# This file is part of EC2 on Rails. # http://rubyforge.org/projects/ec2onrails/ # # Copyright 2007 Paul Dowman, http://pauldowman.com/ # # EC2 on Rails is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # EC2 on Rails is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # This script is meant to be run by build-ec2onrails.sh, which is run by # Eric Hammond's Ubuntu build script: http://alestic.com/ # e.g.: # bash /mnt/ec2ubuntu-build-ami --script /mnt/ec2onrails/server/build-ec2onrails.sh ... require "rake/clean" require 'yaml' require 'erb' require "#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/../lib/ec2onrails/version" if `whoami`.strip != 'root' raise "Sorry, this buildfile must be run as root." end @packages = %w( adduser apache2 aptitude bison ca-certificates cron curl flex gcc git-core irb less libdbm-ruby libgdbm-ruby libmysql-ruby libopenssl-ruby libreadline-ruby libruby libssl-dev libyaml-ruby libzlib-ruby logrotate make mailx memcached mysql-client mysql-server nano openssh-server postfix rdoc ri rsync ruby ruby1.8-dev subversion unzip vim wget xfsprogs ) # HACK: some packages just fail with apt-get but work fine # with aptitude. These generally are virtual packages @aptitude_packages = %w( libmysqlclient-dev ) # NOTE: the amazon-ec2 gem is now at github, maintained by # grempe-amazon-ec2. Will move back to regular amazon-ec2 # gem if/when he cuts a new release with volume and snapshot # support included @rubygems = [ "grempe-amazon-ec2", "aws-s3", "memcache-client", "mongrel", "mongrel_cluster", "optiflag", "rails -v 2.2.2", "rails -v 2.0.2", "rake", "archive-tar-minitar" ] @build_root = "/mnt/build" @fs_dir = "#{@build_root}/ubuntu" @version = [Ec2onrails::VERSION::MAJOR, Ec2onrails::VERSION::MINOR, Ec2onrails::VERSION::TINY].join('.') task :default => :configure desc "Removes all build files" task :clean_all do |t| rm_rf @build_root end desc "Use apt-get to install required packages inside the image's filesystem" task :install_packages do |t| unless_completed(t) do ENV['DEBIAN_FRONTEND'] = 'noninteractive' ENV['LANG'] = '' run_chroot "apt-get install -y #{@packages.join(' ')}" run_chroot "apt-get clean" #lets run the aptitude-only packages run_chroot "aptitude install -y #{@aptitude_packages.join(' ')}" run_chroot "aptitude clean" end end desc "Install required ruby gems inside the image's filesystem" task :install_gems => [:install_packages] do |t| unless_completed(t) do run_chroot "sh -c 'cd /tmp && wget -q http://rubyforge.org/frs/download.php/55066/rubygems-1.3.2.tgz && tar zxf rubygems-1.3.2.tgz'" run_chroot "sh -c 'cd /tmp/rubygems-1.3.2 && ruby setup.rb'" run_chroot "ln -sf /usr/bin/gem1.8 /usr/bin/gem" run_chroot "gem update --system --no-rdoc --no-ri" run_chroot "gem update --no-rdoc --no-ri" run_chroot "gem sources -a http://gems.github.com" @rubygems.each do |gem| run_chroot "gem install #{gem} --no-rdoc --no-ri" end end end desc "Compile and install monit" task :install_monit => [:install_packages] do |t| unless_completed(t) do run_chroot "sh -c 'cd /tmp && wget -q http://www.tildeslash.com/monit/dist/monit-4.10.1.tar.gz'" run_chroot "sh -c 'cd /tmp && tar xzvf monit-4.10.1.tar.gz'" run_chroot "sh -c 'cd /tmp/monit-4.10.1 && ./configure --sysconfdir=/etc/monit/ --localstatedir=/var/run && make && make install'" end end desc "Configure the image" task :configure => [:install_gems, :install_monit] do |t| unless_completed(t) do sh("cp -r files/* #{@fs_dir}") sh("find #{@fs_dir} -type d -name .svn | xargs rm -rf") replace("#{@fs_dir}/etc/motd.tail", /!!VERSION!!/, "Version #{@version}") run_chroot "a2enmod deflate" run_chroot "a2enmod proxy_balancer" run_chroot "a2enmod proxy_http" run_chroot "a2enmod rewrite" run_chroot "/usr/sbin/adduser --gecos ',,,' --disabled-password app" run_chroot "/usr/sbin/adduser --gecos ',,,' --disabled-password admin" run_chroot "/usr/sbin/adduser admin adm" run_chroot "/usr/sbin/addgroup sudoers" run "echo '. /usr/local/ec2onrails/config' >> #{@fs_dir}/root/.bashrc" run "echo '. /usr/local/ec2onrails/config' >> #{@fs_dir}/home/app/.bashrc" run "echo '. /usr/local/ec2onrails/config' >> #{@fs_dir}/home/admin/.bashrc" %w(apache2 mysql auth.log daemon.log kern.log mail.err mail.info mail.log mail.warn syslog user.log).each do |f| rm_rf "#{@fs_dir}/var/log/#{f}" run_chroot "ln -sf /mnt/log/#{f} /var/log/#{f}" end run "touch #{@fs_dir}/ec2onrails-first-boot" # TODO find out the most correct solution here, there seems to be a bug in # both feisty and gutsy where the dhcp daemon runs as dhcp but the dir # that it tries to write to is owned by root and not writable by others. run_chroot "chown -R dhcp /var/lib/dhcp3" end end desc "This task is for deploying the contents of /files to a running server image to test config file changes without rebuilding." task :deploy_files do |t| raise "need 'key' and 'host' env vars defined" unless ENV['key'] && ENV['host'] run "rsync -rlvzcC --rsh='ssh -l root -i #{ENV['key']}' files/ #{ENV['host']}:/" end ################## # Execute a given block and touch a stampfile. The block won't be run if the stampfile exists. def unless_completed(task, &proc) stampfile = "#{@build_root}/#{task.name}.completed" unless File.exists?(stampfile) yield touch stampfile end end def run_chroot(command, ignore_error = false) run "chroot '#{@fs_dir}' #{command}", ignore_error end def run(command, ignore_error = false) puts "*** #{command}" result = system command raise("error: #{$?}") unless result || ignore_error end # def mount(type, mount_point) # unless mounted?(mount_point) # puts # puts "********** Mounting #{type} on #{mount_point}..." # puts # run "mount -t #{type} none #{mount_point}" # end # end # # def mounted?(mount_point) # mount_point_regex = mount_point.gsub(/\//, "\\/") # `mount`.select {|line| line.match(/#{mount_point_regex}/) }.any? # end def replace_line(file, newline, linenum) contents = File.open(file, 'r').readlines contents[linenum - 1] = newline File.open(file, 'w') do |f| contents.each {|line| f << line} end end def replace(file, pattern, text) contents = File.open(file, 'r').readlines contents.each do |line| line.gsub!(pattern, text) end File.open(file, 'w') do |f| contents.each {|line| f << line} end end