* jQuery scrollintoview() plugin and :scrollable selector filter
* Version 1.8 (14 Jul 2011)
* Requires jQuery 1.4 or newer
* Copyright (c) 2011 Robert Koritnik
* Licensed under the terms of the MIT license
* http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
(function ($) {
var converter = {
vertical: { x: false, y: true },
horizontal: { x: true, y: false },
both: { x: true, y: true },
x: { x: true, y: false },
y: { x: false, y: true }
var settings = {
duration: "fast",
direction: "both"
var rootrx = /^(?:html)$/i;
// gets border dimensions
var borders = function (domElement, styles) {
styles = styles || (document.defaultView && document.defaultView.getComputedStyle ? document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(domElement, null) : domElement.currentStyle);
var px = document.defaultView && document.defaultView.getComputedStyle ? true : false;
var b = {
top: (parseFloat(px ? styles.borderTopWidth : $.css(domElement, "borderTopWidth")) || 0),
left: (parseFloat(px ? styles.borderLeftWidth : $.css(domElement, "borderLeftWidth")) || 0),
bottom: (parseFloat(px ? styles.borderBottomWidth : $.css(domElement, "borderBottomWidth")) || 0),
right: (parseFloat(px ? styles.borderRightWidth : $.css(domElement, "borderRightWidth")) || 0)
return {
top: b.top,
left: b.left,
bottom: b.bottom,
right: b.right,
vertical: b.top + b.bottom,
horizontal: b.left + b.right
var dimensions = function ($element) {
var win = $(window);
var isRoot = rootrx.test($element[0].nodeName);
return {
border: isRoot ? { top: 0, left: 0, bottom: 0, right: 0} : borders($element[0]),
scroll: {
top: (isRoot ? win : $element).scrollTop(),
left: (isRoot ? win : $element).scrollLeft()
scrollbar: {
right: isRoot ? 0 : $element.innerWidth() - $element[0].clientWidth,
bottom: isRoot ? 0 : $element.innerHeight() - $element[0].clientHeight
rect: (function () {
var r = $element[0].getBoundingClientRect();
return {
top: isRoot ? 0 : r.top,
left: isRoot ? 0 : r.left,
bottom: isRoot ? $element[0].clientHeight : r.bottom,
right: isRoot ? $element[0].clientWidth : r.right
scrollintoview: function (options) {
/// Scrolls the first element in the set into view by scrolling its closest scrollable parent.
/// Additional options that can configure scrolling:
/// duration (default: "fast") - jQuery animation speed (can be a duration string or number of milliseconds)
/// direction (default: "both") - select possible scrollings ("vertical" or "y", "horizontal" or "x", "both")
/// complete (default: none) - a function to call when scrolling completes (called in context of the DOM element being scrolled)
/// Returns the same jQuery set that this function was run on.
options = $.extend({}, settings, options);
options.direction = converter[typeof (options.direction) === "string" && options.direction.toLowerCase()] || converter.both;
var dirStr = "";
if (options.direction.x === true) dirStr = "horizontal";
if (options.direction.y === true) dirStr = dirStr ? "both" : "vertical";
var el = this.eq(0);
var scroller = el.closest(":scrollable(" + dirStr + ")");
// check if there's anything to scroll in the first place
if (scroller.length > 0)
scroller = scroller.eq(0);
var dim = {
e: dimensions(el),
s: dimensions(scroller)
var rel = {
top: dim.e.rect.top - (dim.s.rect.top + dim.s.border.top),
bottom: dim.s.rect.bottom - dim.s.border.bottom - dim.s.scrollbar.bottom - dim.e.rect.bottom,
left: dim.e.rect.left - (dim.s.rect.left + dim.s.border.left),
right: dim.s.rect.right - dim.s.border.right - dim.s.scrollbar.right - dim.e.rect.right
var animOptions = {};
// vertical scroll
if (options.direction.y === true)
if (rel.top < 0)
animOptions.scrollTop = dim.s.scroll.top + rel.top;
else if (rel.top > 0 && rel.bottom < 0)
animOptions.scrollTop = dim.s.scroll.top + Math.min(rel.top, -rel.bottom);
// horizontal scroll
if (options.direction.x === true)
if (rel.left < 0)
animOptions.scrollLeft = dim.s.scroll.left + rel.left;
else if (rel.left > 0 && rel.right < 0)
animOptions.scrollLeft = dim.s.scroll.left + Math.min(rel.left, -rel.right);
// scroll if needed
if (!$.isEmptyObject(animOptions))
if (rootrx.test(scroller[0].nodeName))
scroller = $("html,body");
.animate(animOptions, options.duration)
.eq(0) // we want function to be called just once (ref. "html,body")
.queue(function (next) {
$.isFunction(options.complete) && options.complete.call(scroller[0]);
// when there's nothing to scroll, just call the "complete" function
$.isFunction(options.complete) && options.complete.call(scroller[0]);
// return set back
return this;
var scrollValue = {
auto: true,
scroll: true,
visible: false,
hidden: false
function scrollable(element, index, direction, stack) {
var styles = (document.defaultView && document.defaultView.getComputedStyle ? document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(element, null) : element.currentStyle);
var overflow = {
x: scrollValue[styles.overflowX.toLowerCase()] || false,
y: scrollValue[styles.overflowY.toLowerCase()] || false,
isRoot: rootrx.test(element.nodeName)
// check if completely unscrollable (exclude HTML element because it's special)
if (!overflow.x && !overflow.y && !overflow.isRoot)
return false;
var size = {
height: {
scroll: element.scrollHeight,
client: element.clientHeight
width: {
scroll: element.scrollWidth,
client: element.clientWidth
// check overflow.x/y because iPad (and possibly other tablets) don't dislay scrollbars
scrollableX: function () {
return (overflow.x || overflow.isRoot) && this.width.scroll > this.width.client;
scrollableY: function () {
return (overflow.y || overflow.isRoot) && this.height.scroll > this.height.client;
return direction.y && size.scrollableY() || direction.x && size.scrollableX();
$.expr[':'].scrollable = $.expr.createPseudo ?
$.expr.createPseudo(function( meta ) {
var direction = converter[typeof (meta) === "string" && meta.toLowerCase()] || converter.both;
return function( elem) {
return scrollable( elem, 0, direction);
}) :
function(element, index, meta, stack) {
var direction = converter[typeof (meta[3]) === "string" && meta[3].toLowerCase()] || converter.both;
return scrollable(element, index, direction, stack);