[W@^u?p>CG;rBG3?@ \K.IAVIGHSFGGATVIQTLSEDQRFR.CX,;|$hX,Pk; k't|gi|4826884|ref|NP_005075.1| phospholipase A2, group VII (platelet-activating fiCX@^u?>FB,? \R.VALVPTMGNLHDGHMKLVDEAKAR.AX,;|$hX,Pk; k't|gi|1786325|gb|AAC73244.1| pantothenate synthetase [Escherichia coli K12], TZ@X{?H>aF#A$?AXK.YRQFHIHAQSAVLSDSAVMAMLK.QX,;|$hX,Pk; k't|gi|1790441|gb|AAC76981.1| orf, hypothetical protein [Escherichia coli K12]v1W@?z?>:4HTwB:0#?z D\K.GSQFGHSCCLRAKIDMSSNNGCMR.DX,;|$hX,Pk; k't|gi|4758294|ref|NP_004437.1| glutamyl-prolyl tRNA synthetase; glutamate tRNA lizY@W0?b~>ـG5AN"? TR.EAFLVNSDLTLRAQLTEFRDHK.LDX,;|$hX,Pk; k't|gi|5453830|ref|NP_006181.1| origin recognition complex, subunit 2-like; origin[SEQUEST] first_database_name = C:\Xcalibur\database\mixed_db_human_ecoli_7prot_unique.fasta second_database_name = peptide_mass_tolerance = 1.4000 peptide_mass_units = 0 ; 0=amu, 1=mmu, 2=ppm ion_series = 0 1 1 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 fragment_ion_tolerance = 1.0000 ; for trap data leave at 1.0, for accurate mass data use values < 1.0 num_output_lines = 10 ; # peptide results to show num_results = 250 ; # results to store num_description_lines = 5 ; # full protein descriptions to show for top N peptides show_fragment_ions = 0 ; 0=no, 1=yes print_duplicate_references = 40 ; number of duplicate references reported enzyme_info = Trypsin(KR/P) 1 1 KR P max_num_differential_per_peptide = 1 ; max # of diff. mod in a peptide diff_search_options = 0.000000 S 0.000000 C 0.000000 M 0.000000 X 0.000000 T 0.000000 Y term_diff_search_options = 0.000000 0.000000 nucleotide_reading_frame = 0 ; 0=protein db, 1-6, 7 = forward three, 8-reverse three, 9=all six mass_type_parent = 0 ; 0=average masses, 1=monoisotopic masses mass_type_fragment = 0 ; 0=average masses, 1=monoisotopic masses normalize_xcorr = 0 ; use normalized xcorr values in the out file remove_precursor_peak = 0 ; 0=no, 1=yes ion_cutoff_percentage = 0.0000 ; prelim. score cutoff % as a decimal number i.e. 0.30 for 30% max_num_internal_cleavage_sites = 2 ; maximum value is 12 protein_mass_filter = 0 0 ; enter protein mass min & max value ( 0 for both = unused) match_peak_count = 0 ; number of auto-detected peaks to try matching (max 5) match_peak_allowed_error = 1 ; number of allowed errors in matching auto-detected peaks match_peak_tolerance = 1.0000 ; mass tolerance for matching auto-detected peaks partial_sequence = sequence_header_filter = digest_mass_range = 600.0 3500.0 add_Cterm_peptide = 0.0000 ; added to each peptide C-terminus add_Cterm_protein = 0.0000 ; added to each protein C-terminus add_Nterm_peptide = 0.0000 ; added to each peptide N-terminus add_Nterm_protein = 0.0000 ; added to each protein N-terminus add_G_Glycine = 0.0000 ; added to G add_A_Alanine = 0.0000 ; added to A add_S_Serine = 0.0000 ; added to S add_P_Proline = 0.0000 ; added to P add_V_Valine = 0.0000 ; added to V add_T_Threonine = 0.0000 ; added to T add_C_Cysteine = 0.0000 ; added to C add_L_Leucine = 0.0000 ; added to L add_I_Isoleucine = 0.0000 ; added to I add_X_LorI = 0.0000 ; added to X add_N_Asparagine = 0.0000 ; added to N add_O_Ornithine = 0.0000 ; added to O add_B_avg_NandD = 0.0000 ; added to B add_D_Aspartic_Acid = 0.0000 ; added to D add_Q_Glutamine = 0.0000 ; added to Q add_K_Lysine = 0.0000 ; added to K add_Z_avg_QandE = 0.0000 ; added to Z add_E_Glutamic_Acid = 0.0000 ; added to E add_M_Methionine = 0.0000 ; added to M add_H_Histidine = 0.0000 ; added to H add_F_Phenylalanine = 0.0000 ; added to F add_R_Arginine = 0.0000 ; added to R add_Y_Tyrosine = 0.0000 ; added to Y add_W_Tryptophan = 0.0000 ; added to W add_J_user_amino_acid = 0.0000 ; added to J add_U_user_amino_acid = 0.0000 ; added to U `gmg<4ng{gD|gg,g ggLg,g g dgDg ",g gT$tgl'Tg*4hh\-h(h/\)h1<6hChT4DhQh7Sh`h:ahd>nhl{h A{h!#Jhh!#T4hh$& [lhLh''\^h))ahth**dhh,,ghh--k$h--oi//Dsi i004vt!i00$yT.i4;i22l|EidRi33Ri33_i|li55liyi66,t|iTi88ii88>,i??iAAiAA| j\jBB4j*jDDd+jDDԻD8j$EjEE,FjEED SjGG_jGGljyjHHzjHHjējJJ̔jJJjjKK$qJqlLKq4 ,Xq eqqqDrq$$qqqĥq!$q#qq%q(tqTq+qq,qtq|-$qt/rrl1r|r9!r.rLB/rF;rHrJJrtWrKWrdrLerqrQsrV|r\rZr\_r,btrTrdrrDgrritrTrmrr,r$uuA\uC>gx>>yGIdEyJJdDRy$_yJJ,`yLLT myLLyy̆yMOt|yPPd\yd,@k MtrYfLw$g$|t䀁L,̄lԉĴ܎Ē΁dہDL4<lLܱ, +,,8 ER  Sl_ly|D$\d<͂΂ۂ ܂,D$ | 4 -  l-L: :G