Sequel.migration do up do # These views find the latest triggered webhook for each webhook/consumer/provider # by finding the latest execution date for each webhook # then taking the row with the max ID in case there there are two # triggered webhooks for the same UUID and same creation date # Not sure if this is strictly necessary to do the extra step, but better to be # safe than sorry. # I probably could just take the max ID for each webhook/consumer/provider, but # something in my head says that # relying on the primary key for order is not a good idea, even though # according to the SQL it should be fine. create_or_replace_view(:latest_triggered_webhook_creation_dates, "select webhook_uuid, consumer_id, provider_id, max(created_at) as latest_triggered_webhook_created_at from triggered_webhooks group by webhook_uuid, consumer_id, provider_id" ) # Ignore ltwcd.latest_triggered_webhook_created_at, it's there because postgres doesn't allow you to modify # the names and types of columns in a view create_or_replace_view(:latest_triggered_webhook_ids, "select tw.webhook_uuid, tw.consumer_id, tw.provider_id, ltwcd.latest_triggered_webhook_created_at, max( as latest_triggered_webhook_id from latest_triggered_webhook_creation_dates ltwcd inner join triggered_webhooks tw on tw.consumer_id = ltwcd.consumer_id and tw.provider_id = ltwcd.provider_id and tw.webhook_uuid = ltwcd.webhook_uuid and tw.created_at = ltwcd.latest_triggered_webhook_created_at group by tw.webhook_uuid, tw.consumer_id, tw.provider_id, ltwcd.latest_triggered_webhook_created_at" ) create_or_replace_view(:latest_triggered_webhooks, "select tw.* from triggered_webhooks tw inner join latest_triggered_webhook_ids ltwi on tw.consumer_id = ltwi.consumer_id and tw.provider_id = ltwi.provider_id and tw.webhook_uuid = ltwi.webhook_uuid and = ltwi.latest_triggered_webhook_id" ) end down do create_or_replace_view(:latest_triggered_webhook_ids, "select webhook_uuid, consumer_id, provider_id, max(created_at) as latest_triggered_webhook_created_at from triggered_webhooks group by webhook_uuid, consumer_id, provider_id" ) create_or_replace_view(:latest_triggered_webhooks, "select tw.* from triggered_webhooks tw inner join latest_triggered_webhook_ids ltwi on tw.consumer_id = ltwi.consumer_id and tw.provider_id = ltwi.provider_id and tw.webhook_uuid = ltwi.webhook_uuid and tw.created_at = ltwi.latest_triggered_webhook_created_at" ) drop_view(:latest_triggered_webhook_creation_dates) end end