opal_filter "Array" do fails "Array#* with a string with a tainted separator does not taint the result if the array has only one element" fails "Array#* with a string with a tainted separator does not taint the result if the array is empty" fails "Array#* with a string with a tainted separator taints the result if the array has two or more elements" fails "Array#* with a string with an untrusted separator does not untrust the result if the array has only one element" fails "Array#* with a string with an untrusted separator does not untrust the result if the array is empty" fails "Array#* with a string with an untrusted separator untrusts the result if the array has two or more elements" fails "Array#* with an integer copies the taint status of the original array even if the array is empty" fails "Array#* with an integer copies the taint status of the original array even if the passed count is 0" fails "Array#* with an integer copies the taint status of the original array if the passed count is not 0" fails "Array#* with an integer copies the untrusted status of the original array even if the array is empty" fails "Array#* with an integer copies the untrusted status of the original array even if the passed count is 0" fails "Array#* with an integer copies the untrusted status of the original array if the passed count is not 0" fails "Array#+ does not get infected even if an original array is tainted" fails "Array#+ does not infected even if an original array is untrusted" fails "Array#<< raises a RuntimeError on a frozen array" fails "Array#[] raises a RangeError when the length is out of range of Fixnum" fails "Array#[] raises a RangeError when the start index is out of range of Fixnum" fails "Array#[]= checks frozen before attempting to coerce arguments" fails "Array#[]= raises a RuntimeError on a frozen array" fails "Array#clear keeps tainted status" fails "Array#clear keeps untrusted status" fails "Array#clear raises a RuntimeError on a frozen array" fails "Array#clone copies frozen status from the original" fails "Array#clone copies taint status from the original" fails "Array#clone copies untrusted status from the original" fails "Array#collect does not copy tainted status" fails "Array#collect does not copy untrusted status" fails "Array#collect! keeps tainted status" fails "Array#collect! keeps untrusted status" fails "Array#collect! when frozen raises a RuntimeError when calling #each on the returned Enumerator when empty" fails "Array#collect! when frozen raises a RuntimeError when calling #each on the returned Enumerator" fails "Array#collect! when frozen raises a RuntimeError when empty" fails "Array#collect! when frozen raises a RuntimeError" fails "Array#compact does not keep tainted status even if all elements are removed" fails "Array#compact does not keep untrusted status even if all elements are removed" fails "Array#compact! keeps tainted status even if all elements are removed" fails "Array#compact! keeps untrusted status even if all elements are removed" fails "Array#compact! raises a RuntimeError on a frozen array" fails "Array#concat is not infected by the other" fails "Array#concat is not infected untrustedness by the other" fails "Array#concat keeps tainted status" fails "Array#concat keeps the tainted status of elements" fails "Array#concat keeps the untrusted status of elements" fails "Array#concat keeps untrusted status" fails "Array#concat raises a RuntimeError when Array is frozen and modification occurs" fails "Array#concat raises a RuntimeError when Array is frozen and no modification occurs" fails "Array#delete keeps tainted status" fails "Array#delete keeps untrusted status" fails "Array#delete raises a RuntimeError on a frozen array" fails "Array#delete_at keeps tainted status" fails "Array#delete_at keeps untrusted status" fails "Array#delete_at raises a RuntimeError on a frozen array" fails "Array#delete_if keeps tainted status" fails "Array#delete_if keeps untrusted status" fails "Array#delete_if raises a RuntimeError on a frozen array" fails "Array#delete_if raises a RuntimeError on an empty frozen array" fails "Array#delete_if returns an Enumerator if no block given, and the array is frozen" fails "Array#dup copies taint status from the original" fails "Array#dup copies untrusted status from the original" fails "Array#eql? returns false if any corresponding elements are not #eql?" fails "Array#fill does not replicate the filler" fails "Array#fill raises a RuntimeError on a frozen array" fails "Array#fill raises a RuntimeError on an empty frozen array" fails "Array#fill with (filler, index, length) raises an ArgumentError or RangeError for too-large sizes" fails "Array#first raises a RangeError when count is a Bignum" fails "Array#flatten returns a tainted array if self is tainted" fails "Array#flatten returns an untrusted array if self is untrusted" fails "Array#flatten! raises a RuntimeError on frozen arrays when the array is modified" fails "Array#flatten! raises a RuntimeError on frozen arrays when the array would not be modified" fails "Array#frozen? returns false for an array being sorted by #sort" fails "Array#frozen? returns true if array is frozen" fails "Array#hash returns the same fixnum for arrays with the same content" fails "Array#initialize is private" fails "Array#initialize raises a RuntimeError on frozen arrays" fails "Array#initialize_copy is private" fails "Array#initialize_copy raises a RuntimeError on a frozen array" fails "Array#insert raises a RuntimeError on frozen arrays when the array is modified" fails "Array#insert raises a RuntimeError on frozen arrays when the array would not be modified" fails "Array#inspect does not taint the result if the Array is tainted but empty" fails "Array#inspect does not untrust the result if the Array is untrusted but empty" fails "Array#inspect raises if inspected result is not default external encoding" fails "Array#inspect represents a recursive element with '[...]'" fails "Array#inspect returns a US-ASCII string for an empty Array" fails "Array#inspect taints the result if an element is tainted" fails "Array#inspect taints the result if the Array is non-empty and tainted" fails "Array#inspect untrusts the result if an element is untrusted" fails "Array#inspect untrusts the result if the Array is untrusted" fails "Array#inspect use US-ASCII encoding if the default external encoding is not ascii compatible" fails "Array#inspect use the default external encoding if it is ascii compatible" fails "Array#inspect with encoding raises if inspected result is not default external encoding" fails "Array#inspect with