Stella Tools - Management and reporting tools for performance testing Release: 0.5.1 (2008-12-23) == Prerequisites * Linux, *BSD, Solaris * Ruby 1.8.x or 1.9.x * Ruby Libraries * * One of: * Apache Bench * Siege * Httperf == Installation Get it in one of the following ways: * GitHub: * RubyForge: * gem install stella Use ab, siege, and httperf like you normally would with the addition of stella at the beginning (examples are below). == Examples # Run Apache Bench with a warmup and rampup from 100 to 300 virtual users in increments of 25 stella --warmup=0.5 --rampup=25,300 ab -c 100 -n 10000 # Run Siege, repeat the test 5 times. Automatically creates a summary averages and standard deviations. stella --datapath=./stella --testruns=5 siege -c 100 -r 100 -b == Sample Output $ stella -f csv -x 5 -w -m "httpd 2.2.9-prefork" siege -c 125 -r 100 -b http://stella:5600/ Writing test data to: ./stella/testruns/2008-12-23/test-006 Warmup: 125@12 1.1700s 102.56/s 0.1100s (100.00%) . Run 01: 1250@125 3.4800s 359.20/s 0.3200s (100.00%) Run 02: 1250@125 3.4400s 363.37/s 0.3200s (100.00%) Run 03: 1250@125 5.0000s 250.00/s 0.4700s (100.00%) Run 04: 1250@125 3.3300s 375.38/s 0.3100s (100.00%) Run 05: 1250@125 3.4100s 366.57/s 0.3100s (100.00%) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Std Dev: 0.6359s 46.76/s 0.0622s Total: 6250@116 18.6600s 342.90/s 0.3460s (100.00%) All test data is collected under ./stella (this can be changed with the parameter --datapath): $ ls -l ./stella/testruns/2008-12-23/ test-001 test-002 test-003 test-004 test-005 test-006 A symbolic link points to the most recent test: $ ls -l ./stella/latest/ ID.txt MESSAGE.txt SUMMARY.csv run01 run02 run03 run04 run05 warmup Each run directory contains all associated data, including the command and configuration $ ls -l ./stella/latest/run01/ COMMAND.txt STDOUT.txt siege.log STDERR.txt SUMMARY.csv siegerc == Report an issue Email issues and bugs to == More Information == License See LICENSE.txt