtures.yml` and use the modules listed in the specified Puppetfile
  * Downloaded items that are not Puppet modules will be removed from the
    downloaded fixtures prior to testing
  * Set this to a valid URL to download a remote Puppetfile for use

  * Will ignore the local `.fixtures.yml` file and create one entirely of
    symlinks that point to the modules present at the specified path.
  * If specified with `SIMP_RSPEC_PUPPETFILE` then will use the
    matching modules from the target directory instead of downloading them.
    Modules not present in the target directory will still be downloaded.

  * Set to `yes` to ignore the local `.fixtures.yml` file
  * This will cause the generated file to include **all** modules from the
    Puppetfile or Module Path

### In a Ruby Gem

Within the project's Rakefile:

require 'simp/rake/rubygem'

# e.g., "simp-rake-helpers"
package = 'name-of-rubygem'
Simp::Rake::Rubygem.new(package, File.dirname(__FILE__)


To see the extra rake tasks:

bunde exec rake -T

### Generating RPMs

The task [`rake pkg:rpm`](#simprakerpm)) provides the ability to package an RPM
from *any* Puppet module (regardless of whether it is a SIMP module or not).
The only requirement is that the Puppet module MUST include a valid
[`metadata.json`][metadata.json] file with entries for `name`,
`version`, `license`, `summary`, and `source`.

[metadata.json]: https://docs.puppet.com/puppet/latest/reference/modules_metadata.html

The RPM package may be configured by other (optional) files under the project
directory .  The full list of files considered are:

├── metadata.json     # REQUIRED keys: name, version, license, summary, source
├── CHANGELOG         # OPTIONAL written in RPM's CHANGELOG format
└── build/            # OPTIONAL
    └── rpm_metadata/ # OPTIONAL
        ├── release   # OPTIONAL defines the RPM's "-<qualifier>" release qualifier
        ├── requires  # OPTIONAL supplementary 'Requires','Provides','Obsoletes'
        └── custom/   # OPTIONAL
          └── *       # OPTIONAL custom snippets in RPM .spec format

*NOTE*: The dependencies in `metadata.json` are *not* used to generate RPM

#### RPM Changelog

The RPM Changelog will be derived from a `CHANGELOG` file at the top
level of the project, if it exists.

  * The file is expected to conform to the [RPM Changelog][RPM CHANGELOG]
    format described in the Fedora packaging guidelines

  * The file MUST start with a well-formatted RPM changelog string, or it will
    be ignored.


        * Mon Nov 06 2017 Tom Smith <tom.smith@simp.com> - 3.8.0
        - Add feature x

    **Important:** Note the leading zero in "`Nov 05`".  It is a convention

    that is **required** by our CHANGELOG validation tasks.
  * The format is *not* fully checked before attempting to build the RPM―the
    RPM build will fail if the Changelog entries are not valid.

[RPM CHANGELOG]: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Packaging:Guidelines#Changelogs

#### RPM Dependencies

It is likely that you will want to declare your dependencies in your RPM. To do
this, create a `build/rpm_metadata` directory at the root of the project.
A `requires` file in the `build/rpm_metadata` directory will be
used to declare the dependencies of the RPM. A file named `release` in the
`build/rpm_metadata` directory will be used to declare the RPM release

The following directives may be declared in the `requires` file:
  * `Provides:`
  * `Requires:`
  * `Obsoletes:`

## Reference

### simp/rake/rpm

#### `rake pkg:rpm`

Packages the current SIMP project as an RPM

#### `rake pkg:tar`

Build the tar package for the current SIMP project

## Limitations

## Development

Please see the [SIMP Contribution Guidelines](https://simp-project.atlassian.net/wiki/display/SD/Contributing+to+SIMP).

### License


### History