= within_patient_layout(title: "Demographics") do .row .large-12.columns = render "renalware/shared/errors", model: @patient = simple_form_for @patient, url: patient_death_path(@patient), html: { autocomplete: "off" }, wrapper: "horizontal_form" do |f| .row .large-12.columns fieldset legend Cause of Death .large-9.columns = f.input :died_on, as: :date_picker, label: "Date of Death" = f.association :first_cause, label: "Cause of Death (1)", label_method: :description, value_method: :id, include_blank: "Select 1st cause of death" = f.association :second_cause, label: "Cause of Death (2)", label_method: :description, value_method: :id, include_blank: "Select 2nd cause of death" = f.input :death_notes, label: "Notes", as: :text, input_html: { rows: 5 } .row .large-12.columns = f.button :submit span= " or " = link_to "cancel", patient_clinical_profile_path(@patient)