encoding returns a US-ASCII string for an empty Array" fails "Array#inspect with encoding use US-ASCII encoding if the default external encoding is not ascii compatible" fails "Array#inspect with encoding use the default external encoding if it is ascii compatible" fails "Array#join does not taint the result if the Array is tainted but empty" fails "Array#join does not untrust the result if the Array is untrusted but empty" fails "Array#join fails for arrays with incompatibly-encoded strings" fails "Array#join returns a US-ASCII string for an empty Array" fails "Array#join taints the result if the Array is tainted and non-empty" fails "Array#join taints the result if the result of coercing an element is tainted" fails "Array#join untrusts the result if the Array is untrusted and non-empty" fails "Array#join untrusts the result if the result of coercing an element is untrusted" fails "Array#join uses the first encoding when other strings are compatible" fails "Array#join uses the widest common encoding when other strings are incompatible" fails "Array#join with a tainted separator does not taint the result if the array has only one element" fails "Array#join with a tainted separator does not taint the result if the array is empty" fails "Array#join with a tainted separator taints the result if the array has two or more elements" fails "Array#join with an untrusted separator does not untrust the result if the array has only one element" fails "Array#join with an untrusted separator does not untrust the result if the array is empty" fails "Array#join with an untrusted separator untrusts the result if the array has two or more elements" fails "Array#keep_if on frozen objects returns an Enumerator if no block is given" fails "Array#keep_if on frozen objects with falsy block keeps elements after any exception" fails "Array#keep_if on frozen objects with falsy block raises a RuntimeError" fails "Array#keep_if on frozen objects with truthy block keeps elements after any exception" fails "Array#keep_if on frozen objects with truthy block raises a RuntimeError" fails "Array#map does not copy tainted status" fails "Array#map does not copy untrusted status" fails "Array#map! keeps tainted status" fails "Array#map! keeps untrusted status" fails "Array#map! when frozen raises a RuntimeError when calling #each on the returned Enumerator when empty" fails "Array#map! when frozen raises a RuntimeError when calling #each on the returned Enumerator" fails "Array#map! when frozen raises a RuntimeError when empty" fails "Array#map! when frozen raises a RuntimeError" fails "Array#pop keeps taint status" fails "Array#pop keeps untrusted status" fails "Array#pop passed a number n as an argument keeps taint status" fails "Array#pop passed a number n as an argument keeps untrusted status" fails "Array#pop passed a number n as an argument raises a RuntimeError on a frozen array" fails "Array#pop passed a number n as an argument returns a trusted array even if the array is untrusted" fails "Array#pop passed a number n as an argument returns an untainted array even if the array is tainted" fails "Array#pop raises a RuntimeError on a frozen array" fails "Array#pop raises a RuntimeError on an empty frozen array" fails "Array#push raises a RuntimeError on a frozen array" fails "Array#reject! raises a RuntimeError on a frozen array" fails "Array#reject! raises a RuntimeError on an empty frozen array" fails "Array#reject! returns an Enumerator if no block given, and the array is frozen" fails "Array#replace raises a RuntimeError on a frozen array" fails "Array#reverse! raises a RuntimeError on a frozen array" fails "Array#select! on frozen objects with falsy block keeps elements after any exception" fails "Array#select! on frozen objects with falsy block raises a RuntimeError" fails "Array#select! on frozen objects with truthy block keeps elements after any exception" fails "Array#select! on frozen objects with truthy block raises a RuntimeError" fails "Array#shift passed a number n as an argument keeps taint status" fails "Array#shift passed a number n as an argument returns an untainted array even if the array is tainted" fails "Array#shift raises a RuntimeError on a frozen array" fails "Array#shift raises a RuntimeError on an empty frozen array" fails "Array#shuffle uses default random generator" fails "Array#shuffle uses given random generator" fails "Array#shuffle! raises a RuntimeError on a frozen array" fails "Array#slice raises a RangeError when the length is out of range of Fixnum" fails "Array#slice raises a RangeError when the start index is out of range of Fixnum" fails "Array#slice! raises a RuntimeError on a frozen array" fails "Array#sort! raises a RuntimeError on a frozen array" fails "Array#to_s does not taint the result if the Array is tainted but empty" fails "Array#to_s does not untrust the result if the Array is untrusted but empty" fails "Array#to_s raises if inspected result is not default external encoding" fails "Array#to_s represents a recursive element with '[...]'" fails "Array#to_s returns a US-ASCII string for an empty Array" fails "Array#to_s taints the result if an element is tainted" fails "Array#to_s taints the result if the Array is non-empty and tainted" fails "Array#to_s untrusts the result if an element is untrusted" fails "Array#to_s untrusts the result if the Array is untrusted" fails "Array#to_s use US-ASCII encoding if the default external encoding is not ascii compatible" fails "Array#to_s use the default external encoding if it is ascii compatible" fails "Array#to_s with encoding raises if inspected result is not default external encoding" fails "Array#to_s with encoding returns a US-ASCII string for an empty Array" fails "Array#to_s with encoding use US-ASCII encoding if the default external encoding is not ascii compatible" fails "Array#to_s with encoding use the default external encoding if it is ascii compatible" fails "Array#uniq compares elements with matching hash codes with #eql?" #RubySpec uses taint, which is not supported on Opal. fails "Array#uniq uses eql? semantics" #RubySpec expects 1.0 and 1 to be seen as different, which is not supported on Opal. fails "Array#uniq! doesn't yield to the block on a frozen array" fails "Array#uniq! raises a RuntimeError on a frozen array when the array is modified" fails "Array#uniq! raises a RuntimeError on a frozen array when the array would not be modified" fails "Array#unshift raises a RuntimeError on a frozen array when the array is modified" fails "Array#unshift raises a RuntimeError on a frozen array when the array would not be modified" end